[MRP] Staff Rulings

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MRP Staff Rulings

This thread gives detail of staff rulings on various rules across MRP.

Anything listed on this page has been confirmed to be against the rules by two or more Super Admins, or a member of the Network Leadership team. It is not an exhaustive list of what is against the rules, but serves as a way for common misconceptions to be cleared up by the staff team.

Use your common sense - just because this page doesn't say "it is FailRP to run around with the name 'Donald Trump' and shout about US politics" doesn't mean that it is suddenly allowed - it is clearly a violation of the FailRP rule, which you must follow as normal.
1.1 - Loyalty - You can not purposefully assist the enemy team, unless under FearRP or being interrogated. If you have a valid RP reason to help the enemy team you may. BUT if a staff member tells you your reason is not valid you must stop. HMOD+ may approve solo treason SL+ may approve open rebellion

1.2 - Naming Conventions - Do not use offensive terms or names in your character name, and avoid using unnecessary special characters and numbers. Also, it should have an RP-friendly approach of a realistic name. Code names and Pre-Defined regimental naming schemes are allowed as long as they follow the guidelines.

1.2 - Execution Authority - NHC/UHC can authorise the execution of their own team. RMP/KGB CPT+ can authorise execution of anyone in their own base. Any form of execution authority must be declared in comms.

1.3 - RP Leadership Rank Limit - You may only be an RP Leader (SLT/2LT+) on one character. You may not hold an RP Leader rank on MilitaryRP if you hold a senior position on SCP-RP or another CN server.

1.4 - Do not Combat Taze/Cuff - Do not taze, handcuff, use "beanbag" shotgun or strip an enemy player during combat.

1.5 - Spy Rules - Spies cannot be recognized by comms, their voice or other means that the job they are disguised as would normally have or be able to do (I.E. Asking a spy to pull out a weapon their job would have or flip their ID card). Disguised spies cannot fly helicopters or drive tanks except for the purpose of theft. Disguised spies cannot actively engage in combat or territory capture during war. When a spy is discovered or suspected in a 1:1 scenario they may kill the discoverer.

Spies and Special Forces - Special Forces regiments and Spies may do their missions at the same time, however they must go to different objectives to complete these missions. For example, if a spy decides to hack war funds from CC, SF regiments would be forced to hack war funds from the HC Buildings and vice versa

1.6 - Kidnapping - A team can keep a different team as a prisoner for a maximum of 20 minutes . The same team must wait 20 minutes before kidnapping the same person again. Any team may kidnap for ransom or sell the prisoner. USSR/NATO may kidnap in order to interrogate or disguise as the prisoner, in addition to the above. Anyone being taken hostage or being stored by the enemy cannot be held in an area where there are spawn points.

1.7 - Rescue Mission Rules - If the enemy team has a friendly hostage or vehicle within their own base there may be a single attempt to rescue the hostage/vehicle or destroy the vehicle. Any Militia online may attempt to rescue a Militia. USSR/NATO must send a maximum of 2 regiments into the base, which must be decided before the regiments enter the base by High Command or the highest ranking SAS/AGC (Otherwise the highest Commissioned Officer). Once a player has died they cannot return to the base rescue mission.

1.8 - Interrogation Rules - RMP/KGB have control over an enemy prisoner within their own base and have the power to delegate interrogation or negotiations to SAS/AG. During interrogation, the interrogator may ask 3 questions; during interrogation for each question asked the RMP/KGB and the prisoner being interrogated must /roll 100 and the RMP/KGB must use /me to describe the interrogation method. If RMP/KGB rolls higher the prisoner must tell the truth. If the prisoner rolls higher they may say whatever they wish as long as it does not break server rule.When taken prisoner and found to be an enemy by USSR/NATO you are required to give your Name, Rank and Service Number. (For the purposes of roleplay, you may make up a Service Number). You need to use valid RP to identify a spy. Using a glitched playermodel to identify a spy is against the rules, it's not realistic. Recognising a spy by asking to see their weapon, again, is against the rules. You should check their ID card and see if there are flaws.

1.9 - Hostage Negotiation Rules - If the enemy team has taken a hostage and an SLT/2LT+ of the hostage's team is online they MUST engage in negotiations (Any rank is able to negotiate) according to the hostage negotiation table. Once a deal has been agreed to by both sides, it must be honoured and no rescue attempts can be made. The hostage returned must be the actual hostage. If the team who has kidnapped the hostage contact the hostage's team with a reasonable amount of time left on the hostage's maximum kidnap time, it is the fault of the Hostage's team if the hostage is held beyond their maximum kidnap time, However in the event that the war begins within the Maximum kidnap time the hostage in question will be allowed to participate in war, Once war has ended and debriefs are concluded the hostage will be returned to situation for it to continue.

1.10 - SF base missions - Players cannot be kidnapped within their own base unless in accordance with this rule. If there are at least 12 active players on both teams (24 total) SAS or AG may enter the enemy base once every 20 minutes, during peacetime or pre-war, with the intent to kidnap members of the enemy team or vehicles. If the player count drops whilst in the base, SAS/AG may continue their mission.

SF can also do a hacking mission, the regiment entering the enemy team's base must take reasonable action to prevent bloodshed. I.e. only returning fire on confirmed hostiles. If there are at least 12 active players on both teams (24 total) SAS or SGRU may enter the enemy base once every hour, during peacetime or pre-war, with the intent to kidnap members of the enemy team or steal war funds. If the player count drops whilst in the base, SAS/AG may continue their mission.

SF must wait 10 minutes between the hacking mission and the kidnapping.

NHC/UHC SF job may assist during any of the missions.

1.11 - Eastern Resistance Allying Rules - ER may ally with either USSR/NATO during pre-war for the duration of the war, if ER does not announce who they are allying with before war starts instead they will automatically claim town and may KOS any USSR/NATO (or USSR/NATO allied) individuals inside the town. They are considered KOS here on out.

During Pre-war an ER Leader must start a fair bid if they intend to ally with a side, they must also wait 5 minutes before releasing their instant hire price. ER members all cost a minimum of £1000 and so the bid and pay must reflect the number of members. Once a bid is concluded the ER Leader must announce who they are allying with in open comms (/oc) and ALL members must side with them through the F4 menu. In order to bid you must be the minimum rank of 2LT/JLT+ however another individual can pay in your stead. ER must be paid before war starts.

1.12 - Private Contractor Hiring Rules - A Private Contractor can be hired for the duration of a war by any team (or for one of the services listed in 2.14). If the Private Contractor is being hired for the purpose of war they must announce who they are hired by in (/oc) and side with them using the buttons in the F4 Jobs menu. Before war begins, A monetary transaction must take place before a Private Contractor is considered validly hired. In order to bid you must be the minimum rank of 2LT/JLT+ however another individual can pay in your stead. A private contractor must wait 15 minutes before being hired by the same team again. If a Private Contractor is being hired for the duration of a war, they must start a fair bid and must wait 5 minutes before releasing their instant hire price.

Assassinations: A private contractor may be hired to eliminate a single target on a different team, the minimum pricing is according to the Assassination Guidelines table.(Must be 8 active players on the enemy side). If a Private Contractor is hired for the purpose of an assassination, they do not have to specify in /oc that they are hired for this purpose, HOWEVER they are still required to announce that they are hired by a team. They must announce in /oc once the assassination has been completed.
Harass Supply Routes: A private contractor can be hired to intercept and destroy supply vehicles and their drivers at a specific location. (Must be 8 active players on the enemy side)
FOB Assault: A private contractor can be hired to attack/destroy a FOB. They may kill any troops friendly to the FOB in the area. In the Open Comms announcement, the private contractor must specify the location and team of the FOB being attacked. (If applicable a capture point name, otherwise a Grid Square reference). (Must be 8 active players on the enemy side)

Must be 8 active players on the enemy side during any hostile PC action EG attacking the side or stealing items from them.

1.13 - Mixing - Do not mention OOC (i.e: discord, teamspeak,e t.c.) topics In-Character.

1.14 - Entering the enemy base:
Peacetime/Pre-War -
Players may only enter the enemy base for a rescue attempt or to undergo operations as a spy. For no other reason is someone permitted to enter the enemy base. The Juggernaut and Flamer jobs cannot enter the enemy base unless there is an active base raid under rule 2.03. You may not place Squad Rally Markers/Tacs inside the enemy base (the only exception is during a Wartime Base Raid).

Wartime - Players may only enter the enemy base during wartime for the purpose of spy operations, theft and espionage, Players may not enter the enemy base during war whilst not on the Spy Job. During a Wartime Baseraid, you may enter the enemy base for the purpose of capturing the base. You may not attempt to breach/hack doors for the duration of the war unless your intent is to steal a vehicle.

1.15 - Engagement during active mission - Non-friendlies are KOS if a) you have a dispatched mission and b) they interfere with you attempting to complete that dispatched mission, or attempt to complete a competitive objective. If it has been established that an enemy regiment is competing against you in a mission, you may KOS them on sight during the mission's duration only. You may not KOS non-friendlies for interfering with another regiment's mission, even if they engage allies from that regiment.

1.16 - Special job rules
MP Disguise job Rules -
Any MP who disguises using the disguise kit (own team) is only to use said disguise within the confines of your base. When arresting a suspect, you must remove your disguise immediately after you cuff them. You must never do any action whilst disguised that goes against server rules or breaks IC Laws. You may not disguise as the following: Spies, High Command, Officers ranked MAJ+ or CL18+. When asked to by High Command or a member within the MP Chain of Command, you must undisguise unless on an investigation authorised by Senior HC.

IA and VG jobs are only to be used inside of their respective bases during peacetime. They may ONLY leave if they are chasing a suspect and may not engage hostiles unless in self defence. These jobs may NOT be used in war.

Regimental General - Each Regimental General is considered a member of that regiment for any mission that is not a C mission EG SF gen can go hacking, Air gen can go pathfinding. This also means that if a HC member is on the job when doing a base rescue they don't count as a third regiment.

Covert Operator Job Rules: AG/SAS Covert Operator are not allowed to enter the enemy base at any time.

Pathfinder Job Rules: JAF/ABT Pathfinders may attack an enemy FOB anywhere on the map once per peacetime/Pre-war but has to announce it in open comms. Can only be done with other JAF/ABT members. May only attack if BOTH sides have 8 non AFK players on. You must announce the grid location of the enemy FOB.

Tear Gas Rules: MP tear gas grenades may be used in any combative situation which does not classify as a war.

Medic Drones: Only one Medic drone may be spawned at a time.

Proxy Mines: You are not permitted to place down proxy mines within the CC/Meeting Rooms or the hallways infront of it.

1.17 - Machinery Underwater - Wouldn't work in real life. You can't drive vehicles through extended bodies of water and you can't shoot any weapon that is submerged. Similarly, FOB structures, tactical insertions and rally markers shouldn't be placed underwater - how would the electronics work?

1.18 - Execution of Goats - Sadly our beloved goats must meet their end at some point! You must have a valid reason to kill goats. Goat curry is tasty! KGB/RMP G9 units follow the same ROE as any other friendly.

1.19 - OC threats - If your side makes a threat within open comms towards the other side. The side being threatened is allowed to kill all members of that side within the territory. EG USSR tell NATO to get off Church or they are KOS in 10 secs NATO may attack all USSR forces within the Church territory area marked on the map.

1.20 - Use of "bodycams" after death - If a Military Police member dies but has a clip of the situation from their perspective (via medal or another software) it is valid so long as it is used to resolve the situation either via an arrest, warrant or a court case. Outside of these 3 options, bodycam will be "erased" after day.

1.21 - Vehicles getting stuck - Any vehicle which is stuck can be moved by a member of staff as long as it is not in combat and has the engine power to move itself if not for an external force such as a fence or water stopping it's movement.

1.22 - Kidnapping Cooldown Exemption - If you go into the enemy base after being kidnapped you void the 20 min wait before being kidnapped again.

1.23 - Military Police searches - Military Police do not have to roll when doing a search. It is also fail RP to trade with people outside of arms reach or anyone in sight of Military Police. When trading, Military Police can see into the pocket of the person they are searching however that person cannot see into theirs, this is because Military Police would be patting down the suspect not vice versa.

1.24 - Preplaced vehicles - In the event of a restricted war, neither faction are permitted to place vehicles in any position that would allow them to be used.

1.25 - Strategic Asset outside of war - During peacetime/prewar, any offensive strategic asset (airstrike, B2, Napalm, SCUD/HIMARS) may ONLY be used for the purpose of a test. The test must be conducted on friendly territories and must avoid any spawn or FOB that does not belong your team.

1.26 - Map Specific Rulings - Due to how some maps are layed out, this is a list of all rulings which are related to a specific map or part of a map.

On Highlands, you are not permitted to place a FOB within the Radar/Dome building.

On Afghan, you are not permitted to be on the Mosque roof.

Stock rules

For stockpiling helicopters, you may only have one heli per pad. If there is more than one helicopter on a helipad, then staff will remove one of them to correct this. It's the responsibility of the person stockpiling to ensure this is followed as it may result in the loss of that stockpile. (Example: 3x Helipads = 3x Stockpiled Helis)

Helicopter restock reasons
-Takeoff Error -
If you've had an "oopsie" while taking off, then the helicopter may be restocked.

-Own-Team Kami - Friendly kamikazes are not restockable as it is a communication error between the two and is at the fault of both pilots. This includes taking off whilst a friendly helicopter is above you resupplying rockets.

-Enemy-Team Kami - Enemy kamikazes are restockable so long as there is a definite clip that precisely shows the opposing pilot making no attempt to avoid the collision.

-Heli Trainings - Planned trainings are restockable, however prior to taking up the heli, there should be some sort of log of it whether it be contacting staff using @. Before taking up a heli for training, please make a sit to inform staff.

-WAC Glitches - WAC Glitches are restockable. This is when your helicopter becomes 'dead' and you can not actually fly anymore and it's stuck in motion. A clip is helpful to show staff members. During combat or if you are on fire WAC glitch is not a reason for restock.
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