MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - g

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Apr 12, 2022
Your in-game name:

Your SteamID:
Ban Reason:
Shooting the Davey Crocket
Date of ban: g
Who banned you:
Ban length:
What will you do to stop this from happening again:
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I wont be stupid and abuse my GM powers to shoot something i shouldnt have access to, when i return ill make sure i play within the rules and do stupid and pointless things which only lead to me getting banned, i got literally nothing from what i did and looking back i regret doing it and wont repeat it.
Why should you be unbanned:
I should be unbanned because i wont repeat my actions again, i didnt cause any disruption by doing what i did so i hope you can see that i had no ill intent by what happened i just did not wanna play the server anymore. When i actually mained the server I believe i was very good for the server and helped support my regiment, KGB even reaching LTCOL. I was dumb for what i did and wont have the permissions to repeat my actions so i hope you can trust me not to make the same mistake. I will play within the rules and ensure im never banned again.

(PS: i have severe dislexia which is the reason my previous appeal looked so poor, i had help writing this one which is why it has improved)​
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