What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion will add / change many things
1: Clearance levels and key cards
2: F4 Map Changes
3: Kill feed changes
4: Metagaming rule changes
5: A lot of small changes ill bunch up together to try to improve the server in minor ways
1: My suggestion to the key cards and clearance levels we have currently are to make them more like the clearance levels in SCP, with roles / jobs having certain clearance levels and not just scaling clearance levels based on in game rank regardless of what job / character you are on. To elaborate on what I mean I suggest that clearance level becomes something along the lines of:
CL1: PVT -> LCPL (Enlisted)
This change would address a lot of issues on the server such as negotiations as you can now simply negotiate for the clearance level of a kidnapee' rather than having to go look at the ranks individually, furthermore it would also address the issue of confusing clearances on doors, for example when clearance to open a door is CL18... people dont immediately know what rank that is because of their being so many clearance levels, many of which are completely pointless and grant no further access to any part of base or anything in general, with the only actual change being the number on your keycard increasing. (To keep it simple i chose to make it 6 clearance levels, but pushing it to 8 to make it so SNCO + SCO also get their own clearance isn't out of the question, i just believed it would be simpler to group them together also to give every clearance a purpose, I have wrote out below what that would look like.)
CL1: PVT -> LCPL (Enlisted)
CL4: JLT -> SLT (CO)
To give an insight on what each clearance levels keycard could do,
CL1: PVT -> LCPL (Enlisted) Can open own regiments bunk doors
CL2: CPL -> SWO (NCO/SNCO) Can open gates of base
CL3: JLT -> MAJ (CO/SCO) Can open other bunk doors excluding for KGB/RMP's (Unless they are of a police regiment)
CL4: LTCOL -> COL (RC) Can open HC/CC Doors and jails
CL5: MGEN -> LTGEN (JHC) Can open KGB/RMP's doors
CL6: CGEN -> SMAR (SHC) Can open passworded doors without having the password to them (Such as blacksites)
With this system, police regiments keycards would stay the same at every rank, able to open all doors / gates at all times as is required of their regiments.
I would also like to suggest that we also take SCP's idea of dropping guns / keycards to improve peacetime RP and spy/infil missions. During peacetime if a person is killed while holding their ID card / gun it should have a 100% drop chance as well as if a person is killed in general during peacetime it should have a % chance to drop a gun/keycard. This would greatly improve the importance of staying safe during peacetime, discourage things like solo leaving base to end up kidnapped and encourage more teamwork and leaving in groups for the fear of losing your keycard to the enemy team. This would greatly improve upon spy missions allowing for spys to better infiltrate the base to a greater effect, as well as being useful during hacking missions. I would like to emphasise that this would ONLY be during peacetime and keycards / guns should despawn at the end of every peacetime if they are not in specific areas such as bunks to reduce the lag they would cause for the server. While this would improve things like spy missions, it would also improve minge RP, which i know doesnt immediately sound good but it adds so much to the server, for example in SCP while playing gensec i cant count the amount of times ive stolen a keycard im not meant to have to access somewhere im not meant to be only to be found and arrested, it creates so much without directly doing anything. RP for police regiments would improve if things like weapon checkers were added from SCP to counter this.
If we were to add this, it would encourage more use of jobs like engineer which currently serves very little purpose as it is able to build FOB structures while still being a lower clearance and would help to alleviate risk of getting kidnap / killed if we were to implement the clearance level based on the job. it would also help high command / higher ranks leaving base as they can go on their lower HC jobs / co jobs instead of SHC and RC jobs to mitigate risk.
2: F4 Map Changes, very simple, remove the names from players on the f4 map during peacetime but keep the icons on the map, this would improve spy missions and reduce metagaming (makes sense with my 4th point)
3: Remove the kill feed during peacetime, again this would help prevent metagaming during peacetime to gain knowledge on a spy / infil and would force teams to use comms and communicate more, would also give more of a purpose for communication jammers.
4: Change the way metagaming is enforced to do with spys and infil missions, for example currently as spy you can be id'd based on your disguise, f4 map and name, make it so people need valid reasons for ID checking you like seeing you enter base, seeing you in an area you arent meant to be, seeing you putting someone under fear RP etc. Make things like radar, name and disguise metagame to use as a reason for an ID check to actually encourage RP rather than just finding every spy without issue. The other changes of a removed killfeed and removed radar would help to encourage this as well as a spy could operate in base without having to worry about doing basic things like killing those who have discovered him without being metagamed by the entire base.
5: Minor changes that would overall just improve the server
- Reenable the autocap feature which makes territories behind your furthest territory autocap if they are neutral when war ends (Saves SA+ having to manually do it)
- Once again give a side 10 million warfunds if they sucessfully win a baseraid (IDK why this was stopped but just make it an inbuilt feature for more of a reward than just 'yay we won')
- Add in more features to HC / CC, such as an alarm button which simply activates FPCON 5 (Moved from the terminal as its never used and can give it a small purpose CL4) a button which actives a lockdown of the base (Closing every door and gate in base CL5) a total lockdown button (Locks every door and gate in base which can only be undone by hacking, breaching or turning the lockdown button off CL6)
- A bounty system for arresting people with warrants, allow a member of HC or KGB/RMP to add a bounty to be received upon the arrest of someone, given to the one who arrested them (Out of their own pocket of course) I assume this wouldnt take alot of work and would just be a small additive to the warrant board.
- Going to the week 1/2 system of negotiations to improve the reward for kidnapping which was tested on the last cycle of vietnam
- Remove the second down state, people are already mag dumps to kill as is along with the horrific hitreg, remove the pointless second downing stage and keep the first downing stage where you have a pistol.
- Add total mastery level on the mastery tab like SCP (i just wanna see it
- Show a high command members highest mastery level on the tab menu like everyone elses shows on the tab menu
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not at all afaik
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Ill keep it brief as i listed them above but
- more RP
- more content
- more to do
- less metagaming
- encourages buying VIP for spy
- less RDM if people drop guns / cards
- much better system for hacking (Fair CL1 Average CL2 Strong CL3 Impenetrable CL4 Impossible CL5 China hack CL6)
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Reasonable amount of dev time
- People might not like the idea of using SCP ideas
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Adds a lot to the server without changing it a lot
This suggestion will add / change many things
1: Clearance levels and key cards
2: F4 Map Changes
3: Kill feed changes
4: Metagaming rule changes
5: A lot of small changes ill bunch up together to try to improve the server in minor ways
1: My suggestion to the key cards and clearance levels we have currently are to make them more like the clearance levels in SCP, with roles / jobs having certain clearance levels and not just scaling clearance levels based on in game rank regardless of what job / character you are on. To elaborate on what I mean I suggest that clearance level becomes something along the lines of:
CL1: PVT -> LCPL (Enlisted)
This change would address a lot of issues on the server such as negotiations as you can now simply negotiate for the clearance level of a kidnapee' rather than having to go look at the ranks individually, furthermore it would also address the issue of confusing clearances on doors, for example when clearance to open a door is CL18... people dont immediately know what rank that is because of their being so many clearance levels, many of which are completely pointless and grant no further access to any part of base or anything in general, with the only actual change being the number on your keycard increasing. (To keep it simple i chose to make it 6 clearance levels, but pushing it to 8 to make it so SNCO + SCO also get their own clearance isn't out of the question, i just believed it would be simpler to group them together also to give every clearance a purpose, I have wrote out below what that would look like.)
CL1: PVT -> LCPL (Enlisted)
CL4: JLT -> SLT (CO)
To give an insight on what each clearance levels keycard could do,
CL1: PVT -> LCPL (Enlisted) Can open own regiments bunk doors
CL2: CPL -> SWO (NCO/SNCO) Can open gates of base
CL3: JLT -> MAJ (CO/SCO) Can open other bunk doors excluding for KGB/RMP's (Unless they are of a police regiment)
CL4: LTCOL -> COL (RC) Can open HC/CC Doors and jails
CL5: MGEN -> LTGEN (JHC) Can open KGB/RMP's doors
CL6: CGEN -> SMAR (SHC) Can open passworded doors without having the password to them (Such as blacksites)
With this system, police regiments keycards would stay the same at every rank, able to open all doors / gates at all times as is required of their regiments.
I would also like to suggest that we also take SCP's idea of dropping guns / keycards to improve peacetime RP and spy/infil missions. During peacetime if a person is killed while holding their ID card / gun it should have a 100% drop chance as well as if a person is killed in general during peacetime it should have a % chance to drop a gun/keycard. This would greatly improve the importance of staying safe during peacetime, discourage things like solo leaving base to end up kidnapped and encourage more teamwork and leaving in groups for the fear of losing your keycard to the enemy team. This would greatly improve upon spy missions allowing for spys to better infiltrate the base to a greater effect, as well as being useful during hacking missions. I would like to emphasise that this would ONLY be during peacetime and keycards / guns should despawn at the end of every peacetime if they are not in specific areas such as bunks to reduce the lag they would cause for the server. While this would improve things like spy missions, it would also improve minge RP, which i know doesnt immediately sound good but it adds so much to the server, for example in SCP while playing gensec i cant count the amount of times ive stolen a keycard im not meant to have to access somewhere im not meant to be only to be found and arrested, it creates so much without directly doing anything. RP for police regiments would improve if things like weapon checkers were added from SCP to counter this.
If we were to add this, it would encourage more use of jobs like engineer which currently serves very little purpose as it is able to build FOB structures while still being a lower clearance and would help to alleviate risk of getting kidnap / killed if we were to implement the clearance level based on the job. it would also help high command / higher ranks leaving base as they can go on their lower HC jobs / co jobs instead of SHC and RC jobs to mitigate risk.
2: F4 Map Changes, very simple, remove the names from players on the f4 map during peacetime but keep the icons on the map, this would improve spy missions and reduce metagaming (makes sense with my 4th point)
3: Remove the kill feed during peacetime, again this would help prevent metagaming during peacetime to gain knowledge on a spy / infil and would force teams to use comms and communicate more, would also give more of a purpose for communication jammers.
4: Change the way metagaming is enforced to do with spys and infil missions, for example currently as spy you can be id'd based on your disguise, f4 map and name, make it so people need valid reasons for ID checking you like seeing you enter base, seeing you in an area you arent meant to be, seeing you putting someone under fear RP etc. Make things like radar, name and disguise metagame to use as a reason for an ID check to actually encourage RP rather than just finding every spy without issue. The other changes of a removed killfeed and removed radar would help to encourage this as well as a spy could operate in base without having to worry about doing basic things like killing those who have discovered him without being metagamed by the entire base.
5: Minor changes that would overall just improve the server
- Reenable the autocap feature which makes territories behind your furthest territory autocap if they are neutral when war ends (Saves SA+ having to manually do it)
- Once again give a side 10 million warfunds if they sucessfully win a baseraid (IDK why this was stopped but just make it an inbuilt feature for more of a reward than just 'yay we won')
- Add in more features to HC / CC, such as an alarm button which simply activates FPCON 5 (Moved from the terminal as its never used and can give it a small purpose CL4) a button which actives a lockdown of the base (Closing every door and gate in base CL5) a total lockdown button (Locks every door and gate in base which can only be undone by hacking, breaching or turning the lockdown button off CL6)
- A bounty system for arresting people with warrants, allow a member of HC or KGB/RMP to add a bounty to be received upon the arrest of someone, given to the one who arrested them (Out of their own pocket of course) I assume this wouldnt take alot of work and would just be a small additive to the warrant board.
- Going to the week 1/2 system of negotiations to improve the reward for kidnapping which was tested on the last cycle of vietnam
- Remove the second down state, people are already mag dumps to kill as is along with the horrific hitreg, remove the pointless second downing stage and keep the first downing stage where you have a pistol.
- Add total mastery level on the mastery tab like SCP (i just wanna see it
- Show a high command members highest mastery level on the tab menu like everyone elses shows on the tab menu
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not at all afaik
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Ill keep it brief as i listed them above but
- more RP
- more content
- more to do
- less metagaming
- encourages buying VIP for spy
- less RDM if people drop guns / cards
- much better system for hacking (Fair CL1 Average CL2 Strong CL3 Impenetrable CL4 Impossible CL5 China hack CL6)
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Reasonable amount of dev time
- People might not like the idea of using SCP ideas
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Adds a lot to the server without changing it a lot
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