Denied GOC Strike M60 to M240B

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Swaps the M60 out for the M240B, nothing more nothing less

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Easier to balance GOC Strike Team / Jugg weapon stats
+ Slight GOC Strike Team buff
+ Better surface combat potential for Strike Team

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Development time
- Might be too powerful having 4 total M240Bs
- Nerfs / buffs for Jug / Strike teams weapon would result in the other being nerfed / buffed

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would allow GOC to have the M240B as their main weapon, with the stats that come with it, since the M60 has rather poor performance for the purpose its supposed to fill. High-recoil, low fire-rate, medium damage can be done by permas and armory weapons better, and the M240B has enough of a buff to make the primary more viable for Strike Team.
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Can you add a bit more to this
taking just the slightest look over your loadout can give you the answer, you guys want daily updates for your loadouts even though they are the best from the entire server, while a-1/o-1 and many other department loadouts haven't been touched for as long as I can remember
Imma say one last thing, if you can't point and click with the guns you already have.. then that says a lot about you.
taking just the slightest look over your loadout can give you the answer, you guys want daily updates for your loadouts even though they are the best from the entire server, while a-1/o-1 and many other department loadouts haven't been touched for as long as I can remember
Imma say one last thing, if you can't point and click with the guns you already have.. then that says a lot about you.
well the main reason I made this was to phase out a 60s era weapon for a more modern one, in addition to giving Strike Team a decent buff since the M60 is really bad stat wise, with a low fire rate, high recoil, and low damage making it not very good for surface or close combat. The M240 has pretty minimal recoil, high-ish damage, and a smaller mag size, meaning it would be more balanced for surface engagements and such.

Stat wise, both are inferior to the PKM from the testing I did with staff, though in practice that could easily change depending on skill levels and whatever else is happening at the time (think of weapon upgrades or ADB effects)!

The reason A-1, O-1, and E-11 have minimal loadout changes is because they already have really good loadouts, specifically A-1 and O-1 had the best individual weapons on the server (prior to permas) and the FHR is still meta even though its a perma. Overall, they dont need much utility unlike Nu-7 or DEA since they dont raid much nor does their job(s) specifically require it, if thats what youre referencing in terms of overall loadout priority.

A slight buff to the Strike Team role would mean less use of the AKZ, which is from what I understand more powerful / deadly then the M240 or at least thats the general consensus I got on the weapon.
Apr 6, 2023
taking just the slightest look over your loadout can give you the answer, you guys want daily updates for your loadouts even though they are the best from the entire server, while a-1/o-1 and many other department loadouts haven't been touched for as long as I can remember
Imma say one last thing, if you can't point and click with the guns you already have.. then that says a lot about you.
Even though I am against the suggestion. The M60 is dogshit with it's Spread. It isn't a " Point and Click " weapon as you have a 1/4 chance to hit your target even if you are dead on.
well the main reason I made this was to phase out a 60s era weapon for a more modern one, in addition to giving Strike Team a decent buff since the M60 is really bad stat wise, with a low fire rate, high recoil, and low damage making it not very good for surface or close combat. The M240 has pretty minimal recoil, high-ish damage, and a smaller mag size, meaning it would be more balanced for surface engagements and such.

Stat wise, both are inferior to the PKM from the testing I did with staff, though in practice that could easily change depending on skill levels and whatever else is happening at the time (think of weapon upgrades or ADB effects)!

The reason A-1, O-1, and E-11 have minimal loadout changes is because they already have really good loadouts, specifically A-1 and O-1 had the best individual weapons on the server (prior to permas) and the FHR is still meta even though its a perma. Overall, they dont need much utility unlike Nu-7 or DEA since they dont raid much nor does their job(s) specifically require it, if thats what youre referencing in terms of overall loadout priority.

A slight buff to the Strike Team role would mean less use of the AKZ, which is from what I understand more powerful / deadly then the M240 or at least thats the general consensus I got on the weapon.
are you trying to tell me goc strike team needs a buff and that a-1 and o-1 had the best weapons on the server?
good joke lol 🤣
Apr 6, 2023
so you are fine giving goc 8 kbars (correct me if I'm wrong idfk how many slots ya'll have) against 2 kbars on foundation (that being e-11 com job)? sounds fair
tbf. GOC have a combined number of 65 at max.

Foundation? They have 4 Regiments & a Department that can operate on surface regularly. Totalling around 150 Players.

CI? They got like 200 max. It's not that bad when you look past the immediate loadout and look at the numbers in play.

What other weapon do you think would fit Strike-Team better ( aside from the KBAR/M60 )?
Apr 6, 2023
I'm still surprised you brought kbar in this, there is already a suggestion open with 25 downvotes about this.. how much clearer does it have to be that no one wants to give ya'll another buff
It was the first high-fire rate, high-damage, low capacity Rifle that I thought up. ( I play UNGOC Commander Job all day ).
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