Denied Anti-personnel + Anti-tank mines

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add two new type of mines to FOB menu that can be built on FOBs.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't know, I highly doubt.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Adds more strategic combat + more stuff for FOB building + realism.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Tank + Infantry regiments might not like this one so it needs to be heavily tested and balanced before any release.
Developer time being apparently so limited I think this small addition with maybe some time from devs could bring so much to the server.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It should be accepted because it just adds more content. More content = more fun. More fun = more players etc etc etc....
Upvote 1
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

Alex/John Dingle

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 7, 2022
Can't wait for the brand new NCO to place down a mine and not tell anyone about it 🔥
+Support if they do not explode for friendly's
-Support if the do explode for friendly's
Also i get the AT Mines but for the Anti Personnel just use a proxy
Can't wait for the brand new NCO to place down a mine and not tell anyone about it 🔥
+Support if they do not explode for friendly's
-Support if the do explode for friendly's
Also i get the AT Mines but for the Anti Personnel just use a proxy
Totally agree with them not exploding on friendlies. Same goes for proxy, I dont want to use them just because I know that random private from my side just dies to it instantly...

+Support in general
will need a limit to them, and some way to prevent them. maybe they'll stick out of the ground or smthn
Yep, definitely has to have a max amount when building these. Also less for tanks for obvious reasons.
I can get behind anti tank mines, but not anti personnel. There's already an assortment of random crap that kills you, proxies and drones. I don't think we need anymore. I am in agreeance with the AT mines though.
I don't know about you but personally have not suffered so much against proxies and drones. Have died to those 1-2% of the time if we count all deaths.

So there is not enough "random crap" that kills you, and only allowing these to be built only on FOBs already limits its usage and most likely will be only used start of the war and not during / after.


Well-known Member
May 17, 2024
Maybe make tank mines a part of the AT job instead of a fob build able, it'd make sense for them to have them
I think it should be a regiment job not a fob placement there was a previous suggestion i made last year what got accepted but was never implimented
Typical "cool idea but just uhh we cant work on this uknow no time etc."
and I totally understand Devs here with this one, they get paid less than sweatshop workers in China yet they still give out cool updates once in a while :)

Maybe make tank mines a part of the AT job instead of a fob build able, it'd make sense for them to have them
The reason why they should be only built on FOBs are just for limitation. FOBs right now are very easy to kill with any tank and BTR-80A type vehicle (if right conditions are met, no Antitank etc.) So having these to be only set on FOB area they can be way more destructive, in my opinion.

If I am 17thAR/10thSD and some random anti-tank mine is in a bush very hidden and just happens to drive over it and the mine one-shots the tank I would be mega furious complaining how OP those mines are. Like I said;
Tank + Infantry regiments might not like this one so it needs to be heavily tested and balanced before any release.

The suggestion itself adds just a bit content that may have a huge impact if used correctly.
Adds more strategic combat + more stuff for FOB building + realism.


MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 5, 2024

Suggestion Denied

Hi @YaBoi , we have something similar in the works already.

Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion!

Take care,
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