- Oct 18, 2023
- 127
- 13
- 61
Your Username: 'James'
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:617646684
Discord Username: james_bond607
Age: 17
What's your current playtime: Too much (2 months 15 days...)
Do you have a mic: Yes I do.
Your characters name: Alpha Group MAJ 'Sheffield' / SAS PSC 'James'
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first GM application.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
I have 1 warn from 2021 Base camping, and one from October for Job abuse.
How many hours can you be on everyday:
I play most days around 4/5 hours and more on weekends.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I don't have experience in the GM team but, I do have some when I was a head moderator so I am good with rules ect.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I want to become a Game Master because I love to help the server and I would like to help plan/ lead events. I have played a lot of events in my time on the server and think I could help get more out. I would also like to keep MRP in the good position it is in and I think more events could do this.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I am able to help you on the server because of my experience, as GRM I was involved in a few events and helped plan some so I know what is needed. Having been a player actively for over a year I feel I know what is liked/ not liked.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1 - Event based on a crash wreckage. There will be a plane/ helicopter crashed on the map. Each sides HC will be briefed and need to lead their side in investigating the wreckage. In the wreckage will be items that will lead to clues/ hints that they must work out. They will need to go to other points around the map until they find what is waiting for them. It is laid out like this so both sides will have a fair chance and the GM team will be able to help a side if it is falling behind by a lot. Once they have found what was waiting for them they will need to take it back to base and defend against the other side.
2 - Event for either side which involves a member of Senior HC being kidnapped (can be WCA if they are unavailable). NATO/ USSR will be tasked with saving their leader and returning them safely. This mission will be for the whole side so all regiments can participate. The Senior HC member will be help by a group of local Civilians who are against them being there (Mainly GM's). The sides goal is peace but can take a quick turn to violence depending on how the other HC lead their side.
3 - Event using a small force of rebels take over a point. Depending on the situation of point ect USSR/ NATO need to use their regiments to reclaim the territory and defeat the rebels. (this again can lead to a bigger one if a hostage was included ect).
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
A covert SAS operations team have discovered there is a USSR spy is within the NATO ranks. With this information the operations team goes to the Senior High Command and requests a full search into each NATO regiment with the hopes of discovering the spy's true Identity.
A message was found being sent to Moscow but was intercepted by the SAS. The decoded message states details to an attack. The USSR are planning on launching a surprise offensive on NATO forces stationed in Vietnam .
After NATO had previously conquered Vietnam. they were certain that the USSR would not try to attack again. NATO have taken Supplies, Ammunition, and a lot of NATO personal away from this area to focus on other key areas such as the Polish and Ukrainian campaigns that are still ongoing.
With the Intelligence gathered from the USSR spy, the Operations team were able to understand a clear increase in manpower from the USSR. they were preparing for an assault. In their preparation for the assault moving tanks, Armoured Vehicles, and lots of troops clearly NATO were being outnumbered and outgunned.
Using surveillance drones NATO were able to confirm the situation. Seeing the incoming disaster the NATO High Command stationed in the area tried to prepare to defend and ready the troops however, with limited time and resources they are unsure if they will be strong enough to hold them back.
(throughout the event USSR will be on the attack from their base with the hopes of capturing as much land as possible. This could also lead to a later event if NATO were to counter-attack to reclaim the region.)
List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/AOR, SAS/STS, IVG/ISAF, JAF/SWB, 1stAL/17thAR):
RMP/ KGB - A small mission based around finding hidden 'Substances' in other regiments bunks. This could lead to a bigger event based around finding where the items came from. This will be done through bunk raids and follow regular
SAS/AG - Event for AG/ SAS including a member of HC (either side) being kidnapped and taken hostage. They need to try and rescue the HC member using things like paradrops ect.
SHA/ISAF - A mission that requires a lot of personal to be conducted safely is passed onto SHA/ISAF Officers. With orders of rescuing a hostage from a stronghold with multiple enemy in the area. The Hostage is an old nuclear scientist that was found by Hostile forces looking to escape. Using their numbers they must extract him while keeping him and his secrets safe.
JAF/ABT - A mission based on rescuing a hostage/ VIP. They will need to land in a dangerous area, collect the individual and evacuate without dying to Stingers/ SAM ect. This could be a competition to see who wins.
17th/ 10th - Each side will need to stop an armoured column carrying secret weapons and investigate the remains. (this can be a small event or lead to a bigger one depending on how it goes).
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:617646684
Discord Username: james_bond607
Age: 17
What's your current playtime: Too much (2 months 15 days...)
Do you have a mic: Yes I do.
Your characters name: Alpha Group MAJ 'Sheffield' / SAS PSC 'James'
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first GM application.
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
I have 1 warn from 2021 Base camping, and one from October for Job abuse.
How many hours can you be on everyday:
I play most days around 4/5 hours and more on weekends.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I don't have experience in the GM team but, I do have some when I was a head moderator so I am good with rules ect.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I want to become a Game Master because I love to help the server and I would like to help plan/ lead events. I have played a lot of events in my time on the server and think I could help get more out. I would also like to keep MRP in the good position it is in and I think more events could do this.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I am able to help you on the server because of my experience, as GRM I was involved in a few events and helped plan some so I know what is needed. Having been a player actively for over a year I feel I know what is liked/ not liked.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
1 - Event based on a crash wreckage. There will be a plane/ helicopter crashed on the map. Each sides HC will be briefed and need to lead their side in investigating the wreckage. In the wreckage will be items that will lead to clues/ hints that they must work out. They will need to go to other points around the map until they find what is waiting for them. It is laid out like this so both sides will have a fair chance and the GM team will be able to help a side if it is falling behind by a lot. Once they have found what was waiting for them they will need to take it back to base and defend against the other side.
2 - Event for either side which involves a member of Senior HC being kidnapped (can be WCA if they are unavailable). NATO/ USSR will be tasked with saving their leader and returning them safely. This mission will be for the whole side so all regiments can participate. The Senior HC member will be help by a group of local Civilians who are against them being there (Mainly GM's). The sides goal is peace but can take a quick turn to violence depending on how the other HC lead their side.
3 - Event using a small force of rebels take over a point. Depending on the situation of point ect USSR/ NATO need to use their regiments to reclaim the territory and defeat the rebels. (this again can lead to a bigger one if a hostage was included ect).
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
A covert SAS operations team have discovered there is a USSR spy is within the NATO ranks. With this information the operations team goes to the Senior High Command and requests a full search into each NATO regiment with the hopes of discovering the spy's true Identity.
A message was found being sent to Moscow but was intercepted by the SAS. The decoded message states details to an attack. The USSR are planning on launching a surprise offensive on NATO forces stationed in Vietnam .
After NATO had previously conquered Vietnam. they were certain that the USSR would not try to attack again. NATO have taken Supplies, Ammunition, and a lot of NATO personal away from this area to focus on other key areas such as the Polish and Ukrainian campaigns that are still ongoing.
With the Intelligence gathered from the USSR spy, the Operations team were able to understand a clear increase in manpower from the USSR. they were preparing for an assault. In their preparation for the assault moving tanks, Armoured Vehicles, and lots of troops clearly NATO were being outnumbered and outgunned.
Using surveillance drones NATO were able to confirm the situation. Seeing the incoming disaster the NATO High Command stationed in the area tried to prepare to defend and ready the troops however, with limited time and resources they are unsure if they will be strong enough to hold them back.
(throughout the event USSR will be on the attack from their base with the hopes of capturing as much land as possible. This could also lead to a later event if NATO were to counter-attack to reclaim the region.)
List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/AOR, SAS/STS, IVG/ISAF, JAF/SWB, 1stAL/17thAR):
RMP/ KGB - A small mission based around finding hidden 'Substances' in other regiments bunks. This could lead to a bigger event based around finding where the items came from. This will be done through bunk raids and follow regular
SAS/AG - Event for AG/ SAS including a member of HC (either side) being kidnapped and taken hostage. They need to try and rescue the HC member using things like paradrops ect.
SHA/ISAF - A mission that requires a lot of personal to be conducted safely is passed onto SHA/ISAF Officers. With orders of rescuing a hostage from a stronghold with multiple enemy in the area. The Hostage is an old nuclear scientist that was found by Hostile forces looking to escape. Using their numbers they must extract him while keeping him and his secrets safe.
JAF/ABT - A mission based on rescuing a hostage/ VIP. They will need to land in a dangerous area, collect the individual and evacuate without dying to Stingers/ SAM ect. This could be a competition to see who wins.
17th/ 10th - Each side will need to stop an armoured column carrying secret weapons and investigate the remains. (this can be a small event or lead to a bigger one depending on how it goes).