Recent content by Skittles

  1. Skittles

    [UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

    +support would be quite silly to not put her as -1!
  2. Skittles

    [UK] Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt's Special Agent Application

    -support, better behaviour should be expected from someone who wants to be CL4
  3. Skittles

    Prices staff blacklist appeal

    -support you have a bad habit of not being able to control your anger, which has led to multiple interactions where you will break various rules because, for example, you were caught red handed in 914. the fact you were blacklisted for using a homophobic slur against someone as a staff member...
  4. Skittles

    [UK] Toaste 'Puppy' W.'s Director of Research Application

    +Support I believe you can stay in the role for longer than 3 weeks
  5. Skittles

    [UK] Ella Rayman Ethics Committee Member Application

    +support ECM ELLA RAYMAN!! long time player and handled duties even when on loa should absolutely be given a chance for ecm
  6. Skittles

    Jamie/Cain Morris's DoIA Application UK

    -support although improved, still can be really immature which isn't good for a department leadership position. you pretty much exclusively also only hang about in interrogation or outside of it - confirmed by an A1 report that watched you for a while and didn't see you move far. this only...
  7. Skittles

    [UK] Archangel DoEA App #2

    +support gave me a contract when i was MCD that one time runs dea very well
  8. Skittles

    Partially Accepted NU-7 Elastic Restraints OR lower dispenser cooldown

    "Kidnap RP sucks" mf's when suggestion to enable more kidnap RP:
  9. Skittles

    McMuffin's Demotion Appeal

    +Support Always a great staff to see, and demotion seems weird and unfair since what he was doing wasn't affecting RP, and with what higher staff members do late at night and don't get in trouble for (i.e Requis giving the vodnik busted stats and driving it to vents for a MR)
  10. Skittles

    [UK] 'Eidolon' Director of Research Application

    -Support Alexa, play The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I go?
  11. Skittles

    [Addons Application] - Elvis Padre

    -support questionable addon quantity and quality plus this
  12. Skittles

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - toastebarksalot

    the people attacking you because you have a furry pfp are just lol, lmao, they have no other criticism of you other than they are probably unpleasant and don't like furry stuff i have a question before i leave a + or - though - you were recently discharged from CI for failraiding (Screenshot...
  13. Skittles

    [UK] General Security Captain application from: Grog "Steakhouse"

    -support never any good interactions when you were captain and that hasn't changed
  14. Skittles

    [UK] Gareth McWorm's Game Master Application

    the way you've responded to -supports says enough that you aren't fit for a staff role, plus all I've heard of you is that you're mingey
  15. Skittles

    [UK] Blob's Captain Application

    give him captain already surely he's KOS'd a few d class in airlock