Your Username: Jason M.
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:522168528
Discord Username: captainmacmelon
Age: 19
What's your current playtime: 2 days | Played since 2021
Do you have a mic: Yes
Your characters name: Jason M.
Jason the M
Janusz Bober
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No
MRP GM Application (Accepted):
MRP NHC Application (Accepted):
MRP UHC Application (Accepted):
SCP Staff Application (Accepted):
[Later transferred to SCP GM]
+ Tons of misc applications
Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: I've received 12 warns on the server since 2021.
No bans
1 joke kick
1 AFK kick
How many hours can you be on everyday: It varies between days. Days that I'm free I can be on upwards of 5 hours. Days that I'm not I won't be on.
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: Yes.
In my signature all of my previous roles are listed.
I've played the MRP genre since roughly 2017/2018 and held countless staff, administrative, ownership and GM related roles. I've contributed greatly in all of them. A personal memoir of all of the roles would take hours of my life to write that I do not have. I can explain all in detail if necessary in an interview.
Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: MRP is struggling. I've come back after the USSR update (for the god knows which time) to help the server thrive again and I've returned to the same issue that I came back to the last time.
previously, I joined back and NATO was struggling, as such, I joined NHC and GM and helped the side thrive.
Now, I joined back and wanted to play USSR, and so I ranked up in AG, SHA, 10th and then joined UHC, now I want to join GM again to help out the regiments.
Primarily, I want more tools to help individual regiments take part in roleplay. I'm very restricted on what RP I can make as a player and would prefer to have GM tools available to make more fun roleplay. I succeeded in this before without Jacub's new GM tools, and so I don't doubt I'd succeed in it again with them.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: I have been playing on the CN servers for around half a year now, I've established myself as a trusted member of the community in that time, as you can see through all of the listed ranks in my forums signature. With this, I have also never been banned within the community. Furthermore, during my time in both MRP and SCP-RP I believe I have made many good impressions on the members of the community. Altogether, I believe my experience in the CN community, my previous applications, my previous achievements and my general state in the community should be enough proof to see that I would make a good applicant.
I've been in this community long enough, I know how players react to the typical events run by GMs and so I know how to achieve better reception from the community to events. I've been on both sides, playing events and hosting events and so I have the advantage to tailor my events better through feedback I've gotten over the years and potential new feedback from players.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server): 1. Super soldier serum experiment gone wrong - A Scientist wishing to make money by selling drugs to the highest bidder has started experimenting on civilians. A super soldier serum that enhances a person's strength and endurance . The civilians after having a hard time getting jobs since the conflict on USSR and NATO on afghan they accepted being the scientists guinea pigs. Little did they know the serum was not ready. Soon the small group of civilians started growing in size, strength and endurance but at the same time they became angry, mindless, bloodthirsty beasts. The news reach NATO and USSR and they step up to stop the mindless army of civilians while at the same time looking for the scientist since the formula once ready could provide a huge advantage for each faction .
2. Experimental Tank - A well-known weapon manufacturer has called representatives from each faction to visit him on border as he 'd like to present his newest creation. A modified experimental gauss cannon tank. The representatives accompanied by a couple of regiments for protection will start a "war fund" bidding war. Whoever wins the bidding war get the tank and they can use it until its destroyed however it must never be locked. Instead of having a bidding war each faction may attempt to steal the tank or to destroy it as soon as the opposing faction gets it simply to financially hurt them.
3. Civilian uprising - A NATO CO caught on film killing an innocent bystander in the warzone of afghan . A local news crew reported the incident and the civilians decided that they 've had enough. Civilians started rioting and decided to protest outside of the NATO base insisting that the NATO CO should be surrendered immediately to them so that he can meet the same fate as the dead civilian he murdered. USSR decided that it d be great to use the opportunity to get into the NATO base and gather intel , kidnap NHC members and assassinate the General of the Army. USSR can also disguise as civilians for the event and try to raid with the help of the civilians. ( Duration : around 30 minutes )
Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server): 2. NATO has been developing an underground tunnel system that is able to transport supplies to the front in a short notice. This tunnel system is so big that they can even transport heavy vehicles such as B2s, C130s, tanks, etc. The tunnel has almost finished building. One of the USSR spies has been working on the site but has been compromised, the spy has detrimental information on the location, infrastructure, and planning of the tunnel. USSR need to get to the spy to retrieve his information and then need to destroy the tunnel before the supplies are able to be sent through. If NATO is able to send their new arsenal to the USSR fronts in a matter of hours then the defensive lines will be overrun fast.
List an example mission for each pair of regiments (RMP/AOR, SAS/STS, IVG/ISAF, JAF/SWB, 1stAL/17thAR): RMP/KGB:
Members of RMP and KGB realise that there is a mutual spy in their communications (Teamspeak) both sides will meetup in game and will essentially have to try and figure out who on each side is the spy, gamemasters would pick out of the regiment who the spy is and the spies goal would be to gain as much intel as possible whilst not getting caught, everyone else's goal would be to figure out who it is, there would be clues based around things the spies have said or done before, this would essentially be an event based on in-regiment relations and just to simply have fun.
Quick Deal
The Lone Wolves MC have been caught dealing motorcycles with IED explosives and miniature napalm based explosives integrated inside, each side will have to try and interrogate and get information out of their own captives (one prospect each), after getting the information (or not) they must use it to find the remaining motorcycles around the server, some of them detonating next or around them whilst they have to try and evade explosions and dismantle the explosive parts for their own gain whilst the other side attempts to take it from them. After dismantling the explosives the winning side will get a 10% quicker restock timer for tanks as the explosives are put to good use.
Full Rush
Members of ISAF and SHA are all given the following:
Their job is to take an area such as town or settlement, and defend against enemy BTR / Bradleys, enemy Blackhawks and MI-17s attempting to kami into them (again, fun event not serious) and enemy TPA members, this would be essentially a fast paced mental event made for fun and nothing but a bit of PvP.
Scrap Parts
After finding scrap parts of a new types of Helicopters, JAF and ABT fight against each other to find all the remaining parts for it, when both teams end up making the helicopters they get to dogfight against each other in them, they would be extra helicopters in the addon pack not used on this server to make it more fun, as they will never of used them before, plus it will have custom weapons attached.
10th & 17th:
10th and 17th are permitted 4-> 5 tanks each, and the goal is to essentially knock each other out of a ring in a series of 1v1s, points would be added up after the sumo event we would host one massive tank free for all, with NATO and USSR allowed to battle each others tanks. With each side in this free for all allowed as many tanks as they are able to get with 2 people in each, only one rule, no teaming