Denied SCP-999 Breach

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Dec 1, 2022
- What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Upon touching a player 999 triggers a "euphoria status" which temporarily disables the affected players abiliity to use weapons.

Duration could be 5-10 seconds.

A visual effect could be implemented to signify with a bright overlay (Sparkles etc).
A Sound cue could also be implemented i.e. happy sounds.

999 is not a hostile SCP, this would involve a passive only breach, adding another unique variable into breaches.

Recontainment: Using interactive items such as food to coerce 999 to recontainment, also using a playful guiding of 999 to it's chamber.

- Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

It is passive only, while some SCP's can passively breach, this is exclusive.

Few SCP suggestions balance light hearted immersion ideas with lore consistency.

Could add interaction based objectives - towards 999 recontainment.

- Possible Positives of the suggestion:

Would enhance gameplay, introducing a non-lethal mechanic, adding a lightsome break from typical dangerous SCP's.

Disarming combatants during a breach is a unique idea (to my knowledge) so this would introduce new scenarios such as during a different SCP breach, 999 could indirectly affect MTF/Security forces ability to use weapons against another breached SCP.

999 has always been an SCP with little ability to influence the site, this will help against that, making 999 more relevant

The mechanics would be directly inspired by 999 documented behaviour, adding faithful lore.

It could make for fun future event ideas such as a strategic support SCP, under situations e.g. against CI.

- Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

If not balanced carefully players could exploit 999's ability e.g. during riots, although this is a new variable, could cause frustration and disturbing game flow as recontainment may prove frustrating.

Implementing these ideas might prove challenging in development

Balancing the euphoria effect duration, cooldown, etc...

Players may ignore 999 during breaches if its mechanics feel inconsequential

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

While it may be challenging in development, I'm unsure of how mechanics and certain intricacies may work I believe that some form of this idea is attainable, the new abilities and changes would have to be carefully balanced and assessed against the possible negatives listed above, if done correctly I believe this can be a very fun concept.


Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
imagine your breach slot getting taken up by a level 17 999
fun fact with the new nuke bug this is possible, the nuke going off resets everyone, and also puts nonbreachable scps in the breach queue, such as 999, 2295, 22415, 860-2, and 073


Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
thats a visual glitch they aren't actually in the queue I've waited it out as 073 and 860 before
weird, I've seen people do it as 860-2 once, quite literally left his cc and went on a rampage
also puts nonbreachable scps in the breach queue, such as 999, 2295, 22415, 860-2, and 073
it’s not new, it’s old as hell, and nothing actually happens except they take up a slot.
weird, I've seen people do it as 860-2 once, quite literally left his cc and went on a rampage
(No he doesn’t, I’ve tested it, that is event stuff)
Dec 1, 2022
- Support
Admittedly an interesting idea, though it would be so heavily regulated by the rules to the point that it would be useless.
imagine your breach slot getting taken up by a level 17 999

This is in aid of 999, in my eyes, needing change. Maybe it would make a good addon in an event if not content changing.

I did think about the breach slot's, maybe a passive breach only slots could be useful?

But thankyou for recognsing this idea.


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 5, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi Krem, Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

SCP-999 is a extremely well known passive SCP per lore. The SCP is also one of the earliest SCPs accessible to new players. The Content Team does not believe that this suggestion would benefit the server.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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