Recent content by YandereMuffin

  1. YandereMuffin

    SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Broda (2)

    Gamemaster Application - Accepted Hello @Broda, Thank you for putting the time into making an application. Your application has been discussed between the Event Team Supervisors and we have decided to ACCEPT your application! Congratulations! Please contact an Event Team Supervisor (myself...
  2. YandereMuffin

    Accepted ISD Keycard Addition

    The fact that currently only A/O-1 roles have the keycard is baffling to me as I assumed the whole idea of it was to further classify them and make people unaware of their real identity, therefore I think adding it to the higher groups of ISD would be good. Currently if you see the card you...
  3. YandereMuffin

    Denied Add DBD-like perks.

    :skull: I have a mild liking to the idea of SCP perks, to add variety to each breach, but I don't think they should be earned or overpowered - but rather just a chosen thing by anyone on the SCP.
  4. YandereMuffin

    Rule Suggestion Change THAUM FearRP rules

    Cool answer, but please note that the Thauma/Reality bending destabilise also stops scrantons from being placed for a short while...
  5. YandereMuffin

    Lawliet Researcher PAC-3

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: We believe this PAC3 does not look like the researcher roles, it is also from a very popular and recognised media and would take players out of RP. Your request...
  6. YandereMuffin

    PAC Request [UK] Banana's E11 Pac Request

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: We do not believe your PAC3 looks enough like the roles it is connected to (E-11) to be approved, and is likely to be misunderstood as a different role. Your...
  7. YandereMuffin

    PAC-3 Requesting Approval by. Slage

    Request Approved Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to approve your request. Your PAC3 may be used on the Internal Security Department roles! Your request will now be locked and marked as accepted.
  8. YandereMuffin

    [USA] Revenge - Pac Request (CI Jobs Compiled)

    Request Partially Approved Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to partially approve your request. We are approving your use of the second image on the CI Juggernaut role (see the image below for the PAC3 we are approving). However we are denying the first PAC3...
  9. YandereMuffin


  10. YandereMuffin

    [UK] Roll Up, Roll- Hey, Didn't we already do this before?

    Request Approved Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to approve your request. Your PAC3 may be used on the Research Department roles! Your request will now be locked and marked as accepted.
  11. YandereMuffin

    Gensec Uniform Pac Approval

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: We believe this PAC3 does not look enough like the Security Department roles, and is likely to be misidentified as other roles. Your request will now be locked...
  12. YandereMuffin

    [UK] Slage´s Pac3 Request

    Request Denied Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. We have decided to deny your request due to the following reasons: We believe that your PAC3 would be misidentified as either O5 or OSA, a large reason this is an issue is because of the combative nature of ISD which may mean...
  13. YandereMuffin

    Rule Suggestion Change THAUM FearRP rules

    Me when I dissolve a man into literal dust (I am not bending reality)(I am using magic)(trust)
  14. YandereMuffin

    [UK] Victor Green's Pac3 Request

    Request Approved Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. I have decided to approve your request while playing on the Overseer Assistant role. Your request will now be locked and marked as approved.
  15. YandereMuffin

    [USA] Nalyisä Mierconvich Pac Reqeust

    Request Approved Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC request. I have decided to approve your request to be used on any Internal Security Department role. Your request will now be locked and marked as approved.