Recent content by Skeebiesquid

  1. Skeebiesquid

    MilitaryRP - GM Application - Mr Wonderfool

    +support already makes fun scenarios in bed im sure his skills can be transferred to events
  2. Skeebiesquid

    [MRP] Jack G Resignation Appeal

    +support great guy knows alot about the rules of the server and cares about server health
  3. Skeebiesquid

    Skeebiesquid HC application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US):UK Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:89448712 Discord name: Skeebiesquid For how long have you played on MRP: since 2022 Age:20 In what country are you located?:UK Time zone: GMT NATO name (regiment and rank):17th SFC Giggly J USSR name (regiment and rank): SHA COL Mr...
  4. Skeebiesquid

    MrGhost's second NHC application

    I wasn't joking I think he would be fine as hc i just believe he would need a mentor.
  5. Skeebiesquid

    Denied KWK Damage Reduction to tanks

    - support i believe kwks are the only realistic way for an infantry member to kill a tank, yes we have at4s and c4s but its still so hard to get a vehicle kill, and second of all bring back heli kwks and no kwk on infantry tah x
  6. Skeebiesquid

    MrGhost's second NHC application

    +Support I have seen you become a great man mr ghost u were once an absolute fucking minge however from recent experiences i have seen u have made an effort to grow and become a more suitable member fitted to be HC, u are dedicated care about server health and regiment experiences. However u are...
  7. Skeebiesquid

    CSB application

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:89448712 Discord name:SkeebieSquid For how long have you played on CN MRP:3 years Age:20 In what country are you located?:UK Time zone: BST Character name(s):Mr 's' Hoofbabski Civilian name:Candy Distributor Do you have a mic?: yes List all NATO or USSR Roles/ranks that you...
  8. Skeebiesquid

    Jogo (Jack G) USSR High Command Application

    +support (we make out sometimes)
  9. Skeebiesquid

    Michiel signing out

  10. Skeebiesquid

    MrGhost's apology

    I dont forgive you.
  11. Skeebiesquid

    goodbye :D

    my neighbor how about you kys :)
  12. Skeebiesquid


    update i lost ALL 3 games with bogdan
  13. Skeebiesquid


    @Bogdan leaague now? i am on a 6win streak so dont ruin it