Recent content by Sayo

  1. Sayo

    Rule Suggestion Make /me strips weapons powergame

    + Support. Also make stripping coms powergaming.
  2. Sayo

    Accepted Remove or Reduce Damage from 8837 Blackhole Through Walls

    -Support. Paid SCPs should not be nerfed into the ground.
  3. Sayo

    Denied Revamp ISD jails.

    I don't think people would want to be arrested since ideally it would be more restrictive than NOT being arrested, but the level of restriction is too much at current. Being arrested basically removes you from the game for however long ISD wanted to throw you in for. You have no one to interact...
  4. Sayo

    Denied Revamp ISD jails.

    I play on both.
  5. Sayo

    Denied Revamp ISD jails.

    Yeah I've never had ISD do any type of interrogation RP.
  6. Sayo

    Denied Revamp ISD jails.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Ideally it would add something to do if you get arrested. In it's current form getting put in jail essentially removes you from the game for however long ISD was feeling at that moment. I would suggest adding an interactable NPC or maybe you can get a...
  7. Sayo

    Denied Refund addendum.

    Yes I thought of that, that's why I bring it up in the niche scenario of crashing while in the middle of an RP. I don't think it should be refunded if you were just hostile.
  8. Sayo

    Denied Refund addendum.

    I've crashed twice while roleplaying in a restricted role. (Once as 7722 and once as a Type Blue) and both times they told me they only refund if it was a problem on the server end. I understand this is a very niche scenario but I feel they should offer refunds in this case.
  9. Sayo

    Denied Refund addendum.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion is to allow staff to refund SCPs or Type Blues due to client side crashes based off of their discretion. I would most like to see it refunded in terms of TBs or SCPs that were not hostile and participating in roleplay, not for ones...