Recent content by YaBoi

  1. YaBoi

    Partially Accepted make a rule against shield blocking vehicles

    +support make them destroyable atleast
  2. YaBoi

    MrGhost's fourth NATO High Command Application

    +support actually plays alot seen you lead few wars already and you did ok after seeing Vlad's video that is an insta -support
  3. YaBoi

    Denied Add Bobbys Brownies to MRP

    +support ofc im gonna support this
  4. YaBoi

    Accepted Minor CMission Change

    +support I think money roulettes cause more inflation than this
  5. YaBoi

    Denied Remove killcams or FIX THEM

    +support they are cool yes but super annoying - remove them completely (will not happen stupid fucking ingame Vbucks purchases istg) - add option to toggle them on/off (developer time is limited) i bet this suggestion will get denied in a week anyway like any other content suggestion :unsure:
  6. YaBoi

    Houston, resignation appeal

    +support i think i have less warnings than you
  7. YaBoi

    Denied Anti-personnel + Anti-tank mines

    Typical "cool idea but just uhh we cant work on this uknow no time etc." and I totally understand Devs here with this one, they get paid less than sweatshop workers in China yet they still give out cool updates once in a while :) The reason why they should be only built on FOBs are just for...
  8. YaBoi

    Curtis Johnson's NHC Application

    +support cool app need NHC Half of them are useless anyway.
  9. YaBoi

    Denied add gardener job

    +support :skull::skull::skull:
  10. YaBoi

    Zakariya's HC Application

    +Support Has been my regimental command for weeks now this man is insanely dedicated, hard-working, active and very cool guy in general! Seeing him as High Command could bring so much more to USSR. 🤓
  11. YaBoi

    Denied Increase the peacetime back to how it was or change it

    -support no, peacetime is boring as fuck Isnt the current time like 40-45mins anyway? How does 15min extra make such a difference? I might be wrong I dont know. During map events the conflict status is controlled by SL anyway right?
  12. YaBoi

    Denied Anti-personnel + Anti-tank mines

    I don't know about you but personally have not suffered so much against proxies and drones. Have died to those 1-2% of the time if we count all deaths. So there is not enough "random crap" that kills you, and only allowing these to be built only on FOBs already limits its usage and most likely...
  13. YaBoi

    Denied Anti-personnel + Anti-tank mines

    Totally agree with them not exploding on friendlies. Same goes for proxy, I dont want to use them just because I know that random private from my side just dies to it instantly... Yep, definitely has to have a max amount when building these. Also less for tanks for obvious reasons.