tony's actual leaving post(fr)


Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Mar 18, 2021
so since many OGs are making their leaving posts i might as well make mines

ik last time i made one of these i just joined SCP-RP and CC and didnt really leave, but rn i dont like playing video games as much as i used to, enjoying more things then sitting inside all day doing gmod Military roleplay helicopter pilot doesnt do much in later life.

after im unbanned from everything i might join JAF and just stay at CPL or MSGT something like that but thats it(1SGT if im being a little bit spicy)

most people think that i just came here to ruin peoples time and minge, that isnt true(annoying admins in better) but i actually enjoyed playing the server with some really cool people, learned alot about people imma just list some real ones rn

@Beskar been a real one in JAF over a year ago now, crazy how we both still here
@Sins idk how he is still staff, biggest racist of all time
@Umbra real one(best discord mod)
@harvey fat rugby boy
@el zapso i dont like you fat cunt
@Sandwalker JAF OG right here, wont forget the good times we had in JAF together
@TigerMassive probs wont read this but best guy ive met, have a good one bro
@Kiwi realest mf here
@Elpatroon racist cunt
@Jason M. biggest fat SCP-RP player of all time
@Augustin best pilot in JAF
@Ozzy funny guy, should take the time to stfu tho
@Yang pretty cool guy
@Connor | FUDGESICLE here fat cunt you have a ping

ik i didnt ping lots of cool people but i cant be fucked to do more so fuck you

one last thing before i turn to dust @Cloak hope you do well brother even after what i done to the community

cya CG, had some great times with you, ill be in TS being a minge as per usual
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