What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes the ADB to have a lot more fun interactions with SCPs to create more RP, Those include;
- Make it Randomise Sprint speed between the value of 100 to 350 ( Average Sprint Speed is around 250 ish )
- Make it Change Max HP Rather than HP in general
- Change the ADB Locking Mechanism to allow it to lock onto SCPs when not cuffed; It wouldn't kill them it would just either chip away at HP or Remove 1000 HP per ADB Cycle. ( Doesn't give any affects & just deals damage )
- Make it have a 33% Chance to open dimensions that are not accessible by normal methods.
- Allow it to give Vcraft Affects randomly for 50 to 100 seconds. ( Certain Affects can be blacklisted in Vconfig if they are unbalance/bugged )

( List of Vcraft effects )
- Possibly make certain chemicals that are made by holding other chems near the ADB? ( Could be a cool way to make a Chemical hard to make & Gives other GOIs reasons to want to go to GOC for Research )
- Allow it to change Reality Bending Energy Levels ( Not Capacity ) so that it gives extra Energy but that Energy gained can not be resorted once lost.
- Make ADB Disguises change Prefixes like 914.
- Allow ADB Affects to take/give SWEPs akin to 1162 ( Add blacklists for certain SWEPs & Certain SWEPs it can't take )
- Create a Mechanic where when you get too many ADB Affects you begin to decay like a Type-Blue would. ( It would start on the 3rd or 4th ADB and would take 1000 Seconds to begin to chip at HP at a rate of 1 per tick ) This so that people can't go around ADBing SCPs all day and get like 10k HP ( Has happened before )
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am not sure but the main points of making the affects more cool is unique.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More Research can be done with the ADB in mind
- Creates a Barrier for Chemical Creation
- Makes it so that the ADB can be used to combat SCPs more effectively
- Allows for more Dynamic Enjoyment of the ADB
- Nerfs the amount of HP you can get from the ADB by continuous usage.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Dev Time
- Balancing Issues
- Bugs A-Galore
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel that this would make the ADB more enjoyable both in RP & In Combat. I feel that it would assist GOC fighting Breaches. I feel that this Change would in general be much cooler than the glorified ACB we currently have.
I feel that it should be accepted as it would also provide more depth to UNGOC Content
Changes the ADB to have a lot more fun interactions with SCPs to create more RP, Those include;
- Make it Randomise Sprint speed between the value of 100 to 350 ( Average Sprint Speed is around 250 ish )
- Make it Change Max HP Rather than HP in general
- Change the ADB Locking Mechanism to allow it to lock onto SCPs when not cuffed; It wouldn't kill them it would just either chip away at HP or Remove 1000 HP per ADB Cycle. ( Doesn't give any affects & just deals damage )
- Make it have a 33% Chance to open dimensions that are not accessible by normal methods.
- Allow it to give Vcraft Affects randomly for 50 to 100 seconds. ( Certain Affects can be blacklisted in Vconfig if they are unbalance/bugged )

( List of Vcraft effects )
- Possibly make certain chemicals that are made by holding other chems near the ADB? ( Could be a cool way to make a Chemical hard to make & Gives other GOIs reasons to want to go to GOC for Research )
- Allow it to change Reality Bending Energy Levels ( Not Capacity ) so that it gives extra Energy but that Energy gained can not be resorted once lost.
- Make ADB Disguises change Prefixes like 914.
- Allow ADB Affects to take/give SWEPs akin to 1162 ( Add blacklists for certain SWEPs & Certain SWEPs it can't take )
- Create a Mechanic where when you get too many ADB Affects you begin to decay like a Type-Blue would. ( It would start on the 3rd or 4th ADB and would take 1000 Seconds to begin to chip at HP at a rate of 1 per tick ) This so that people can't go around ADBing SCPs all day and get like 10k HP ( Has happened before )
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am not sure but the main points of making the affects more cool is unique.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More Research can be done with the ADB in mind
- Creates a Barrier for Chemical Creation
- Makes it so that the ADB can be used to combat SCPs more effectively
- Allows for more Dynamic Enjoyment of the ADB
- Nerfs the amount of HP you can get from the ADB by continuous usage.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Dev Time
- Balancing Issues
- Bugs A-Galore
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel that this would make the ADB more enjoyable both in RP & In Combat. I feel that it would assist GOC fighting Breaches. I feel that this Change would in general be much cooler than the glorified ACB we currently have.
I feel that it should be accepted as it would also provide more depth to UNGOC Content