Rdm by staff (steam64id 76561198071554619)


Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 13, 2023
My clipping software was not running, but this same Security Officer Lucas "Bozo" L STEAM_0:1:55644445 RDM'd me as well. I was playing D-Class, entered airlock and stood still. Lucas came around the corner and blew my head off instantly with no warning or attempt to roleplay. I lost clearance 2, and an automatic weapon which I have been saving scrap for. He justified his actions multiple times stating it is an "IC issue take it up with SL"
My clipping software was not running, but this same Security Officer Lucas "Bozo" L STEAM_0:1:55644445 RDM'd me as well. I was playing D-Class, entered airlock and stood still. Lucas came around the corner and blew my head off instantly with no warning or attempt to roleplay. I lost clearance 2, and an automatic weapon which I have been saving scrap for. He justified his actions multiple times stating it is an "IC issue take it up with SL"
Same to you, if you enter airlock server rules allow you to be killed, it is just an ic violation for IA/Ethics and not RDM.


Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 13, 2023
Same to you, if you enter airlock server rules allow you to be killed, it is just an ic violation for IA/Ethics and not RDM.
4.01 D-Class Termination - D-Class may be terminated past the main airlock door without warning if D-Class are non-compliant, however, the attacker may be subject to arrest for violating Foundation policies, players should ensure they are attempting to roleplay with D-Class.

4.03 D-Class Termination - A D-Class who is not providing any resistance and is obeying commands should not be killed without reason, even if they are located outside of D-Block.

In the airlock, can also be considered a controlled rp scenario.
5.01 Controlled RP Scenario - A Controlled RP scenario is where a subject is either

  • Placed and kept under FearRP, or;
  • Unarmed and compliant, or;
  • Armed and compliant.
I would also refer to the first basic rule of the server:
1.1 Don’t RDM - You need a valid RP reason to kill someone. Reasons for shooting/attacking someone are:
  • You or someone else is in a life-threatening situation, e.g. you are shot at or held at gunpoint and threatened.
  • You see someone hacking a door or a hostile is trespassing.
  • Giving someone verbal commands to stop what they are doing and continue their actions.
  • You are a D-class starting a riot with a weapon. It is FailRP to start a riot (e.g. punching security guards) unless you have found a weapon (knife, gun) that you can use.
  • You have committed a major offence such as Murder or Treason and are about to be arrested, however this doesn’t give you permission to start mass killing people.
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4.01 D-Class Termination - D-Class may be terminated past the main airlock door without warning if D-Class are non-compliant, however, the attacker may be subject to arrest for violating Foundation policies, players should ensure they are attempting to roleplay with D-Class.

4.03 D-Class Termination - A D-Class who is not providing any resistance and is obeying commands should not be killed without reason, even if they are located outside of D-Block.

5.01 Controlled RP Scenario - A Controlled RP scenario is where a subject is either

  • Placed and kept under FearRP, or;
  • Unarmed and compliant, or;
  • Armed and compliant.
I would also refer to the first basic rule of the server:
1.1 Don’t RDM - You need a valid RP reason to kill someone. Reasons for shooting/attacking someone are:
It is a valid RP reason you’re tresspassing and it says in the rule you quoted, the attacker may be subject to arrest. Not staff punishment


Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 13, 2023

It is a valid RP reason you’re tresspassing and it says in the rule you quoted, the attacker may be subject to arrest. Not staff punishment
4.01 D-Class Termination - D-Class may be terminated past the main airlock door without warning only IF
D-class are NON-COMPLIANT, the attacker may be subject to arrest for violating Foundation policies, < players should ensure they are attempting to roleplay with D-Class.

4.03 D-Class Termination - A D-Class who is not providing any resistance and is obeying commands
even if they are located outside of D-Block.

There are conditions to be met for the attacker to be subject to IC punishment. If the conditions are not met, they are subject to the rules of the server.
4.01 D-Class Termination - D-Class may be terminated past the main airlock door without warning only IF
D-class are NON-COMPLIANT, the attacker may be subject to arrest for violating Foundation policies, < players should ensure they are attempting to roleplay with D-Class.

4.03 D-Class Termination - A D-Class who is not providing any resistance and is obeying commands
even if they are located outside of D-Block.

There are conditions to be met for the attacker to be subject to IC punishment. If the conditions are not met, they are subject to the rules of the server.
Somewhat recent ban appeal disproves your point on this.
Entering airlock is counted as active non-compliance. Same with running out of D-block full speed. Non-compliance doesn't require a warning or even three warnings.
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