SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - "Warden" | "Connector"

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Aug 13, 2023
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: "Warden" | "Connector"

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:150599083

Discord Username: youknowwhatno

Age: 19

What's your current playtime: 2 days and 21 hours

Do you have a mic: Yes

Your characters name: Mason "Connector" Ashura (F)
"Warden" (F)
Shen Wulong (F)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: OSA

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: 2023 - 5 RDM warnings.

2024 - 2 FailRP. 1 MRDM. FearRP
(July 10th. The most recent)

How many hours can you be on everyday: 4-5 Hours, ish. Maybe more, it depends on if the server is active or not

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community: No

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster: I've been creating and joining in on RP a great amount in the server, and as a RP leader for Omega-1, my idea's have been ever growing and I've been establishing RP scenarios that I could within my power as a regular player.

I've been receiving help from a certain amount of GM's on the server and I have been watching and asking questions as to how they do what they do and what it requires to do those tasks and recently I've also been hosting a part of a storyline where I had to ask a GM for help on something that made the storyline more awkward than what it is, which made me finally take the step to actually put in a application for a GM position

Overall I am very curious for how RP is conducted within the server and I want to assist in elevating it and increasing the fun and the enjoyment that the playerbase gets from it. Furthermore helping individual players create a path for their own storylines. And being of help to other GM's should they need it

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants: As mentioned I would be of help to assist with other people's events, I also aim to do events of my own which i could do for my regiment, something that I can't do as a normal player within the boundaries that i am currently in.

I have previously also been a member of the event team during my tenure as a Senior moderator where i was very curious into how events are managed and had a insight to how they are done.

Obviously the more the merrier is what i also think when i make this application. I believe with my experience as a RP leader within the three regiments ive been in (A-1, O-1, Nu-7) I believe i could bring something to the table that could elevate the levels of RP and events

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

- The end of the line-
Omega-1 and Alpha-1, have been dispatched to deal with issues that have arisen from Nu-7. There have been terrorist attacks that have been caused by Nu-7 which has caused their heavily armed weapons to kill foundation personnel in sadistic ways, to fulfill their bloodlust and to their enjoyment watch how helpless people would suffer to the strong armory that Nu-7 withholds.

Omega-1 And Alpha-1 would be working together in task forces, using their special skills to use to be taking down Nu-7 in their blindspots. Due to the vast difference in skill O-1 And A-1 has compared to Nu-7. They would be armed and planning out different ways to assimilate and tackle this situation

- Tango 4 -
Nu-7 have recently been given intel from DEA, that multiple insurgents convoys have been moving in the middle east, these convoys could be holding weapons of mass destruction and other valuable items that could bring significant damage and support CI's cause. Nu-7 would be armed with great artillary and would have air support to assist them in this task. Meanwhile they would also have comms reaching in from the lead officers that would be guiding the Nu-7 in what the next objectives would be

- Blast from the past -
A previous foundation member that had been PK'ed or went MIA would mysteriously return to the foundation site, they would be very confused and would raise eyes as to who they were. In this situation the person themselves would be seen by research and CL4+ Personnel to find out how they are back. The endgame could be sending them back to their own dimension and timeframe they came from.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

Foundation Research have recently found this SCP which would have documents based on it as a "Long hallway" that would increase anxiety and paranoia within any human that steps into it and walks/runs in the hallway. This hallway has mental frightening effects that would induce someone to feel claustraphobic, feel as if they're being followed. Watched. Even chased. Research personnel would be examining these tests, seeing how far dclasses can run and even equipping them with radios that would pick up any noises or have the D-class report to them what effects they are witnessing

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): Instead of doing an individual thing, i conjured up one that includes multiple departments/Regiments

- Omega-1 'Mechanical Killers' -

Recent comms transmit's have been in failure's and Omega-1 operations across the world have been running into issues sometime's leading to empty silent comms, the effectiveness between all Omega-1 operations have taken a dive. Recent intel suggests that a facility guarded by mecernaries have been involved in extra special activities. Omega-1 units will be dispatched to this area to deal with the threat and to resolve this issue that has been troubling their comms line for time

What they don't know is this area is a hotspot for The Church of the broken god. The mercernaries in this area are hires, with a certain high class ranked mercernaries that has been given information that no other one of the mercernaries have. They would be marked with a special jacket that display's their important positions to all the other mercernaries.

- Alpha-1 'Helo-1' -

Alpha-1 have recently received 3 new operatives that have arrived from a helicopter. But after their arrival, their databases have been running into trouble. At certain times, the newly transferred alpha-1 units would be asking permission in the databases for access. What Alpha-1 doesn't know. Is that incognitohazards would be installed into various files in the database, these files would have different harming effects (Anxiety, Death, Paranoia, Hallucinations).

The new transferred A-1 would be bringing up these databases trying to play it off as needing help to getting used to this system when in reality it's to try and infect these A-1 within site. The newly transferred A-1 can be fakes, class f'ed. Or other types of fake A-1's that have slipped into the play

- Nu-7/DEA/CI 'Lethal Kill'

DEA Intel suggests that recently CI have been stockpiling carepackages and receiving different shipment crates from cargo vehicles. In one rare situation we see multiple weapons being moved into CI base, there are disks that are contained in bullet proof glass. These things would awake interests to Nu-7 and DEA when they are debriefing on the intel and what they saw. At a point CI will be moving out with these items to set up a form of comms line with another insurgency base on how these items will be utilized and how this disk will be activated in order to use these weapons they've received from the other CI base.

At a later point in time a CI VIP from the other CI base would be deployed into pinewood with a parachute that witholds all the information from the disks to the weapons that will have to be retrieved from CI. At this point it will be a fight to catch the man first. If foundation manages to catch him first or if CI catches him.

- Foundation staff (Techies/Medical/Research) 'Burrowed rats'

Its a usual day in foundation. Techies were called to fix some vents over at a certain location in foundation, there was some issue with the vents turning and to the techies surprise. The vent's have suffered a damage. A part of the vents has been almost "Bitten off". The techies make no mind of this and find a replacement to fix the vents but as they do, they hear a noise coming from the vents.. Almost like "Rats". The techies panic on comms but when help arrives, they come back from the vents all satisfied and like nothing happened.

Overtime the techies say they're getting a painful headache and ask for help from the medical team, overtime the symptoms that the techies describe to the medical, make them get put in qurantine and there you finally see sort of small bugs showing themselves coming out of the techies ears and mouth, they are in control of the techies and show themselves for medical. Research teams arrive to investigate the situation and a way to resolve it is being looked for.

- UNGOC 'The fake salesman'

A salesman approved by the UN approches the UNGOC base with a deal for this new Exosuit prototype, he describes it as a indestructiable mass of "Doom". He pitches it to the best of his ability and describes it as the top of the line ware that money could buy. He shows off a couple of tests, IE shooting a rocket launcher at the exosuit which to the GOC's surprise. Doesn't affect the suit at all.

After the salesman managed to sell the exosuit to the UNGOC, the GOC have the oppurtunity to choose one of their guys to control the suit and be inside of it. Now within this suit they will be given a weapon, it could be a LMG or something else. But overall something that would have a kick to it. The exosuit would also have a formidable amount of shield, but what they don't know it the suit isnt as strong as the salesman pitched it is. It is very quickly wear and teared as a 2-3 rocket launchers it would already be down. The salesman is a professional scammer that would earn his money worth from his negotiating, not wares.
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Game Master
Game Master
Sep 24, 2024
Neutral Support
You have the experience to make an amazing GM. Your RP in-game is amazing, but your application lets you do a little when you get to the missions. Instead of creating unique ideas for each event, you just made one big one, which doesn't really demonstrate the creativity, so I hope you can change this to kind of show your creativity because the one big mission thing just looks cheap, like you're trying to avoid making events for each regiment, but if this is changed, I'll be happy to support your app.​
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

- The end of the line-
Omega-1 and Alpha-1, have been dispatched to deal with issues that have arisen from Nu-7. There have been terrorist attacks that have been caused by Nu-7 which has caused their heavily armed weapons to kill foundation personnel in sadistic ways, to fulfill their bloodlust and to their enjoyment watch how helpless people would suffer to the strong armory that Nu-7 withholds.

Omega-1 And Alpha-1 would be working together in task forces, using their special skills to use to be taking down Nu-7 in their blindspots. Due to the vast difference in skill O-1 And A-1 has compared to Nu-7. They would be armed and planning out different ways to assimilate and tackle this situation
this very much sounds like an mrdm evnet, and you don't really say how this would be organsed either. Idea by itself is fine, assasssinating and killing the like evil nu7 and all who r organising it, but elaboration would be cool

- Tango 4 -
Nu-7 have recently been given intel from DEA, that multiple insurgents convoys have been moving in the middle east, these convoys could be holding weapons of mass destruction and other valuable items that could bring significant damage and support CI's cause. Nu-7 would be armed with great artillary and would have air support to assist them in this task. Meanwhile they would also have comms reaching in from the lead officers that would be guiding the Nu-7 in what the next objectives would be
this one is good. surface is small as shit above lal else, so ud prob need a dupe or somthing of the sort to do this (or jsut fuck it and ball with the balL), but this one is vibing

- Blast from the past -
A previous foundation member that had been PK'ed or went MIA would mysteriously return to the foundation site, they would be very confused and would raise eyes as to who they were. In this situation the person themselves would be seen by research and CL4+ Personnel to find out how they are back. The endgame could be sending them back to their own dimension and timeframe they came from.
why is the title font size 18 and not 22 like the others ones

anyways cool event works well, elaboration on it woudl be cool too but past that yes very cool beans

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

Foundation Research have recently found this SCP which would have documents based on it as a "Long hallway" that would increase anxiety and paranoia within any human that steps into it and walks/runs in the hallway. This hallway has mental frightening effects that would induce someone to feel claustraphobic, feel as if they're being followed. Watched. Even chased. Research personnel would be examining these tests, seeing how far dclasses can run and even equipping them with radios that would pick up any noises or have the D-class report to them what effects they are witnessing
map change events last like 2-3 hours or something dumb. the idea here is fine, but im wondering, how long do you think you could do thsi for? at some point itd become a bit repititve or boring or something, so how would you avoid this?

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff): Instead of doing an individual thing, i conjured up one that includes multiple departments/Regiments
this is not how it works, buh1
i'll do it anyways

- Fire hawk down -

Multiple pods have been falling down from the sky after a request from CI High command. These robots have been issued to assist CI and bring Foundation to its knee's. CI had send a Sleeper agent within E-11 to put in a data disk withinn 079 to bring it to these pods and create a sort of hivemind between 079 and CI's commands to these robots, the robots would be heavily armored and weaponized. In response to this Nu-7 would have multiple heavily armed artiliary to respond to this. Along with that. Research and E-11 would be working hand in hand to find a way to nullify this effect 079 currently has on the robots, perhaps even look into the radiomagnetics, they would also investigate if foundation manages to take down one of the robots. Bring in the robots and look in details what controls the robots have.

SC would have certain investments and would be initiating multiple robots of their own, or maybe even exo suits that would have A-1 and O-1 put inside of to help assist in this battle. Some of A-1 and O-1 would be deployed to try and infil their way into CI base and hack the mainframe that CI has to help shut down the robots or even use the CI to take down the robots

UNGOC due to the threat of the situation would be assisting foundation as these robots would also be targetting GOC. Due to the fact that GOC and CI are not that much in interests together. UNGOC would be utilizing their technology to also fight against CI

Over a course of time, CI will have a bar of progress they'd have to complete to call in more robots to assist them in this battle. If this succeeds, that means that Foundation and UNGOC would have a harder time and that at some point it would end the warfare with CI coming out ontop.
how would this be organised OOC cuh
i mean all is fine here (except thers no goals for gsd or medical (sad times) but you havent like explained how a lolt of this would work OOC. like how'd the robos would be distributed, how it'd all be tracked, all thats shebang.

anyways gl on ur thing have a good day big man
Aug 13, 2023
Neutral Support
You have the experience to make an amazing GM. Your RP in-game is amazing, but your application lets you do a little when you get to the missions. Instead of creating unique ideas for each event, you just made one big one, which doesn't really demonstrate the creativity, so I hope you can change this to kind of show your creativity because the one big mission thing just looks cheap, like you're trying to avoid making events for each regiment, but if this is changed, I'll be happy to support your app.​
Write out the mission section fully,

It just makes it look like you can't be asked.

I'll give proper feedback if you do so

- Julien White
I've adjusted the mission sections, thanks for asking me to (y)


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Jan 16, 2024

Gamemaster Application - Denied

Hello @Connector ,

Unfortunately having discussed your application with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently ready to be a member of the Gamemaster team.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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