- Feb 19, 2021
- 340
- 108
- 111
This suggestion is merely to gather opinions and see what people think.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Eastern Resistance X Crimson Blade
Why combine the two?
Since its release, CSB has never really picked up. The usual hype of a new update being released gathered attention for it for maybe the first week but it’s one of those things where I assume we just left it for dust. The content of Crimson Blade is some of the most interesting. A third-party faction, capable of causing chaos and endless roleplay possibilities during peacetime with a key goal of money. When it was first released, the whole ordeal was that Crimson Blade would assault either base to steal supplies from NATO or the USSR and sell them off for currency that could equivocate to vehicles and weaponry, used to aid them. The problem is that these stolen supplies didn’t equate to anything of importance and other than combat score, there was no reason for NATO/USSR to care that much.
Eastern Resistance on the other hand is a donator faction that gathers little to no attention and I think it’s for a few reasons.
What would this do?
We would merge the two factions and claim each other's responsibilities, with some being lost along the way. Crimson Blade would lose the name and instead become Eastern Resistance.
>>> The reason for this is that it wouldn’t make sense to still use the Hideout/the whole “towns” system if it were to be the other way around. This way, it also means that Eastern Resistance can keep the “hideouts” and instead use them as a proxy to their main location of interest, Towns.
Eastern Resistance would have access to the Crimson Blade vehicles, with the higher-tier vehicles being locked behind the Donation Packages much like the Van is currently (which I believe is severely underwhelming as a donation vehicle).
Eastern Resistance would now have the ability to do the Supply stealing, with prices of the purchasable equipment increasing heavily to be in line with the fact that they will become usable during the war (will explain later)
Crimson Blade hideout will remain on each map, with Eastern Resistance being granted access instead of CSB. They may hold hostages here, as CSB currently/previously did.
As there are currently no rules in place for CSB, we would rework the current rules on eastern resistance to reflect the new found powers and activities that they can do.
3.23 - ER Claim - Eastern Resistance at any point may lay claim to the town in open comms (/oc). You may KOS any USSR/NATO that are within the town after giving them 5 minutes to leave the town. All teams are KOS during the claim. You may claim the town for a maximum of 20 minutes after which you can no longer KOS any armed USSR/NATO.You must wait 30 minutes before you lay claim to the town again. You may only claim towns once per peacetime. There must be a minimum of 8 active players on both NATO and USSR.
On Backwater, Eastern Resistance may claim Town or any one of the Factories. ER exemptions for town will also apply for the point they claim for the duration that the point is claimed for. The cooldown before claiming again applies to all points so ER cannot, for example, claim Factory Alpha and then Immediately claim Factory Beta.
On Highlands, Eastern Resistance may claim Town as its entirety.
Claiming Towns automatically fills the Supplies in towns to X amount. Whatever is left after being held for X time is given to Eastern Resistance.
Claiming towns will now leave them vulnerable to having their supplies stolen back, adding 50* the amount of supplies stolen back
> So each supply truck can hold 700 supplies, *50 is $35,000 war funds per truck.
This gives a reason for NATO and USSR to respond to towns being taken as right now, the only reason to go is for some free kills/something to do.
The other alternative that Eastern Resistance can do now is the current Base Raids that CSB can currently do to steal supplies. Eastern Resistance is allowed once per peacetime to raid in alternative ways, NATO and USSR. This means no base can be raided for supplies 2x in a row to allow for balance.
As for hiring during war, it works how it does now HOWEVER the minimum buying price per Eastern Resistance would be £5,000 with 10 minutes of bidding announced per minute. As for in war, they can use vehicles as they seem fit as well as the items available for ‘war funds’ that they have however as mentioned previously, these items prices will heavily be ramped up and vehicle timers changed.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Gives further value to eastern resistance as well as makes some of the currently under used equipment that is in CSB some use as Eastern Resistance
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Means that some of the vehicles that are for CSB are now locked behind donator.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think CSB is almost there but just doesn't fit the current MRP narrative. With a server that's so based around war, we need to find a way to pull it from being a whitelisted only group and incorporate it both towards war and peacetime. It gives further value to already existing donation packages.
- Merge CSB with Eastern Resistance.
- ER Vehicles mixed between donator and non-donator vehicles.
- When ER claims towns, they 'create' a sum of supplies, each supply amount is *50, so 700*50=£35,000 per sup truck. If held from NATO/USSR for say 20 minutes they keep them.
- ER vehicles and items heavily increased in price as they can be used in war
- Vehicle cooldowns added
- ER can raid NATO/USSR base for supplies (can't do them to 1 faction back to back,must alternate)
Nothing here would be certain and would be subject to change, just want opinions gathered on whether people would prefer for CSB to just stay how it is or if they want to see a change with it pushed.
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Eastern Resistance X Crimson Blade
Why combine the two?
Since its release, CSB has never really picked up. The usual hype of a new update being released gathered attention for it for maybe the first week but it’s one of those things where I assume we just left it for dust. The content of Crimson Blade is some of the most interesting. A third-party faction, capable of causing chaos and endless roleplay possibilities during peacetime with a key goal of money. When it was first released, the whole ordeal was that Crimson Blade would assault either base to steal supplies from NATO or the USSR and sell them off for currency that could equivocate to vehicles and weaponry, used to aid them. The problem is that these stolen supplies didn’t equate to anything of importance and other than combat score, there was no reason for NATO/USSR to care that much.
Eastern Resistance on the other hand is a donator faction that gathers little to no attention and I think it’s for a few reasons.
- The reliance on a mid-lane war (on most maps) for it to become its own independent team
- The rules in place especially during peacetime just mean being a private contractor is just more satisfying. FOB assaults, assassinations, hire for kidnappings etc.
- To be hired to either faction during a war requires the rank Leader, part of the £80 donation package. This means there is a HUGE amount of value missing from the £40 donation package we currently have if it is NOT a mid-lane war where towns is used, ER becomes completely useless and that’s not an exaggeration. Eastern Resistance is only permitted to auto-claim towns. If it’s on Afghanistan and there is a top-lane war, ER can do NOTHING.
What would this do?
We would merge the two factions and claim each other's responsibilities, with some being lost along the way. Crimson Blade would lose the name and instead become Eastern Resistance.
>>> The reason for this is that it wouldn’t make sense to still use the Hideout/the whole “towns” system if it were to be the other way around. This way, it also means that Eastern Resistance can keep the “hideouts” and instead use them as a proxy to their main location of interest, Towns.
Eastern Resistance would have access to the Crimson Blade vehicles, with the higher-tier vehicles being locked behind the Donation Packages much like the Van is currently (which I believe is severely underwhelming as a donation vehicle).
Eastern Resistance would now have the ability to do the Supply stealing, with prices of the purchasable equipment increasing heavily to be in line with the fact that they will become usable during the war (will explain later)
Crimson Blade hideout will remain on each map, with Eastern Resistance being granted access instead of CSB. They may hold hostages here, as CSB currently/previously did.
As there are currently no rules in place for CSB, we would rework the current rules on eastern resistance to reflect the new found powers and activities that they can do.
3.23 - ER Claim - Eastern Resistance at any point may lay claim to the town in open comms (/oc). You may KOS any USSR/NATO that are within the town after giving them 5 minutes to leave the town. All teams are KOS during the claim. You may claim the town for a maximum of 20 minutes after which you can no longer KOS any armed USSR/NATO.
On Backwater, Eastern Resistance may claim Town or any one of the Factories. ER exemptions for town will also apply for the point they claim for the duration that the point is claimed for. The cooldown before claiming again applies to all points so ER cannot, for example, claim Factory Alpha and then Immediately claim Factory Beta.
On Highlands, Eastern Resistance may claim Town as its entirety.
Claiming Towns automatically fills the Supplies in towns to X amount. Whatever is left after being held for X time is given to Eastern Resistance.
Claiming towns will now leave them vulnerable to having their supplies stolen back, adding 50* the amount of supplies stolen back
> So each supply truck can hold 700 supplies, *50 is $35,000 war funds per truck.
This gives a reason for NATO and USSR to respond to towns being taken as right now, the only reason to go is for some free kills/something to do.
The other alternative that Eastern Resistance can do now is the current Base Raids that CSB can currently do to steal supplies. Eastern Resistance is allowed once per peacetime to raid in alternative ways, NATO and USSR. This means no base can be raided for supplies 2x in a row to allow for balance.
As for hiring during war, it works how it does now HOWEVER the minimum buying price per Eastern Resistance would be £5,000 with 10 minutes of bidding announced per minute. As for in war, they can use vehicles as they seem fit as well as the items available for ‘war funds’ that they have however as mentioned previously, these items prices will heavily be ramped up and vehicle timers changed.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Gives further value to eastern resistance as well as makes some of the currently under used equipment that is in CSB some use as Eastern Resistance
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Means that some of the vehicles that are for CSB are now locked behind donator.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think CSB is almost there but just doesn't fit the current MRP narrative. With a server that's so based around war, we need to find a way to pull it from being a whitelisted only group and incorporate it both towards war and peacetime. It gives further value to already existing donation packages.
- Merge CSB with Eastern Resistance.
- ER Vehicles mixed between donator and non-donator vehicles.
- When ER claims towns, they 'create' a sum of supplies, each supply amount is *50, so 700*50=£35,000 per sup truck. If held from NATO/USSR for say 20 minutes they keep them.
- ER vehicles and items heavily increased in price as they can be used in war
- Vehicle cooldowns added
- ER can raid NATO/USSR base for supplies (can't do them to 1 faction back to back,must alternate)
Nothing here would be certain and would be subject to change, just want opinions gathered on whether people would prefer for CSB to just stay how it is or if they want to see a change with it pushed.