Partially Accepted Give Rangers the Interrogation Tool and a Field Kit!

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Dec 25, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Places the "Interrogate Tool" and "Field Kit" (3 uses with heal / bandage).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I believe there was a prior one in regards to the Interrogate tool, although I cannot find it as I am bad.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Rangers can more properly ID people within the GoIs, instead of just being lied to about their names (more ranger RP)
- Rangers can save peoples lives, whether it be for an arrest or just to save a person (medical ranger RP)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Rangers would have freer access to enter the certain bases, and some people may misuse this for bad reasons

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, this would increase the possibilities with Ranger RP without needing any dev work (I think, I dunno how adding weapons to jobs work). It would stop the many times people force bleed out while being arrested on surface, and would generally allow rangers to be a slight bit more of a threat to the GoIs of the region (which could create RP - from arresting RP, to just ranger & GOI diplomatic RP, to medical RP, and document RP).

I did have a negative, that rangers would have more access to cards therefore access to bases, but honestly I don't think that would even be that bad - staff already deal with rangers entering illegally, and (at least on UK) rangers almost never enter bases without RP reasons.

All that be said, I think it would be cool for Rangers to have these items (y) and would enhance my Ranger RP.
Dec 10, 2022
Aren't we really hesitant to give out the interro tool for good reasons? (it took UK IA CL4 like a literal year of fighting with content team and SL to get agents to have interro tool)

We had problems with ranger minging before, this'd exascerbate the problem a few thousand times if a Ranger can just randomly arrest someone in the DMZ and interrogate tool them for 'ID documents' and end up immediately infoleaking SCP CL3 Nu7 SPC "johnson" to the entire department.

I agree on the field kit, though. Healing on surface that doesn't come from the GOC or Foundation is next to none.
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Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
+Support on field kit
-Support on interrogation tool. Only purpose of this would be, that a member of F/CI/GOC gets arrested and they get a keycard. There is literally 0 reason RP wise for the rangers to have a interrogation tool.

- Rangers can more properly ID people within the GoIs, instead of just being lied to about their names (more ranger RP)
Oh I wonder why they would lie? Maybe because they are working for the biggest secret to exist in mankind? The keycard also exposes their rank and department/regiment.
I think the general consensus is that there shouldn’t be a Interrogation tool for Rangers, but there should be a Field Kit for them.

But then wouldn’t that make the surface medic job pointless?
Wouldn't say it makes it useless, as field kit only has a limited number of charges without heading to a GOI base for an ammo stash.
Dec 10, 2022
As far as I am aware, you can as long as it's a controlled RP environment, the same as weapons and the like.
You can't. It's powergaming (as far as I'm aware); we've had previous rulings about weapon strip keybinds for this exact reason involving D-class being able to 1 on 1 instantly fear-rp any security staff with a knife. (D-class would bait guards to open a door alone, which involves them putting their gun down to pull out their keycard, and then just immediately pull out knife -> strip bind).

There's also no mechanical way to drop your own spawn keycard unless you have it interrogated beforehand, so I think it being allowed is very unlikely (as there's no way to gain the keycard without calling staff over to manually strip the guy for you, or having someone else do it).

(If it isn't, I was lied to. Also, why don't chefs use this to leak A-1/O-1/O5/ECM keycards? Same with IA?)
Dec 10, 2022
Wouldn't say it makes it useless, as field kit only has a limited number of charges without heading to a GOI base for an ammo stash.
Rangers have an ammo stash next to their armory
Surface Medic is already pretty useless and is basically a defunct role like regular gundealer. Nobody uses it for the intended purpose (surface roleplay) and its only ever occupied, I find, when Rangers are doing their normal stint of failRP and trying to kill GOC/Foundation as a surface rebellion type thing.
You can't. It's powergaming (as far as I'm aware); we've had previous rulings about weapon strip keybinds for this exact reason involving D-class being able to 1 on 1 instantly fear-rp any security staff with a knife. (D-class would bait guards to open a door alone, which involves them putting their gun down to pull out their keycard, and then just immediately pull out knife -> strip bind).

There's also no mechanical way to drop your own spawn keycard unless you have it interrogated beforehand, so I think it being allowed is very unlikely (as there's no way to gain the keycard without calling staff over to manually strip the guy for you, or having someone else do it).

(If it isn't, I was lied to. Also, why don't chefs use this to leak A-1/O-1/O5/ECM keycards? Same with IA?)
I am 100% certain that weapon strip binds are currently allowed. They just require a controlled RP scenario, e.g. fearRP and weapon away.
Dec 10, 2022
I am 100% certain that weapon strip binds are currently allowed. They just require a controlled RP scenario, e.g. fearRP and weapon away.
I should have clarified better; i said 'about'; not against for a reason. There were specific divots and pivots used to help make /me strips weapons more realistic (e.g it's unreasonable to believe a D-class could somehow speedrun stealing an Officer's main firearm, sidearm, and backup weapons in less than a second).
Regardless, I feel as if '/me strips ID' could easily become very abusable, much like the entire D-class incident
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