Steam ID
- STEAM_0:0:424215960
Discord name:
- tesco_meal_deal#3848
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- I started playing SCP RP around august 2022, meaning I've been playing around on the server for more than 2 years
- 17
In what country are you located?:
- UK
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Jesse Soul / (Sometimes a code name as 'Jester')
Civilian name:
- Jesse Soul
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
- UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Whitelisted Roles
( Holding Nothing )
Executive researcher (Held) x4
UNGOC 'Jester' LT [656 Lead] (Held)
E-11 Lcpr (held) x3
Nu7 Spec (Held) x2
MTF O-1 Pvt (Held)
Ethics Committee Assistant (Held)
Licenced doctor
Heavy weapons licence
RRT licence
Sniper licence
Driving licence
Armoured Vehicles licence
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-7- total warn {Checked}
FailRP [x2] warn
RDM [x3] warn
ERP [x2] warn
- STEAM_0:0:424215960
Discord name:
- tesco_meal_deal#3848
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- I started playing SCP RP around august 2022, meaning I've been playing around on the server for more than 2 years
- 17
In what country are you located?:
- UK
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Jesse Soul / (Sometimes a code name as 'Jester')
Civilian name:
- Jesse Soul
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
- UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Whitelisted Roles
( Holding Nothing )
Executive researcher (Held) x4
UNGOC 'Jester' LT [656 Lead] (Held)
E-11 Lcpr (held) x3
Nu7 Spec (Held) x2
MTF O-1 Pvt (Held)
Ethics Committee Assistant (Held)
Licenced doctor
Heavy weapons licence
RRT licence
Sniper licence
Driving licence
Armoured Vehicles licence
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-7- total warn {Checked}
FailRP [x2] warn
RDM [x3] warn
ERP [x2] warn

<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
[Guess who's back, back again]
Hello, I'm applying for the role as executive researcher Jesse Soul. Due to my own interest in the department again, recently after a long break from site-65. I have decided to return with more open eyes and more depth in the idea creativity and creation of roleplay within the research department. This means that I want to rejoin the department with the fact that, I want to have a new goal in creation within the research department towards something in a higher volume. This means I want to have the ability to create more extensive research within the department as an executive researcher as well as the ability to create new executive researchers by teaching and guiding the lower research department members, such as junior researchers guiding the knowledge needed if they want to become an executive in the future. I also believe that I have a deep passion within the research department, which is why I have decided to return to try and help researchers within department as well as create more expansive creation of ideas and documentation within the researchers. Giving them the ability for the research department to have new researchers who have the same passion as I do.
I believe I also have my own strong sense of skills within research as well as beforehand to now. As i managed to create extensive documentation to impress those within the research department and guide them into completing documentation in the same level as my own. I also have skills within the department towards the creation of presentations, documentations, projects as well as other ideas in order to create extensive roleplay within the department. With these extensive skills for teaching and research within the department is why I want to apply to research once again. As I believe these skills can create benefits within the executive team currently in place and to strengthen their already effective work within the department, moving a boost of availability for executive researchers when needed within the department.
One of the key documentation Creations that I enjoyed within the research department is why I feel I want to return as well and apply, is the ability to work on extensive projects and documentation. This means working on a high branch of research with multiple different people in order to create an engaging research involving multiple people who can work together and put their different skills into one type of objective or multiple. Allowing for the creation of coordination and learning within the research department to strengthen the skills within our junior ranks as well as strengthening the skills within the executive team. Joining in projects depending on the classification. As well as expanding the research knowledge on different scps within the foundation.
I want to become the next stage within the research department once again as I noticed a limited lacking motivation towards creation of documentation when it is one of the key instances of the research department that I loved which is why as a senior research at the moment I try to become the next stage. In order to bring that passion back of document creation in any way shape or form. Expanding on their already made style of documentation depending on what they want to achieve. Making sure to help them each step the way identifying spelling mistakes (even though i also make them lol) and organization towards the documentation.
These are my current goals and also the reasons why I want to apply for an executive research. Hopefully with my extended amount of skills and knowledge and experience within the department I can help benefit the executive team and department itself through these experiences which is why I want to rejoin the executive team.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
The reason why I am suitable to become an executive researcher is due to many different skills that I am able to provide within the department. I have managed to learn these skills through many years within the department previously as well as experiences as an executive researcher. I also have the capability to learn and adapt. Meaning that I am able to improve very efficiently and effectively with an short period of time. I am able to develop extensive research and development such as reading through pieces of information and having the adaptability to learn that new information quickly and it being able to benefit my knowledge. Allowing me to learn and improve to become a better researcher.
One of these key skills that I have, is the development of professionalism. Which means having the ability to be professional in a RP scenarios as during my time conducting research and evaluations during testing. One of the key parts is that you need to be act professional in RP situations as when you are an executive researcher you are labelled as a role model for the lower clearance levels. Which means that you need to show that as a clearance four, you need to act professional in order to keep a respect towards other personnel. Another way of seeing professionalism is like seeing responsibility, having the ability to being responsible with the knowledge and access the you have. Making sure to be professional and withhold the research policy when teaching or guiding junior researchers or other Personnel in general during all types of situations.
Another one of the key skills that I have managed to develop is a type of dependability. Which means being able to understand different situations and easily adapt to the correct response, even when you're put on the spot. This means that you have the ability to easily think of a solution when you see a problem. an example that can occur when you are needed to be dependable on. Is during events or containment breaches and you need a way to guide and be dependable on, to come up with the right solution to help fellow personnel and create effective solution depending on the situation. This can also mean being dependable being able to lead the department into not making the wrong situations or wrong decisions. This means making sure that researchers are seeing you create the right response and not creating the wrong response and copying that.
One of the largest skills that I believe I have which makes me suitable for being an executive researcher. Is my documentation skills, this is mostly due to me having a load of experience from previous times as executive researcher as well as experimenting with different presentations within documentation as well as the amount of information I will be able to provide. With my ability to create exemplary documentation, I'm able to work on projects or large research as well. This means being able to provide a high amount of extensive field research and having the ability to use unique ideas within documentation for projects that can work towards a better understanding and research for The Foundations knowledge. I have worked on several different projects beforehand which have been extensive and have achieved exemplary work within the research department. During the creation of these documentations, I have the ability to create high definitions of detail within each page and section of the documentation expanding from the normal amount to have a large amount of information given towards the reader to allow them to have a full understanding of the idea and research. I have the ability to work on documentation quite quickly making me effective for deadlines needing a documentation within the research department for any given situation.
Another reason which makes me suitable similar towards my experience of creating documentation is the fact that I can create more unique documentation which means making sure my documentations have a unique standpoint. This basically means that when I create documentations I prefer to have a more unique strive towards bettering the research within the foundation, in to increase the knowledge on SCPs and the different effects when in contact with different realities distortion as well as thousands of other research ideas, which is what led me to create such unique documentation the idea of something that's not been done before to research on is what makes documentation more effective for the research department.
One of the final skills that I have believed to achieve is leadership and teaching, this means effectively communicating towards different researchers ways to improve. This can involve conducting lectures as well as creating presentations towards the research department to help teach and guide researchers into understanding the research department and how to make documentation. As well as being an effective leader in leading a small group or large group of the department to work on a tasks such as a Project and work effectively together while being organised. When teaching within the research department you need to identify what the researcher is actually interested in and then help guide them into improving that to allow them to create new skills for themselves. An example of this can be the fact that a person likes conducting tests for chemicals, you can show the researcher how to effectively present that in a documentation and allow him to get it approved to let him conduct tests with chemicals.
I am also active within the department. however, i have only recently returned to the Research department but you can expect to see me being more active as well as focusing on keeping myself on the research department to ensure the research department's progress in the educational standpoint. I also want to help the current research department executive team and work with them to be able to have more motivation within the department for lower clearance researchers and Grant them the ability to have more motivation in the department to work more effectively. I also want to help the executive team grow their numbers and to have more efficiency in helping the department. While also working with the director of research to assist in any objectives created for the executive team to complete within the department.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
Within the research department as well as experiences within other departments through many years of my work. Within the research department I have no current knowledge of the amount of documentations that I've created as an excellent grade. However, through past looks of documentations that I currently have within my clipboard I've over 30+. However, I can imagine that there could be more excellent documents that I have made. Which means I have made even more than 50+ excellent graded documentations. This is mostly due to the amount of years that I've worked within the research department as well as my previous work in years of experience of creating documentation.
Currently my idea of an excellent graded documentation within the research department goes as follows:
Towards any type of creation of a document it needs to have a basic objective, methods, results and conclusion within the document. With the objective talking about the aims the tests and what you were trying to research. The methods being a step by step on how the test will be conducted. The results on what happened during the test and the conclusion of how it achieved the objective and what opportunities the research can give towards further understanding of the SCP. However, when creating an excellent grader documentation. It can be beneficial to have more than just these steps. This means adding additional parts to the document increase the presentation and expansion of the knowledge achievable through the research. Some of these extra or additional pages that I used to create excellent documentations are: a hypothesis, safety procedures, contingencies, expenses, authorization. These can be used to expand the procedures of what you want to test such as the hypothesis focusing on what you think will happen during the results the test. The safety procedures used for safety measures, in order to make sure nothing goes wrong during the test. And contingencies, contingencies are regulations of procedures what will happen if the test were to fail or what will happen during coded emergency when the test would need to be cut short. Expenses is used for the calculations of costs which is mostly rp-based but it adds another level of RP within documentation to make it seem like it is actually being completed with cost of equipment. Authorization is just to page to have a more organized look to the documentation and to provide signature boxes for the necessary steps in having the test approved. However, you don't need to stop with just these basic ones you can have hundreds of different subheadings telling different pieces of information towards the documentation to increase the quality of it. You can also have unique subheadings towards the creation of a separate part of the research within the objective. Overall I believe the addition of extra subheadings and contingencies can help the understanding of the documentation towards the procedures wanted and the desired results.
A high extensive amount of detailed towards the objective and hypothesis within the research, meaning the documentation that is able to have each section within the document to have a filled in amount of detail of information. As well as within the documentation to contain a high detail and conducted analysis within their research making sure to have attention to detail when creating the documentation.
I also believe the needs to be minimal to no grammar errors or punctuation errors, although these grammatical errors can be reoccurring they can be easily fixed. However, it is still one of the key parts in to sustaining an excellent great documentation is it increases the quality of the document.
This can be a personal preference of mine. However, I believe that having images or Foundation logos within the documentation can strengthen the presentation of the document itself. Resulting in it having a more presentable look to the document, especially when having a front cover within the documentation. Another edition to the documentation which can increase the presentation. Is having the use of images during the test which means taking pictures of the test happening to show that it was completed as well as giving a more higher quality towards the results of the documentation as you are able to see it.
One of the main key parts of any excellent graded documentation, is to have a unique objective or aim. This means having the ability to create a unique idea that can benefit the knowledge and understanding of SCPs within the foundation. Having a idea or documentation to be created around something that has not been researched before. An example, can be a researcher who has created a documentation about knowledge that can be easily found such as something made like "eating Candy and finding out which colours give which effects" in relation to a SCP-330. This type of objective for research is basic. Which is why it probably wouldn't be able to achieve an excellent grade as it is not unique.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
The responsibilities of an executive researcher, through Time and experience I have notified that each responsibility is that of teaching the department. Is basically means as an executive researcher you are classified as a teacher as well as an enhanced researcher. You have the capability to work with more classified knowledge of information for the research department to work on. Which you also focus on enhancing the departments education, this basically means teaching junior researchers and onboarding them to how the research department works to policy and regulations within the research department as well. How to make documentation as well as overall teaching researchers how to be a researcher.
Only the responsibilities could also include, the ability to conduct lectures in order to teach the research department policy updates how to make documentations as well as any other presentations to ensure that the research department learns and improves teaching them giving them the opportunity to learn for themselves as well and showing them next stage in becoming an executive researcher teaching them what it takes.
As an executive researcher you will also classified as a role model this means you make sure to rospectful as well as professional towards the research department. This also means listening to other researchers in their ideas and guiding them to how to conduct their own personal research making sure to answer questions from junior researchers to help them learn information with being an executive researcher you have a lot more responsibility within department this means any words that you could say could have a heavy effect on the rest of the foundation all the research departments group procedures this means you have to say the right information and don't give false information out to change a researchers you have to stay formal and positive making sure not to be rude and disrespectful to Junior researchers you have to guide the members the research department in to helping them learn the policy and stated for which is why lectures are a massive guiding opportunity. As you have the ability to have a lot of Jr researchers come to a lecture and learn it more information more effectively.
Another responsibility is an executive researcher is that you have now an access to a clearance for key card due to this you are trusted with a higher clearance and the foundation this means I am not trusted with a higher authorization towards the foundation which means I need to be responsible and professional due to the clearance for I also have access to new areas which means that during my time that I need to enter a clearance for area I need to ensure that the door is closed behind me to not let any personal trespass into the area as well behind me.
Final part the responsibility of an executive researcher over than the thousands of other responsibilities that are included the last main one, is grading documentation ensuring that you teach junior researchers areas to improve in their documentations showing them what is right and wrong showing them how to make improvements and overall grading them conducting constructive criticism and not to be biased while creating documentations.
<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<end of application>

< Secure . Contain . Protect >
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>
This information is classified any personal below the correct clearance level seen with document could be arrested or worse.
### Data log entry: - Executive researcher: Jesse Soul ###
Documented description:///
The Entity was identified to be 1.3 meters long with a width around 15 centimetres. Materials seem to be a stainless steel with pure degraded coloring of red starting from the shaft of the trident continuing up to the tip. In which the top of the trident was a black hue. The shaft itself was made by durable materials other than stainless steel that can be presents such as wood metal and a combination of them. Shaft at the Stealth was also wrapped in leather as well as other grips around the trident. That was also a crossbar present just below the prongs which was originally designed to prevent the target from sliding down the shaft or to increase leverage. For most regular tridents. Around the bottom of the trident there was no in carved gravings however further up at the top decorations can be seen from mythical creatures such as the megalodon as well as the center axis of the trident showing a depiction of a clock with the hands pointing around 9 o'clock.
anomalous effects:
Documented incident B1:
Subject: Jesse Soul
During an incident involving in anomalous entity infecting a certain researcher around the site, this research was known as executive researcher Jesse Soul. Jesse had been documented to be seen having migraines as well as headaches during his time while in contact with the trident. Which was a recently contacted anomalous item being stored in sight-65 for temporary storage before being moved to site-XX. During which the documented effects were observed to be headaches passing around three days within contact. Began when Jesse Soul was assigned to begin research on the anomalous entity. In order to collect data before the site transfer. Jesse saw was one of the best researchers to work at the time before being subject to a missing person.
This was documented to be the result of the adverse effect from the trident. The observation showed that the headaches being more and more inclined over time of just his exposure. Once it was noticed by fellow research is around the site, he was subject to temporary containment and observation. However, this posed a difficult result to say. Jesse Soul began to have worse and effects of headaches as well as trauma relating towards muscle spasms and crumps around the muscles. Is continued for several days during observation and quarantine of Jesse Soul.
Three days after the increase in observation Jesse seemed to have went missing around 3:24. Jesse Souls then was put on a search around and within the foundation in order to find his location however no such evidence was found of where he might have gone.
Six months later Jesse was found inside of the same cell in the observation area where it was closed down this was due to it being the old internal affairs department before it was shut and had a name change to the internal Security Department instead. This left Jesse confused and distressed when in contact as he seemed to be in there without food or water for several days before being found. Just he was then placed in a medical wing in which no health issues or documented effects seem to have affected Jesse soul to him he had to sleep awoken the same chamber 6 months into the future.
However one of the peculiar results was picked up on the observation cameras which will place within the holding cell during Jesse soul. Going to sleep a small effect was identified which could be known as XXXXXXXXX. This effect can also be seen with SCP-XXX. Which was
Jesse's soul has been reinstated within the research department after recovering however he will be put into close observation. He will also be requested to create a data log on the events on his perspective and upload it to his file.
<Voice log>
Hello is this thing on, all right all right. so. The reason why I've recently returned to the Department of research is because I want to research the Instance that infected me you know I don't know why I'm making this data a lot even though it's pretty obvious why I'm here what is it to get my opinions or something?*sigh*
All right this is I don't really have any objective of what I'm supposed to talk about I might as well just start from why I'm here why I'm making a log in the purpose of me being back.
Recently around August 20XX, I was in contact with their normally stationed within heavy containment zone do you normally was nicknamed 'the trident' at the moment however I believe that name has changed to its effects have been further documented.
Either way I was in contact with that anomaly and researching its different capabilities and effects towards human subjects which means I was researching with class D personnel given the max access to enter the containment cell and interact with the object to pose any difference in behavior or change.
Due to the anomaly having an abnormal Hume detection field around it do you normally was found in XXXXXXXXXXXX in XXXXXXXXXXXXX and was transported via helicopter. The anomaly itself had in unusual effect when in different environmental changes or interactions which will change it's s behavior as well as the anomalous effects towards human subjects.
Which is the reason why we will testing it with class D, however during the testing phase with human subjects no interaction was found or behaviour change which meant that we were receiving no results and we couldn't have the information that we wanted. We then stationed the object within light containment zone in classified it as a safe with no given number yet.
Before it's transportation however I was in contact with it through a strange connection. It felt like my mind was tethered to it.
Like two cans in a string.
For some reason this anomalous entity how to connection with me I don't know why and I don't know how.
I am just going to skip to the part where I just tell you what's going on because I think this log is quite short.
I had a time skip
Or in more briefly I started feeling a sensation of doubt for everything that I did I felt like I had no reason to live like it's sort of depression but I knew it was fake it was weird strange like misinformation being given to you and you know it's false.
For some reason I started to gain a large headache every time when I was in contacts or close proximity to that trident it was only called a trident because of its which shape like a fork
fXXXXg weird looking thing....
Anyway, as I was saying the trading captain giving me a weird headache when I was nearby and as time went on for about three days I started seeing this weird flash like a red hue around my eyes I couldn't tell what it was I thought it was because the headache got my eyes were just stinging or something
So I went to the medical center to get an examination apparently that's where they found a high amount of humor activity within my nervous system they then determined I was under the effects of an anomalous entity.
Because of that I lost my roles in executive researcher and I was deducted to being held inside of a cell for examinations by other scientists.
But for some reason I can't even remember that far back or that far forward?
Anyway after I was stationed inside of a containment cell I started noticing that I couldn't keep my eyes open I felt sleepy all the time I don't know what was wrong with me after that I went to sleep on the floor in the holding cell. That's when it happened it felt like I was honestly sleeping for like an hour but then I woke up two years into the future.
He was weird it was like a blip into Security System when I first awoke I started banging on the door and tried to screaming for help but the containment cell had sound dampening which mean that I wasn't able to scream or shelf for anyone to hear me in case the effects placed on me were a cognito hazard. The only reason I managed to leave that cell was because of
Can i even say his name?
### End of log entry ###
< Secure . Contain . Protect >
### Second data log detected ###
"I woke up?", the first words I ever said in six months. I never spoke. I never could speak until that moment. That one day on ///
### End of log entry ###
< Secure . Contain . Protect >
### Second data log detected ###
I was just walking down to grab some lunch the cafeteria which opened up a new stand where SCP 458 was transferred. Scp-458 was a infinite pizza which was able to replace its structure and organic system being able to replicate it's mass basically making it infinite pizza. It tasted just like a normal one. this SCP no threat to the foundation and it was actually used for lunch. But a strange anomaly or topping that was placed on the pizza was uncanny after eating it I could speak. After just one by that pizza I couldn't create any noise with my lungs or mouth. I couldn't even say a word, I couldn't either scream. I was basically trapped I don't even know how I happened.
When I was taking to the medical Wing in order to have been acknowledgment or at least an identification of the thing that was wrong with me, however those no such luck I couldn't find any issues or wrong doing this with the SCP. Which means that's something else had taken in effect maybe a different anomaly that was to takeaway my ability to speak. I don't know how so I tried to conduct some research.
I did some instance testing, all I did was grab a amplifier or some sort of allowed electronic sound deformation device which was able to replicate the sound of my lungs have produced, in short it created a small vibration in the long system which is able to replicate that sound and create a sort of "mimic". From the sound of my voice. However I couldn't get it to work the vibration detection system in the amplifier was unable to detect any frequency of noise sound over vibration I was unable to speak a say or word. Was this all I was reduced to? "unable to speak how was able to lead the department I'm still in executive researcher". That was all I can think about but began to brainstorm about different ways to fix this and it came up with one solution.
Beforehand I had the ability to think back on scp-22415. And how it replicated the effects which I had before since my past data log was able to imitate the ability to say I'm awake well having a mixed sensory reality distortion. We're basically my mind was out of place and then snap back with me forced to say "I'm alive". Did this have some sort of connection? I thought back of the anomaly which was on top of the pizza maybe a topping of a black spot. Without black spot the Instance of the 22415 dimension this rift in reality was that a gate.
I started to imagine it like a book or some sort of Reading novel. I then remember that smaller Gates could only transport different parts of the reality which means my voice box or different parts of my organic system could be affected by this by wasn't sure how. Splot or rifts shouldn't appear. At least not on another SCP. After that I planned on doing a test. The idea was to head inside of the 22415 dimension to see if my voice box was able to reinstall itself. Which meant now had to go in that dimension again but last time it caused me to........
< Information redacted >
Six months after the preparations for the test I decided to head in. I requested that the SCP was standing at least three four feet away from my body so that the SCP anomaly was not able to take place at least not again. But then stepped back approximately and then requested him to go for it. I then was transported inside of the dimension I could see everything it was the complete replica of my surroundings. Since it was a safe SCP I was only inside of the light containment zone. I could see everything, the wall, stealing, lights and even the desks and individual piece of paper. However it was all coated in a black mist a fog. However I could still make out all the distinct objects around me even with the Fog. It was then time for me to my theory.
And then began to attach a small recording device as well as the amplifier detection of frequency amateur then I was using before for the last experiment. I then hooked up to the amplifier in which I was able to replicate my voice this time I could hear it behind my head. I turned around shocked or what I saw. It was f***** up piece of entrapment. A class D strung to the wall covered in blood. "How did i not turn around and see this before when scanning the room?" I saw that the class D wasn't alive luckily. I don't know what would have happened if he still wasn't that pain and suffering. Was he there due to the reality collapse.
Either way the amplifier was pointing towards the class D, as if my voice or some part of my Reality was stuck in him. Did he steal it? Either way I walked over to the device in which the guy was heavily bruised. bandaged as well as if someone was trying to help him but couldn't. Was this the other 22415 instance? trying to help...? Is a way I walked up and soon I blacked out. I couldn't remember anything past that most of the information to me was just a blur a blip. I couldn't recall anything that happened past that point.
Before long I woke up in the medical wing again this time I was able to speak just six months after I lost my voice. I am incredibly lucky I was able to find that at least have the strategy and capability of finding a researching those different results to be able to distinctly pinpoint the location of mixed reality. In such when I was asked of what happened I was ordered to record this data log. I hope whoever is reading this is able to hand me any information regarding that anomaly. Either that or I create my own research striving myself into bettering the research departments that never happens again, no anomaly is able to affect any researchers in that way ever again.
In such a strive myself into better in the research department, I wanted to learn, change and help others managing the researchers so they are unable to experience what I did. Making sure each one is obligated to ensure the safe
ty of all personnel even the class D when testing. So that's I can never need to imagine what happened that day.
### End of log entry ###
< Secure . Contain . Protect >
### THIRD data log detected ###
"I'm awake". that quote is locked in my mind every time I exit that place. It always feels strange. like I'm asleep but conscious always hearing the people around be but never understanding what they are saying. something happened to fixate this effect on me. I just can't remember the way it all happened.
Wait i remember now. during a code 5 of a containment breach of SCP-8854 I was able to escape into the breach bunker. however, I broke my leg during the fall of the staircase out of the containment chamber. I managed to put myself behind a door before the SCP was able to see me. However, that SCP did something. I don't know what it was but ever since I was able to reach the breach bunker during that code 5. I can't shake the feeling on my own mind being detached from my body. It feels like a Realm which I can see, think, feel in but can't move. Sort of like I'm locked in place and my body is stuck in one location unable to move.
The feeling and seeing this detachment is all blurred. however, I can make out small glimpses before returning back to my body as normal and being forced to say "I'M ALIVE" and then continuing my actions. those glimpses look as if everything around me is dark, gloomed. like a seconds version of eyes I can see through. but I can only make out a short distance. the floors walls and every environment seem changed. like I wasn't in the same place as before. is it a transportation of the mind? I'm unsure. I just wish I could make out more.
When asking a member of the Director of research Gallagher. He stated "It could be a undocumented effect, of an SCP which has not been seen before." he then said the best idea would be to write an entry logging all the effects which I have seen. so that other personal can access the information to pinpoint a cause for this effect. However, the data log is only accessed for clearance 4 personal. Why is that? Is there something that the director is not telling me.
I cut the conversation short as I had to get back to work on documentation of project research. This however, lead me to find something interesting. when writing for the project I was able to assess different information more quickly. like I'm able to read and scan through information more easily. this lead me to test myself with accessing an SCP data and read the information as fast as possible. the document stated a 10m timer which the average personal was able to read. however, it only took me 2m. how? further testing lead me to believe that my eyes and brain neural responses were boosted somehow.
This then lead me to find another effect. when speaking to a Jr.researcher as my duties I was disconnected to my body again. more quickly then usual. Could this mean that near the human brain I was disconnecting to the body while also having more tabbed information to my own brain functions. this released skill would need to be tested more. When I stated the information to the Director of research he said "Hmmm well you are much more effective with research, but you seem less constructive with conversations with personal. sort of like a reaction similar to anxiety, when you feel embarrassed or can't think straight. your brain reacts to it".
Overall, I was thankful for the director evaluation. I then thought to myself that if I was able to be more efficient with the new ability or anomalous effect. maybe I could become an even better executive. maybe even strive for the director myself to explore new ways of research and increase my accessed knowledge. maybe I'll learn even more about the effect of this anomalous instance on my brain.
### End of log entry ###
< Secure . Contain . Protect >
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