Partially Accepted Leopard, M1A1 and Arti changes

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May 23, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
(17th LTCOL Request)
M1A1 Abrams stats update:
Powerbandstart 620
PowerbandEnd 2600
Efficency 1
Traction bias -0.17
Limit rpm 2600

Leopard stats after update:
idleRpm 700L
Limit rpm 2100
Powerbandstart 550
Powerbandend 260
Steerspeed 4.00
Efficency 1.76
Traxtionbias -0.17
Front and rear suspension height -0.35

Arti Rework/Buff suggestions (Individual suggestion-points, that can be considered individually or as a group)
2.1 Make it realistic, IRL Tunguska (and general type of vehicle) has anti-air missiles
2.2 Make the rockets it shoots have a proximity fuse
2.3 Make the cannons shoot at a proper RPM, and be explosive shells
2.4 If the above are accepted, limit the ammount of arties on the field to 1 at a time (1 for NATO and 1 for NWO).
EDITED Changes: Limits the missiles to 8 (irl ammount); and limits cannon ammo to a balanced ammount, requiring the arti to RTB for resupply ammo.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Positives for 1:
- Makes the Leopard playable, and enjoyable to play.
- Not much else really, the tank is very unplayable rn.

Positives for 2:
- Creates a real, accessible counterplay to helicopters.
- Reworks the Arti so that it works like an actual IRL AA platform, instead of a glorified rocket slinger.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Negatives for 1:
- None

Negatives for 2:
- Helicopters are actually counterable by Arti's
- Air may become as unfun as ground

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Regarding 1:
This has been LTCOL Alpha, and a few other 17th's request for a while, I have driven the tank, it is kind of bad, not very much usefulness in combat due to it being 10k HP, squishy for it's class, these changes just make it useable.

Regarding 2: (cope inc.)
To preface a bit, just want to say that, a good heli pilot, and a good arti gunner will make the biggest difference, however, some things I've noticed are:
When you are a good pilot, flying a heli, nothing shy of another good pilot, and/or 3+ Stingers pointed are you. I have seen this happened, I have been in the stinger-side of things, good pilots will dodge most of them.

If we consider tanks, however, it's the following:
Assuming you're a insane Arti player, you have to be aware that you are still a regular tank. Heli's can one shot you, but you also have the other map factors, such as KWKs, players swarming you with AT-4s, and other armoured vehicles. (and killed from skybox, where you can't see the helicopters)

All in all, ever since joining in December last year, up to now, I've noticed playing ground isn't very fun. We're supposed to be fighting infantry and armoured vehicles, whilst having 1 specialized vehicle to counter helicopters, which is made very hard when it's just Roblox-gameplay like to use.
You may survey 17th and 1stAL members, we rarely see each other in combat (as intended), we usually get spotted, called out, and by the time we see a heli @ render distance, even if SWB responds, JAF would have time to one shot us, and then be able to be in a even position to fight off SWB, I'm all up for everybody having fun, but we're in the extreme bottom end of it.

Furthermore, the helicopter's in the game seem to have most of it's IRL capabilities intact, such as Hellfire's, guided missiles, unguided, and a pretty good cannon (the Arti cannon should be like that btw, with more rpm). What does the Arti (I assume it's a sort of Tunguska) has: Two 30mm Cannons, that can fire HE rounds at over 4000 RPM, alongside a radar that provides tracking for It's 8 9M311 Surface-to-Air missiles, making them NOT heatseekers, which means that generally flares are not very effective against them.

This type of vehicle is used mostly for short range air defence, usually longer-range defence is provided by proper platforms, at this distance, 1-8km, an Arti, if undetected, would make the life of a helicopter extremely hard, if not impossible.

In conclusion, I am not asking to add all these obviously realistic and OP features, I'm just asking to find a way to make it fair for tank regiments to fight off helicopters, they are currently extremely dominant, making new player retention in armoured regiments almost impossible. Nobody wants to join a game, under the premise of RPing as tank crewman, to be forced to play on foot because you are constantly oneshot by helicopters, this is, in short, the most fair, easiest and least amount of work way to address this issue.

EDIT: Forgot to add this in; Need genuine feedback on this, from all sides. Am I asking too much, when requesting that the Arti gets some of it's IRL capabilities, like radar-track missiles and/or actual working 30mm cannons?

EDIT2: Added some changes suggested by Parker: Limited Arti ammo, would have to resupply in base like helis.
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under point 1 +support tank stats are perfectly balanced to match nwo tanks
under point 2 +support but i woulnt reduce arti to 1 only 2 +CHANGE TO SUGGEST AA IS FINE but health boost needed and 2nd mgs like flak cannon it should be that AA are as feared to helis as tanks are to helis as we dont pull tanks out often if there is helis in the air such as I assume it's a sort of Tunguska) has: Two 30mm Cannons, that can fire HE rounds at over 4000 RPM, 9M311 Surface-to-Air missiles, making them NOT heatseekers, which means that generally flares are not very effective against them
the fire rate needs to be alot lower from (4000 RPM) to the fire rate of the base miniguns aswell as the raydar dish being removed as i dont want radar

overhaul +support i think the a2 could do with a littler buff due to it being hard to aim as the cannon stitches cannon may need a new model speak to me on discord about it
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May 23, 2022
under point 1 +support
under point 2 +support but i woulnt reduce arti to 1 only 2
Arti's being able to reliably fight helicopters, would in turn, make it impossible for helis to fly if we had 2 Artis up, considering we're allowed 4 armoured vehicles up*, we'd be able to have 2 MBT/IFVs covering the helicopter from other vehicles, or players, making it unfair.
*4 armoured combat vehicles up at the same time, unsure if it's 4 MBTs, but still you get what I mean
+support on both
I agree, ground ain't fun, as a ground regiment all my time in the server (Unless on SWB being a Co-Pilot), I can say that ground ain't that fun, we don't get as many means as we need to deal with stuff, cause helicopters mainly are the most op thing, a experienced pilot can dodge stingers with ease, the only they do is if there's a dog fight make it harder for them, but we still have rely on someone, hardly we can counter it, and I've seen, and I think helped deal with Artis before in a helicopter, as they can't do much when getting bombed, since the fire rate of rockets and cannon is faster than the Arti, which needs to precisely aim to hit a moving target

At same time, reducing it to 2 to 1 wouldn't be best, but implementing a rule where Arti needs be standing still to shoot would make it fairer? I'm not 100% sure how it works irl, but I don't think it can fire while on the move, so making it so needs stand still too fire would make it easier to kill

Regarding tanks, I got a bit confused on that part, u posted a after for A1, but not before, and Leopard idk if that's base stats or new?

I feel like somethings needs be more "OP", even if people complain, cause nothing is easy in life, you got adapt and overcome that, I can imagine stingers were OP asf back then, but people learnt to dodge them overtime
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May 23, 2022
+support on both
I agree, ground ain't fun, as a ground regiment all my time in the server (Unless on SWB being a Co-Pilot), I can say that ground ain't that fun, we don't get as many means as we need to deal with stuff, cause helicopters mainly are the most op thing, a experienced pilot can dodge stingers with ease, the only they do is if there's a dog fight make it harder for them, but we still have rely on someone, hardly we can counter it, and I've seen, and I think helped deal with Artis before in a helicopter, as they can't do much when getting bombed, since the fire rate of rockets and cannon is faster than the Arti, which needs to precisely aim to hit a moving target

At same time, reducing it to 2 to 1 wouldn't be best, but implementing a rule where Arti needs be standing still to shoot would make it fairer? I'm not 100% sure how it works irl, but I don't think it can fire while on the move, so making it so needs stand still too fire would make it easier to kill

Regarding tanks, I got a bit confused on that part, u posted a after for A1, but not before, and Leopard idk if that's base stats or new?

I feel like somethings needs be more "OP", even if people complain, cause nothing is easy in life, you got adapt and overcome that, I can imagine stingers were OP asf back then, but people learnt to dodge them overtime
Sorry, forgot to change title!
They are suggested changes for both the A1 and the Leopard, which are struggling a bit
May 23, 2022
-support "make it impossible for helis to fly if we had 2 Artis up" this is the reason why im -supporting it
Well parker you didn't read it well.
I'm suggesting that we limit the number of artis up to 1 per faction, NWO would only be able to have 1 out at a time, same for NATO, Not 2!
Because, if, with these changes, we had 2 artis up, it would make it unplayable for you guys

EDIT: Parker suggestion added to the post
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Mar 15, 2023
1st idea Neutral +/-
No opinion

2nd idea -Support
An arti can kill a heli perfectly fine if the driver has some intelligence to not stay in the same place and always move into new, unexpected positions. A surprise attack from an arti is simply a free kill on a heli.

Sorry, but this has been suggested a hundred times regarding the Arti buff.

Having radar missiles is OP and won't help the situations with artis.
Backwater has no good spots for the arti on top of that the skybox makes Helis very hard to spot, especially with grayscale colors.

We should address improving the maps like blackwater and highlands to accommodate more flat spaces for the current arti as it is currently functionally fine it kills heli's quickly and its not an end all be all for heli's.

Other than that I won't give any input on the tank changes but the Arti changes are needed and were suggested many times before I am speaking from experience but it's mostly practice with the arti and the situation of server lag. There should be a discussion on map issues with the arti spots as the second a spot is uneven even slightly it glitches the camera.
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Jul 10, 2021
From a J.A.F P.O.V

As a player from the early days of MRP, and the currently appointed J.A.F Regimental General, I will say that Artis have never caused a problem for CAS, at least, not if you have a competent pilot.

Sure they're a threat if caught off guard, or by a good Arti player, but as well mentioned, the Arti itself has many threats of AT4s, KWKs, tanks etc.
In my eyes, an A-A Arti should be a menace to helicopters, enough to force CAS to be grounded, and this suggestion would give just that.
It would implement new strategies for how to combat these forces, and CAS would be forced to play more methodically around them.

As for the tank suggestion, I have no input, I do not drive tanks nor am I familiar with what any of these statistics mean.
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