Recent content by Umami

  1. Umami

    [USA] SCP-096 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20345479 Discord name: umamicertified For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 2 years Age: 27 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: Central Character name(s): Arlo Clarkson/Umami Civilian name: Kevin Jones What server are you applying for? USA Do you have a...
  2. Umami

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Arlo Clarkson

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA) Your in-game name: Arlo Clarkson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20345479 Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity Date of ban: 2/11/2025 Who banned you: Joel/"Lemmskii/McHarvey Ban length: 15 weeks, 6 days, 22 hours What will you do to stop this from...
  3. Umami

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Arlo Clarkson

    This ban will probably expire before someone can get to it, how do I get this removed from my record in that case?
  4. Umami

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Arlo Clarkson

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA) Your in-game name: Arlo Clarkson Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20345479 Ban Reason: RDM Date of ban: 2/6/2025 Who banned you: Holland/Rubion/Jamarion Ban length: 6 hours What will you do to stop this from happening again: So let me give...
  5. Umami

    Rdm by staff (steam64id 76561198071554619)

    4.01 D-Class Termination - D-Class may be terminated past the main airlock door without warning only IF D-class are NON-COMPLIANT, the attacker may be subject to arrest for violating Foundation policies, < players should ensure they are attempting to roleplay with D-Class. 4.03 D-Class...
  6. Umami

    Rdm by staff (steam64id 76561198071554619)

    4.01 D-Class Termination - D-Class may be terminated past the main airlock door without warning if D-Class are non-compliant, however, the attacker may be subject to arrest for violating Foundation policies, players should ensure they are attempting to roleplay with D-Class. 4.03 D-Class...
  7. Umami

    Rdm by staff (steam64id 76561198071554619)

    My clipping software was not running, but this same Security Officer Lucas "Bozo" L STEAM_0:1:55644445 RDM'd me as well. I was playing D-Class, entered airlock and stood still. Lucas came around the corner and blew my head off instantly with no warning or attempt to roleplay. I lost clearance 2...
  8. Umami

    Denied SCP-427 Move from LCZ to HCZ

    +1? Although I believe this could also be achieved through in character means such as SCP-427 being studied and presented to the Director of Research in order to move to HCZ.
  9. Umami

    [USA] Umami's Moderator Application

    How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 26 hours Age: 26 In what country are you located?: USA Time zone: Central Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Sr. Researcher Arlo Clarkson Chaos name (include your rank): CI Recruit "Umami" Civilian...
  10. Umami

    [US] Arlo "Umami" Clarksons' Executive Researcher Application

    Steam ID STEAM_1:0:20345479 '] [U:1:40690958] Discord name Umami#6124 Introduction " I am an experienced long time role-player in Garry's Mod ranging from serious RP, to more lenient RP. I am most experienced in administration positions heading departments including...