SCP's should be able to breach when their doors are opened

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New Member
Feb 11, 2025
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
The current system for scp's requires them to be auto breached by the system every so often or for them to be breached by certain other scps who have already breached. But this allows for scps to be breached by say CI or anyone that can get all the cell doors open in a scp's cell.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I have seen

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
It makes the SCP role more intuitive instead of waiting for hours on an SCP to actually breach. This also will allow for more strategy from CI to cause a disruption by breaching an SCP

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
It may cause scp's to be breached too easily.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think it could give more stuff to do when there are dull moments. It could also make for a more thrilling scp breach event if those that are auto breached don't have the capability to breach others.


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Game Master
Game Master
May 13, 2024
I feel like this would be good but imagine the failrping chef's just opening a shit ton of scp's doors and causing a mass breach, I'd say it'd need a LOT of tweaking, maybe providing like a 10 minute timer once the door is open for the SCP to truly be able to leave, or alert E-11 everytime an SCP's door is open and specify the SCP with an alert similar to hacking saying "AN SCP (035)'S CONTAINMENT CHAMBER'S DOORS ARE OPEN", overall the suggestion fits in with lore but its a total rabbit hole with tweaks and questions, so I'm +/- Neutral on this, if properly balanced in a way to provide proper reaction times for both players and the SCP, I can see it working, but if its just no preparation, door open = leave, it'll most likely be must more questionable due to minges
Considering the fact that we can have it so E-11 have a 10 min buffer to be able to react to the door being open. It works.

Think about it, CI holding a CC for 10 mins will take much longer and be much harder than doing one CL5. This will likely never be accepted but in my eyes if E-11 get the list of SCPs with open doors.

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