Partially Accepted Drone Nerf

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestions would add one (Or both) of the following:
>Adding a cooldown to buying drones (10-20 minutes)
->(Edited) This would also add making it that so you cannot holster drones to prevent people from stacking up drones to avoid the cooldown.
>Add more counterplay to drones, such as a Drone Jammer or Drone Gun to specifically deal with them (These would be accessible on limited jobs - Up to the CT's discretion).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Less Unfair for CI as they don't have to deal with a constant barrage of drones that have little reward for destroying.
DEA have to play more carefully with their drones, and can't spawn one in 5 seconds after 1 dies.
Encourages DEA/SOP to leave more to call out CI raids rather than constantly relying on drones.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
SOP nerf. Although not a nerf in their combat ability, this is still a nerf.
CI have an easier time raiding, as if they destroy a drone they have a semi-guarantee that they won't be scouted out for awhile (By that specific drone at least).
CI have a harder time counterplaying drones in some cases - Being completely unable to holster them, and being forced to shoot them down.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Currently, CI raids have been a lot more arduous because of drones calling CI out a lot of the time. It has encouraged SOP to sit within base/compound, and have 1/2 DEA sit with their drones scouting surface, as there is no reason to go outside. This doesn't encourage surface activity, and is boring for CI. Drone gameplay likely isn't also the most fun, just flying above where you can't be shot, calling out CI who leave base but never engaging them unless they raid. Furthermore, drones are inherently very good. Due to the lag of the server alongside the drones tiny hitbox and decent healthpool, they are very annoying to destroy, with it having taken 2/3 CI around 2 minutes to destroy one that was just hovering over our heads. Altogether this makes them extremely low risk, high reward, which should be changed.
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Just allow CI to use them aswell, as a certain rank/class
This solves nothing.

The whole argument of this suggestion is the fact that DEA can just spam out drones constantly and always scout out a raid before we even get close to compound/vents. Giving CI drones does nothing in terms of the whole point of this suggestion.
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Jan 16, 2022
Drones have literally no combative use, it is for espionage, our literal job. Nerfing something not combative is kinda silly, we can't defend the drone , they gave very little health all things considered, and literally allow us to do our one job. Also, raid call outs give us 2 minutes at best, and you have reality benders and juggernauts.
Big -support
Drones have literally no combative use, it is for espionage, our literal job. Nerfing something not combative is kinda silly, we can't defend the drone , they gave very little health all things considered, and literally allow us to do our one job.
You act like this is axing drones, when it’s really not. You can still use drones to do what you wish, just with a drawback for being a moron.

The same way as if you get caught as a disguised individual, you get killed for it. I’d argue this is actually a lot better than that.
As for drone HP, you should read what I said above about them. On top of that you get an infinite amount of them without cooldown, so yeah.

You mention drones being your “job” as well, but what is your job? I’d say it’s disguising, monitoring, infiltrating, and sneakily killed people while disguised. Drones only monitor, and encourage people to just do that. It’s extremely lame, as it results in nothing to do on surface for CI other than shoot down drones that will reappear 5 seconds later, or just AFK in base.

Also, raid call outs give us 2 minutes at best, and you have reality benders and juggernauts.
Big -support
2 minutes is extremely long. 2 minutes can:

>Allow people to prepare at almost every vent with at least 3-4 people
>Completely stop a MG raid in its tracks
>Allow AO to completely secure targets

As for TB and Jugg, Jugg is a fat fuck who take 10 years to get anywhere, and is terrible for pushing, and how good a TB is depends on who plays it (E.G. Johnson vs Blue’s TB)

Let me reiterate, this does not remove drones, and as said above I’m actively against it. What I am against is something that is very boring, encourages campy behaviour and has lacklustre counter play

King Julien

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2024

+ Support

Seems like a good idea, maybe not 30 minutes but definatly should have a cooldown maybe around 10 as we don't want drones to be completly unusable. Also drone smell bad to less air pollution
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May 21, 2023
This suggestion does make sense but i belive a 20 min cooldown is a bit much for something with so little health and with the possibility of a jammer as well is abit much.

But i belive a good suggestion for this would be give mc&d a drone jammer to sell adding more of a reason for the job to be used. And drones arent free and do cost money so i belive it would be fair for ci to pay abit for a jammer each time they want to use one instead of a constant free use one on a job. Or have it as a buyable enity for a certain job to use like the drones so their is a bit down side for countering drones.
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Reactions: Skinner and Niox
God, lord and saviour; Jesus Christ
Reduce the drone health, please. They have armored carrier like health and it makes it nearly impossible to gun down out of the sky. It should be one to two bullets realistically..
All the other changes I couldn’t care less, adding a cooldown tho isn’t really gonna change much and will kill one of DEA’s main advatanges


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Niox ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

Reasons for Denial:
We feel the Drone jammer and Drone gun are unneccassary on the server as you can just shoot them with your normal gun.

Reasons for Acceptance:
We like the idea of increasing the cooldown of deploying the drones. Furthermore, we like the idea of making the drones unholsterable.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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