[USA] O5-1 "The Alchemist" Application

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Gonna update my +support to something real since there are multiple apps now:
+support Chan has been O5 for 7 months now, longer than some players have played the server for. Though there might have been some slip ups over that long time spent as O5, none of them were major, and he has continued to be active on the server helping the departments under him.
Been a great help to DEA and have seen him do a lot for other departments or people too while guarding him as A-1 or assisting as OSA, would be a based -1
Man I just don't support someone who chops off heads while playing jihad music.
hope you don't support half of CI command cuz thats where the idea came from.

I also would like to restate my +support and give more serious consideration. Chan has been a member of Site Command for along time now and is more then deserving of the position given his dedication and commitment to the role. He obviously has alot of care and passion when it comes to the server, and regularly works to contribute to the RP environment. Hes very open to ideas and will give anyone the chance to make changes if they believe will suit the RP environment. This is the exact sorta traits you should be looking for in an RP leader, and more importantly a -1.
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Man I just don't support someone who chops off heads while playing jihad music.
So by this logic, you want the 3/4 of Delta Command axed, because I swear every week I see an execution to "jihad music" in highlight submissions.

Reaffirming my +rep don't let the haters drag you Chan
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