Recent content by Voltics

  1. Voltics

    Accepted Remove or Change Kill confirmed

  2. Voltics

    Aleem's Moderator application

    +Support. Freindly. Good Rules knowledge. good activity in TS3/DISCORD/INGAME.
  3. Voltics

    Sins's resignation appeal

    +Support -goat frfr -Goody guy, will be good as staff
  4. Voltics

    Rivaa's staff demotion

    +Support -Mature -Activity is massively going up so will be able to effectively do AOD stuff, and was only low because of IRL stuff
  5. Voltics

    Bumble's NHC Application

    +Support -Great guy -Great activity
  6. Voltics

    Voltics SC Application

    Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:125154124 Discord name: Alubaba#5951 For how long have you played on MRP: Since last year Age: 19 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: BST NATO name (regiment and rank): ISAF PVT Voltiks NWO name (regiment and...
  7. Voltics

    Theo's Moderator application

    +Support -Really good guy -Active
  8. Voltics

    sahnse NWO Application

    +Support -Nice guy, good leader with experience -Activity could be better, but it's not bad
  9. Voltics

    Stefan NWO Application

    +Support -Perfect English -Will be a sick addition to SC, and really deserves the spot.
  10. Voltics

    Mike's NHC Application

  11. Voltics

    Denied Re-rework wars

    I honestly think most people only have a problem with every CP being neutral in peacetime and nearly all CPs get reset every war making people feel like its "pointless". Completely understand how Kvarkar would feel if he's getting shit on by people that's not cool at all, but I think peoples...
  12. Voltics

    Nayr Kcalb's Moderator Application

    +Support -Really nice guy, would take it seriously and is active.