What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion aims to buff/alter SCP 323 in the following ways:(Please note, these are merely suggestions and don't all have to be added, my goal is to give some ideas that can be added)
Basic Melee attack | Currently SCP-323 has no means of attack other then making people insane. With the current way sanity works and how fast it recovers, unless the 323 can remain hidden and keep a person in sight they are unable to kill effectively. To make the issue above worse, if SCP-323 is being chased by a group their chance of hiding is reduced massively, and the odds of making someone insane even lower. So to even get kills or handle larger groups, SCP-323 has to expose themselves. Commonly standing still and being shot, which is not an enjoyable way to play an SCP. So I propose a basic melee attack, essentially the claws that SCP-323 would have. I'll leave the damage up to CT to decide, however I suggest that the damage of the claws scale with insanity. |
Reduced Noise | SCP-323 much like the other surface SCP, makes noise to make them easier to find on surface. This is fine for the skeleton, as they can actively attack and push back humans, but for SCP-323 this hinders their chance of getting many, if any kills due to the face that they have to remain still while being actively hunted. Therefore I propose that SCP-323's noise be reduced flat out, be it less radius or lower volume. Alternately (or additionally) I also suggest that SCP-323 does not make a noise if he's recently killed someone. Leaning much more into the stalker aspect of 323. |
Adjusting Insanity | Currently SCP-323's Insanity system relies on SCP-323 "stalking" subjects remaining still and looking at them, moving suspends the process while looking away allows them to regain sanity. However, as mentioned in the Melee attack the time required for this can be troublesome, or even somewhat unfair. This is added to by the fact that so many things block vision on surface, allowing subjects to regain most of their sanity despite only hiding for a moment. I propose this, the rate at which SCP 323 makes people insane is either increased, or the rate at which people regain sanity is decreased. |
His Speed | Currently SCP-323 is about as fast as a normal person. However his ability relies on keeping his distance or even running away from larger groups, to give a personal example, I was hunted for over 5 mins as 323 by a group of GOC on speed chems, I was unable to do ANYTHING at all. They could evade my Insanity, follow me if I try to run. All it took too counter 323 was just being a tad faster. Therefore I propose making SCP-323 faster. CT can decide on the exact speed however I suggest the same as D-class scouts. |
Cloaking | SCP-323 is best played by hiding and stalking, I suggest really leaning into this and grant SCP-323 a mild cloak ability. My suggestion is that he goes slightly transparent when remaining still and not being damaged. |
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Denied - 323 Buff
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: [Response here]It gives 323 either more speed, or faster sanity drain, as the current sanity drain is nowhere near enough AND/OR, Make 323 have a ability that allows him to be cloaked but not drain sanity. Has something similar been suggested before...

Denied - SCP-323 Rework "Goat-man"
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: A revamp on how SCP-323 drains sanity. Currently, the way SCP-323 drains sanity is by looking at the targets for around 20 - 30 seconds before their sanity meter goes down to zero, then being able to "1 shot" the target. The new way it would work if...

I believe I've suggested more ideas for CT to consider, with some grounding to em.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
>Can make SCP-323 more fun to play as>More diversity for surface SCPs, could be a challenge for SOP
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
>May become too annoying to capture if implemented poorly>Dev work required for some aspects
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this should be accepted and some of these changes added as I believe SCP-323 is rather barren and unattractive to play.
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