Partially Accepted ADB Affect Changes ( for more Variety )

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Apr 6, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes the ADB to have a lot more fun interactions with SCPs to create more RP, Those include;

- Make it Randomise Sprint speed between the value of 100 to 350 ( Average Sprint Speed is around 250 ish )
- Make it Change Max HP Rather than HP in general
- Change the ADB Locking Mechanism to allow it to lock onto SCPs when not cuffed; It wouldn't kill them it would just either chip away at HP or Remove 1000 HP per ADB Cycle. ( Doesn't give any affects & just deals damage )
- Make it have a 33% Chance to open dimensions that are not accessible by normal methods.
- Allow it to give Vcraft Affects randomly for 50 to 100 seconds. ( Certain Affects can be blacklisted in Vconfig if they are unbalance/bugged )



( List of Vcraft effects )

- Possibly make certain chemicals that are made by holding other chems near the ADB? ( Could be a cool way to make a Chemical hard to make & Gives other GOIs reasons to want to go to GOC for Research )
- Allow it to change Reality Bending Energy Levels ( Not Capacity ) so that it gives extra Energy but that Energy gained can not be resorted once lost.
- Make ADB Disguises change Prefixes like 914.
- Allow ADB Affects to take/give SWEPs akin to 1162 ( Add blacklists for certain SWEPs & Certain SWEPs it can't take )
- Create a Mechanic where when you get too many ADB Affects you begin to decay like a Type-Blue would. ( It would start on the 3rd or 4th ADB and would take 1000 Seconds to begin to chip at HP at a rate of 1 per tick ) This so that people can't go around ADBing SCPs all day and get like 10k HP ( Has happened before )

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am not sure but the main points of making the affects more cool is unique.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- More Research can be done with the ADB in mind
- Creates a Barrier for Chemical Creation
- Makes it so that the ADB can be used to combat SCPs more effectively
- Allows for more Dynamic Enjoyment of the ADB
- Nerfs the amount of HP you can get from the ADB by continuous usage.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- Dev Time
- Balancing Issues
- Bugs A-Galore

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel that this would make the ADB more enjoyable both in RP & In Combat. I feel that it would assist GOC fighting Breaches. I feel that this Change would in general be much cooler than the glorified ACB we currently have.

I feel that it should be accepted as it would also provide more depth to UNGOC Content :D

Doug 'TrippleD'

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Apr 19, 2024
Speed change +Support

Could be useful to have extra speed or reduced speed, seems more balanced

Max HP -Massive support

Too overpowered, you can get nearly 2000+ hp from ADB effects and having 4 medics spam healing that abomination would be too unfair, the set HP makes the gameplay much more fair.

Given effects +Support

I like this change, seems pretty neat but could be slightly unbalanced and would need monitoring, hard to moderate as well unless logs are added for it?
Dec 25, 2023
No more GOC buffs 😠

+ Support,
Just some changes to ADBs that I think would be cool to have and some things that should be changed for clarity (y)

I am on the fence though for the max HP one, on one hand when it's just like 200 or so HP total that is fine, but when it gets to many ADBs at like 800~ HP that is insane. Limit the maximum HP a person can get and I think it would be good to allow it to be healed.
- Change the ADB Locking Mechanism to allow it to lock onto SCPs when not cuffed; It wouldn't kill them it would just either chip away at HP or Remove 1000 HP per ADB Cycle. ( Doesn't give any affects & just deals damage )
It would be cool to see 0.1*2^t damage on the ADB, adding a unique way of fighting SCPs if you maintain distance without being killed.
Apr 6, 2023
No more GOC buffs 😠

+ Support,
Just some changes to ADBs that I think would be cool to have and some things that should be changed for clarity (y)

I am on the fence though for the max HP one, on one hand when it's just like 200 or so HP total that is fine, but when it gets to many ADBs at like 800~ HP that is insane. Limit the maximum HP a person can get and I think it would be good to allow it to be healed.
I 100% agree hence why I wanted the decay mechanic if someone gets too many ADB Effects.
Apr 6, 2023
Speed change +Support

Could be useful to have extra speed or reduced speed, seems more balanced

Max HP -Massive support

Too overpowered, you can get nearly 2000+ hp from ADB effects and having 4 medics spam healing that abomination would be too unfair, the set HP makes the gameplay much more fair.

Given effects +Support

I like this change, seems pretty neat but could be slightly unbalanced and would need monitoring, hard to moderate as well unless logs are added for it?


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Ronin ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

Reasons for Denying:
- We do not like the idea of changing the max HP of certain jobs
- We do not like the idea of having it damage uncuffed scps

Reasons for Accepting:
- We like the idea of changing the variety of ADB affects as a whole

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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