Recent content by Trusty

  1. Trusty

    Accepted Adding a "Are you sure?" to the clipboard deletion.

    +Support Don't know why it wasn't already a thing, great suggestion
  2. Trusty

    Pending Review Medical QoL Changes

    +Support Medical RP QoL changes are always a yes in my book Vials please for at least Sr Doctor!! -Support HCZ Medical Spawns, not needed imo
  3. Trusty

    Accepted Jack's Misc. Security Changes

    +SUPPORT Def at least needs the sergeants having override, they are basically future captains in training
  4. Trusty

    Partially Accepted Scranton Reality Anchor Cooldown Change

    +Support for TIMER -Support for COOLDOWN REMOVAL As much as I'd love for the cooldown to be gone, it's there for a reasonable reason of giving reality SCPs a chance lol. I LOVE the timer idea, though!
  5. Trusty

    Content Meeting Discussion What 079 ought to be able to do

    +MASSIVE SUPPORT Make 079 great again, love all these suggestions and would be happy if even just one got added
  6. Trusty

    Accepted Add cigarettes and liquor

    +BIG SUPPORT Best fucking idea that's ever been suggested on here, immediate support
  7. Trusty

    Partially Accepted Make scp that suppose to be breach silently actually silent

    +Support I like these ideas, 079 needs to be the scary lvl4 SCP he's supposed to be
  8. Trusty

    Accepted Breach Ambience QOL

    +SUPPORT From experience and seeing it, people have and WILL use the breach ambiance to metagame a breach. It should be reduced or have it play under more specific things like activating the Code 5 alarm
  9. Trusty

    Content Suggestion Limit PAC3 To Help Stop Lag

    +SUPPORT I love this, it doesn't get rid of PAC but re-enforces the already set rules. They need to be used because there are PACs that deadass reduce your frames by over 30, which shouldn't be allowed and are borderline exploitive
  10. Trusty

    Denied Zombie Variety

    +Support 008 breaches are some of the most fun I've had on this server, I think a zombie expansion could be a welcome change and provide even more chaotic scary RP fun :D
  11. Trusty

    Partially Accepted Removing the slow-down affect of beaming SCPs above 20%

    -SUPPORT Just no, SCP's are already strong as it is
  12. Trusty

    Partially Accepted Let D-Class have a way to Access Level-3 cards or TE-5s (for like the trains area)

    -SUPPORT It is not hard at all to secure a CL3 as a D class nor is it to escape/hack through train vents
  13. Trusty

    SCP's should be able to breach when their doors are opened

    -Support As cool as it would be, the server already has breaches every 30 minutes at this point; this would only add to the hassle and interrupt more RP, unfortunately.