Recent content by Thordan

  1. Thordan

    [US] Pear's Special Agent app

  2. Thordan

    {USA} Sotos Apostolos Captain app

    +support The best Cadet I know.
  3. Thordan

    I'm done, Just done

  4. Thordan

    OSA USA billy bob

    +Support This is the best Overseer Assistant application I have ever read. It had so much detail, and I also appreciate the artist's way of spelling Nevada.
  5. Thordan

    (US) Exec application

    -SUPPORT There is not a colour of red dark enough to express how much I -Support this.
  6. Thordan

    [USA] Walter Unrich's Chairman Application (The Opposition)

    Can't hide from what you said and what you support -support
  7. Thordan

    [USA] O5-4 'The Godfather'
