Recent content by Yoyo

  1. Yoyo

    Bouncing Out

    o7, goodluck king
  2. Yoyo

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Saturn 'Yoyo'

    Imgur has both, hit arrow to view the other screenshot.
  3. Yoyo

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Saturn 'Yoyo'

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (USA) Your Username: Saturn 'Yoyo' Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:517798568 Discord Username: broken_.ark Age: 15 What's your current playtime: 3D 6H Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: Foundation: Saturn 'Yoyo' GOC: Saturn 'Jingle' Smith...
  4. Yoyo

    Partially Accepted DEA Loadout Changes

    +support buff dea
  5. Yoyo

    [USA] Carrot's Special Agent Application

    +support you misspelled "special agnet" in your lore
  6. Yoyo

    Doses and Mimosas (Sora 'Scriptures')

    o7 it was a good run
  7. Yoyo

    Denied Complete SOP Rework

    -support really?
  8. Yoyo

    [USA] Fanta's Ethics Member Application

    +support its fanta (or crush for you o1) best sp agent OAT
  9. Yoyo

    Denied DEA loadout change/Slight Addition

  10. Yoyo

    Denied Surface Regiment AA Additions

    we are not giving goc a railgun and ci does not need a grenade launcher
  11. Yoyo

    [UK] Tiago's Overseer Assistant Application

    +support (hes in e11) and is experienced in junior cl4s, I think can make a good fit
  12. Yoyo

    Rui "Rudy" Mercer DoEA Application (USA)

    +support get this man in at director