

I feel like listing all your previous ranks in your Signature is overrated so I chose to write this short text here to inform you of this opinion. You may disagree as you're free to do so as you have your own Opinion. Good Morning, Day, Afternoon or NIght to you.


  1. 20

    1 Year and many more to come...

    Spent an entire year with Civil Networks
  2. 20

    CN Rookie (2 Months with CN)

    Be a member of Civil Networks for 2 months!
  3. 50

    Beyond Ventz (2 Years with CN)

    Be a member of the Civil Networks community for 2 years!
  4. 10

    Starting to settle

    You have posted 5 threads on the Civil Gamers forums
  5. 10

    CN Newbie (2 Weeks with CN)

    Be a member of Civil Networks for 2 weeks
  6. 1

    First message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.