Recent content by Umbra

  1. Umbra

    Blacklist Amnesty - Umbra

    Your in-game name: Umbra Your SteamID: Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: 07/03/24 Who blacklisted you (if known): Cloak ? or Ventz unsure To the best of your knowledge...
  2. Umbra

    Umbra's Blacklist appeal

    Your in-game name: Umbra Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:534926333 Your steam community link: Date of blacklist: 07/03/2024 To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: 'Allegedly making and encouraging people to make fraudulent reports...
  3. Umbra

    Accepted Disallow pathfinder FOB assaults if there's not at least 8 non afk people on both teams

    -support Willing to +support provided its 8 people both sides not one Pathfinder creates an active operations job for a regiment who's sole purpose is to fly, however through my time in JAF we have many grounds troops who love this feature, it allows me to involve our ground troops in...
  4. Umbra

    Denied Alternative to Manual Base Raids

    +support Jason M's' latest suggestion has truly captivated my attention and ignited an immense sense of excitement and support within me. His idea encompasses a unique blend of creativity, innovation, and practicality, making it an exceptional proposition in its own right. Not only does Jason...
  5. Umbra

    Accepted Remove the Rendezvous point at East Town during Paratrooper Training on Afghan

    -Support everyone has it, inc JAF, we deal with it.
  6. Umbra

    Connor's Demotion Appeal

    +support silly, goofy and quirky individual very mature, good guy, knows his staff stuff I believe wholeheartedly that Connor will be a good Garry's Mod Civil Networks Military Roleplay Senior Moderator for In-game endevours.
  7. Umbra


    burn it all, take it all down, remove the forums, delete CG, delete the discords, ban everyone
  8. Umbra

    Connor "Jerusalem" SC Application

    +support aboslutely fucking jacked i heard this guy can lift like 500 can confirm did see it
  9. Umbra

    Colonel Kamil's AC application.

    major +support Fit for AC, I saw him rise through the ranks when I was COL, great potential, good leading skills
  10. Umbra

    This is getting silly now, come on MRP SL dons

    In order for NWO to fully strive it needs someone to supervise it as a whole i.e a leader. The current situation with just having a few SC handle it together is working, but it will fail horribly in the long run. Someone needs to be appointed, ASAP.
  11. Umbra

    tony's actual leaving post(fr)

    Sound lad, gonna miss you since my day 1 of JAF to now
  12. Umbra

    Beskar resignation post

    love u beskar
  13. Umbra

    Beskar resignation post

    wasn't mentioned :bias:
  14. Umbra

    David's Moderator Application.

    +Support -Sound lad, quite a long time player -Warnings are extensive but to be fair I've seen worse with people applying -Mature and friendly -Good activity Good luck bud.
  15. Umbra

    Mr Wonderfool UHC Application

    +support -experience -proper sound lad -active nothing left to say, absolute legend