Recent content by Zen

  1. Zen

    Denied Adding the ability to pay with paysafecard

    I think this may depend on your country and bank. iirc I had a bank account when I was a minor without my parents having control over it. Looking at e.g. Nationwide's website, it looks like anyone age 11+ can have an account, and from 13+ you don't even need a parent present to sign off on it.
  2. Zen

    Denied Adding the ability to pay with paysafecard

    I'm fairly sure this isn't even true. afaik, you can have both a debit card and a PayPal account when you're under 18.
  3. Zen

    Content Suggestion Make pistol variety more accessible

    RP. Non-combatives e.g. Executive Researchers may wish to carry around a weapon for self-defence without carrying around e.g. an ARX which doesn't make any fucking sense. It's possible I may have put one part of the jobs list into the wrong category - I had to manually find and type these from...
  4. Zen

    Content Suggestion Make pistol variety more accessible

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Currently, the following pistols exist: Pistol Type Jobs Used Armoury NPC/Perma Armoury Gun Dealer Heavy Gun Dealer MC&D .44 Magnum Revolver/Heavy Site Director/GOC Commander No No No No No BR9 Standard No No Yes Yes No CZ 75-B Standard ISD...
  5. Zen

    Denied D-block Vents

    -Support "Make it against the rules to think"
  6. Zen

    Rule Suggestion Interrogation Rule Changed (Reverted to Old Rule)

    I can't find this in the rules or rulings, so this may have been dropped in the rules rework.
  7. Zen

    Content Suggestion Move Non Essential Equipment to Slot 5 instead of 2

    Can all the medical stuff be moved to slot 1? I think some stuff already is (med kit and field kit, iirc), but others like the defib and bandages are on slot 2.
  8. Zen

    make the site red during nuke

    Or just some new version of the FSL lights that have a slightly different visual effect, like a different colour, or a different flashing style or whatever. Not quite the full red type thing, but still a nice touch.
  9. Zen

    Content Suggestion 914 Rework

    It doesn't specifically include that, but it does include the option for 914 outputs to be disabled based on server pop.
  10. Zen

    Content Suggestion 914 Rework

    I don't think this is the best formatting I've ever done, but I hope people can generally understand what I'm getting at here.
  11. Zen

    Content Suggestion 914 Rework

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Firstly, I would suggest reworking 914 entirely so that its input/setting/outputs are configurable in-game by SL. SL would have access to a menu to edit this config, where they would have options like: Input Type (e.g. Chemical Container, SWEP...
  12. Zen

    Content Suggestion Limit PAC3 To Help Stop Lag

    All players get the console stuff, but I think that usually just gives the links and model names and whatever, which doesn't necessarily tell you who it is for. Afaik, at the very least, SSL get some warnings regarding when certain PACs take too long to load or something like that.
  13. Zen

    take care CN

  14. Zen

    Denied Customizable volume

    I do somewhat support this, but I believe this has been denied before for balance reasons (you have an advantage if you e.g. turn off ambience but someone else doesn't, and similar issues). I can somewhat understand the balance concerns, but I think audio balance/options could be a bit better...
  15. Zen

    Denied Prop Placer Tool Update

    You can also take fall damage IRL if you go down a ladder too fast