Denied Bring back Hellfires

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Add hellfires to helicopters again

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Nope

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More intense combat during wars
- Bigger chance to turn the victor in the war
- It’s part of the helicopter and I feel like it should be there
- We’ve had them before and the wars were just better in my opinion
- Dogfights will be more fun cause you need to react faster to stop the opponent from bombing friendlies

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- People will get mad when bombed

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: I feel like the hellfires are just important part of the helicopter and without them it’s not the same… I know most people won’t agree with me, but I want to try bringing them back!

Thank you, for reading!
Upvote 1
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HUGE - support, in my opinion its perfect the way it is now, being able to just oblitirate an entire capture point with 4-5 hellfires is incredibly annoying and it will cause more harm to the server than do good.
I understand but we can get 2-3 hellfires in the helicopter so it’s more balanced not 8 like before. Other thing we can get them in like apache and CAIC only and other helicopters to be the same as right now
Huge -support, hellfires are insanely overpowered, theyre not fun or engaging they take 0 skill to use and literally can clear a point through walls with 0 effort the point u made of “more intense combat” is the biggest lie, you literally couldnt of made a point further from the truth, hellfires are not fun for anyone and ruin the ground experience even more than it already is vs helis
Huge -support, hellfires are insanely overpowered, theyre not fun or engaging they take 0 skill to use and literally can clear a point through walls with 0 effort the point u made of “more intense combat” is the biggest lie, you literally couldnt of made a point further from the truth, hellfires are not fun for anyone and ruin the ground experience even more than it already is vs helis
Yeah I understand it fully but I mean to get a single helicopter with 2-3 hellfires MAX. I don’t mean every helicopter to have 8 hellfires and just bomb everything. I knew people won’t like this suggestion but I just feel like they are really part of the helicopter and should be included but in balanced way


MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 5, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hello @Christian MacTavish , we discussed your suggestion and decided to deny it for now due to some future changes being made to the Helicopter system. Once the change is made, we will discuss this one again and see if it fits or not.

Thank you for your time to make this suggestion!
Take care,
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