Denied GOC Strike M60 to M240B

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Swaps the M60 out for the M240B, nothing more nothing less

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Easier to balance GOC Strike Team / Jugg weapon stats
+ Slight GOC Strike Team buff
+ Better surface combat potential for Strike Team

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Development time
- Might be too powerful having 4 total M240Bs
- Nerfs / buffs for Jug / Strike teams weapon would result in the other being nerfed / buffed

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would allow GOC to have the M240B as their main weapon, with the stats that come with it, since the M60 has rather poor performance for the purpose its supposed to fill. High-recoil, low fire-rate, medium damage can be done by permas and armory weapons better, and the M240B has enough of a buff to make the primary more viable for Strike Team.
Last edited:
Apr 6, 2023
they should give goc strike team the graviton lance, I think the m60 honestly despite being the best LMG in the game is to underpowered for my strike team kit. I can't hit my shots to good and I believe the graviton lance would help me make up for that in combat scenarios without it being to overpowered. I'd even say the change to a graviton lance might not be enough of a buff for it.
He gets it. Give GOC Strike-Team a Grenade Launcher ( Actual thing that was planned btw )
are you trying to tell me goc strike team needs a buff and that a-1 and o-1 had the best weapons on the server?
good joke lol 🤣
Its primary does need a buff, though I think everything else about it is fine, and yes that is the balance that was / is in place, the ARX and VHS and supposed to be really good weapons because they are given to the escorts of Ethics and O5. Theres a reason a majority of players have an ARX, FHR, or VHS as a perma, its because those weapons are really good. There not overpowered, but they are probably the closest you'll get!

Which is why Strike Team needs a bit of a buff, since the AKZ is a slightly(very slight) better ARX stats wise, it gives little reason to use strike team over field op, soldier, or any other role that has an AKZ.
May 31, 2023
Des Moines, Iowa
Its primary does need a buff, though I think everything else about it is fine, and yes that is the balance that was / is in place, the ARX and VHS and supposed to be really good weapons because they are given to the escorts of Ethics and O5. Theres a reason a majority of players have an ARX, FHR, or VHS as a perma, its because those weapons are really good. There not overpowered, but they are probably the closest you'll get!

Which is why Strike Team needs a bit of a buff, since the AKZ is a slightly(very slight) better ARX stats wise, it gives little reason to use strike team over field op, soldier, or any other role that has an AKZ.
Yes man strike team needs to have an advantage over the common balance point of the majority of weapons on the server currently!!! This is totally a healthy suggestion that definitely isn't biased more towards GOC!!!!
M60 has objectively the worst stats of any LMG, with the lowest head and body shot damage, high recoil and low fire rate. Much worse then the AKZ, which begs why the job that supposedly should have the best gear doesnt get it, yknow?
honestly this is such a cope suggstion lol, might have worst stats out of LMG's but its still a powerhouse


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Kito ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We as content believe this is completely unness unnecessary as it is an indirect buff to GOC by asking to swap the guns around. Furthermore, Strike team is in a good spot at the moment and we feel it doesn't have to be changed.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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