Millar the recovering League Addict

I am incredibly to announce that my close friend @Millar has overcome his league of legends addiction.

Millar has been battling this addiction for many months and has experienced many withdrawal effects such as Large weight loss and the want to constantly go outside.

I hope we can all assist millar in his recovery from his league of legends addiction and we all wish him a smooth recovery. The amount of work this man has put into preventing himself from crumbling into his cravings is immense and should be admired by all others overcoming this addiction such as @Beskar and @Skeebiesquid.

Congratulations my friend for completing this task.


MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
Unfortunately, I seem to have regressed to my old ways.

League addiction is no joke.

It seems though that we have a valiant supporter within our ranks #FreeMyMan