Aleem Staff Demotion Appeal

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Name: Aleem

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105011093

Previous Rank (convert if required): HMOD

Who demoted you?: Auburn

Date of demotion?: 23/01/2025

What is the case against you?: Abuse of staff powers, Abuse of a community member, Breach of trust

Is this true?:no

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: Yes by Dr Drew, i got a severe infraction and demotion but it was reverted as it was found to be bias against me and removed afaik. (What i remember from when steven asked auburn about the incident)

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: 4 warns from April/May 2023

What is your side of the story?:

Firstly ill address the 'Abuse of staff powers' while the evidence provided does show me giving myself NATO high command roles there is an explanation for that, me and Ben Shapiro often talk about each others sides and just share whats been going on between each others high command team, you can check the logs as i have also given her access to USSR High command channels at the same time to show her some of the things we have been discussing and ive never given myself these permissions without her permission as a Senior NHC, i can understand how it looks and even with this explanation not being the best excuse and i can apologise for that however for that to be seen as a 'severe abuse of power' when i was being told the messages i was seeing anyway is a bit extreme, we did it to share info on transfers and to just generally talk about things that have been happening on the server / each others sides. I personally was told to take a look because of the fact that high command members constantly bitch about who lead what war ETC not for malicious reasons and gave it to others for the same reason. Again just seeing the logs doesnt make that apparent but thats the reason, if thats a 'severe abuse of power' then i can only apologise and not repeat these actions as i never intended it to be that way it was just a way of seeing what each other was talking about without having to read out what was happening, i would also like to preface please dont punish ben shapiro in anyway for this, whenever she had roles she didnt abuse them and used them to see the chats we were talking about i never expected it to be brought up in this sense. I dont have anything else to say about this other than i never did it for malicious purposes and i never used anything in there to gain an advantage. this is the only part of the demotion which makes sense partially, but i dont feel this punishment was justified for the actions and i could of just been spoken to about it.

Secondly ill address the 'Disrespect towards a member of the community' the 'Disrespect' being me doing MrGhosts voice when disguised as him.... i genuinely dont even know what to say about this because its so harmless its a joke that this was listed as a reason for my removal, I would never say anything harmful to him , I never went out of my way to try to say things in which would actually effect this member of the community, I literally just did a good impression of him when on spy? How this is genuinely listed and taken seriously as 'Severe disrespect towards a member of the community' i will never understand and i dont think you can justify this either which is why i wasnt allowed to talk to auburn when i was demoted and kept silent as i dont believe there was a reasonable explanation as to why this is considered 'Severe disrespect'. On multiple occasions ive had this member of the community speak very badly of me, join channels and bad mouth me all while other staff and higher staff than me are present and yet ive done nothing to react, me doing an impression of someone when disguised as them is not 'Severe disrespect' and trying to spin it that way is beyond a joke. I explained to chillet when he mentioned it to me that there is no harm in it and i was only told it is 'Weird' ?? why is it weird to impersonate someones voice when i have their disguise? Ive yet to have it explained to me as to why this is actually harmful to a community member when this same community member is an extremely toxic person to me and many others, i dont personally get offended by this nor wish anything to come of it because it is MRP, toxicity is part of the gameplay and small amounts are always funny but spinning my impersonation of a community member to a demotion is insane to me.

Furthermore in the demotion reason it was listed as 'Members of the community' implying its to more than one person, im unsure if this was a generic reason copy pasted or this means i have 'Severely disrespected' multiple community members however the evidence i was shown only shows me doing an impersonation of MrGhost on spy.

Also to go further, i have very clearly been targeted as of late by members of the staff team, lolingmonster for example making up lies to try and get me removed from staff and from my position in game for no apparent reason, making reports to chillet that i joined his channel during a staff situation screaming racial slurs when other members of the community were there who all said they heard nothing. This same staff member while being on NATO, the opposing faction, cloaked following me around while im disguised on spy when he shouldnt know im on spy, (Which is just not allowed) just to find evidence to remove me, dragging people from my faction like James into channels fishing for reasons to remove me asking him things like 'Is there anyone in high command thats making you want to leave or you have an issue with' when James was talking to me about expressing interest to leave USSR, furthermore my reports of this same SL member saying racial slurs in my DM's received absolutely no followup after i reported him for such actions despite me being told im 'Being watched closely' for the same thing despite it being all but proven not to be true as the other person in the channel verified i literally said nothing, which is just a joke overall. To go even further into being targeted, lolingmonster also just randomly starts speaking to my friends claiming that whatever they do is 'my fault' claiming that they are under the influence of me and im causing these people to minge despite these situations (i dont even know what was happening because i wasnt there) having absolutely nothing to do with me. This same SL member putting openly in admin chat that me and others in my faction need to be dealt with as we are all 'Minges' despite us doing absolutely nothing wrong and then refusing to bring it up to me or elaborate when asked about it. - if you cant grasp that im being targeted after all of this i dont understand what else id need to say, youd only have to ask the people ive mentioned and look over the chats i brought up to see, I had completely unrelated members of the community and staff team coming to me telling me 'there is an investigation on you' because people like lolingmonster decide to spread to the community that im being removed from staff / under investigation, (People like toji and mashallah being told things about me despite me being told nothing from the SL member apparently having an issue with me) I was never once confronted about any of this, i on multiple occasions tried to speak to this SL member to ask why he did things like report me falsely and why he was spreading things and the most i got what 'i dont know man its just what happened' when i asked him about it? I tried to sort things out from the start but was unable to talk it out with the person or be given an explanation as to why it happened.

To evidence this even further, MrGhost himself even came forward after the demotion and said 'i dont really give a shit' in regard to the voice i do when i have his disguise on spy. Lolingmonster is the one taking these clips and putting them forward as 'Severe disrespect' - Proof

I also believed that the whole demotion was handled in an awful way, i was dragged into a channel, not given the chance to speak or ask anything, i was just told 'do you have anything to say' and when i tried to ask questions i was told 'you can explain everything on the forums im not speaking to you' ? I understand the situation wouldnt be resolved in that channel but for someone who has done so much for the staff team, being the longest standing MRP staff member presently and also someone who has done so much for the server to not even be given the chance to speak and just be told 'You are being removed from the staff team now, you can go to the forums' is just rude and gives off the impression that im not valued nor appreciated despite the amount ive done. (Ive since reached out to him and weve sorted it out between ourselves)

Why should you return / what will you change?

Ill try to just keep it short, i wont be repeating the discord role abuse, i didnt see it as wrong because of the situations it was used in but i can understand that it just shouldnt be done and if i want to know / share something i should just speak to the person / people or have them tell me the things happening in said channels. I wont repeat those actions and it was dumb to do, for this i agree, i should be punished accordingly but i believe a removal is far to harsh for these actions especially considering you can verify the situation with the others involved.

For the incident with MrGhost, i will just completely stay away from him, i honestly dont believe that impersonating someone when disguised as them is wrong or 'Severe disrespect' but if its gonna be spun that way i will just stop it, it was only meant as a bit of fun but if im gonna be punished so harshly for something that small i wont have anything to do with it nor repeat it. I honestly never meant for it to be taken that way as anyone will be able to tell you, its clear from the clips that it was just banter i seriously still cant understand why this was taken as severe disrespect, but i will never repeat that.

The evidence of 'Severe Player Disrespect' ^
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hi Aleem,

Thank you for taking the time to create a demotion appeal.

After review and discussion with yourself, Network Leadership & Senior Server Leadership, I have opted to deny this appeal based on recent actions purported by yourself which has left me with little confidence in allowing you to return to the staff team at this time.

I would recommend in keeping your actions in line with server rules and if you wish to return to the staff team ensure they fall in line with what we would expect under the staff handbook.

Kind Regards
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