Recent content by Saphira Harlow

  1. Saphira Harlow

    [UK] O5-3 'The Zealot'

    +Support Scottish
  2. Saphira Harlow

    [UK] Rose Overseer Assistant Application

    -Support -Your application is really poor
  3. Saphira Harlow

    Sebastian's Overseer Assistant Application [UK]

    +Support Will be a really good assistant
  4. Saphira Harlow

    Jonny Crook's appeal

    -Support Massive minge Has been blacklisted twice As Skyric said you take nothing seriously
  5. Saphira Harlow

    Denied Add back the Keycard Click

  6. Saphira Harlow

    This is not true at all. You are ruining my image.

    This is not true at all. You are ruining my image.
  7. Saphira Harlow

    Stay safe during storm

    +Support As stated above Excellent Candidate for the position
  8. Saphira Harlow

    [UK] Broda's Ethics Committee Member Application

    +Support Best person for the role
  9. Saphira Harlow

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Lots of cash

    Hi, when I was a MRP admin around 5 months ago I caught you ban evading on MRP. It's funny that you haven't mentioned this in your appeal.
  10. Saphira Harlow

    Denied Require SL to do a community vote before making some changes

    +Support Steven Connor is biased -Wib
  11. Saphira Harlow

    Wolf Varem Leaving

    Very sad to see you go. Hope a speedy recovery with your hand so you can wipe your nose. -Wib