What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is to bring back Highland's Megabases with new designs and retouched entrances. The megabases we're fine apart from the entrances, the base on the side of NWO used to be too high and it has to be lowered to ground level so there is no need of a big elevator and tunnel ramp that has to be breached twice or hacked twice. it made it too unfair. if the base is kept a ground level and both bases has the same type of design on the main gates then it'll have the exact balance of when it comes to Base raid. As well instead of having such big walls from megabases and such small walls from present time, it would be nice to meet in the middle where everyone would be happy for example make the walls the same design as they were but make them like 7 playermodels high.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am not entirely sure.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Compared both positives and negatives I think this suggestion should be accepted because the bases right now it takes 10 - 20 minutes or even less for a base raid to be won because of how open the bases are. As well the bases have the same aspect in each map they need to have a little different aspect for some of them maps so it doesn't get boring and unpleasant to play during peacetime as well. This would help with base bombing and lets Heli take off without a problem and land down and gives more Strategy to Regiments like SAS/RMP or AG/KGB having to be more strategic on raiding bases for hacking missions or KGB/RMP to patrol bases and have more places to search and A lot more reason.
This suggestion is to bring back Highland's Megabases with new designs and retouched entrances. The megabases we're fine apart from the entrances, the base on the side of NWO used to be too high and it has to be lowered to ground level so there is no need of a big elevator and tunnel ramp that has to be breached twice or hacked twice. it made it too unfair. if the base is kept a ground level and both bases has the same type of design on the main gates then it'll have the exact balance of when it comes to Base raid. As well instead of having such big walls from megabases and such small walls from present time, it would be nice to meet in the middle where everyone would be happy for example make the walls the same design as they were but make them like 7 playermodels high.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I am not entirely sure.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Brings back more ways to get in and more use of strategy
- Makes it more balanced for base raid as base raids are (50+ Minutes long)
- More RP could be done within SAS/AG and RMP/KGB
- New aspect to the map rotation as in all maps the bases have the same aspect.
- Bring more strategy for Hacking missions and protecting base
- Makes Bases less open
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Maybe Less Game Performance
- More difficult to win bases raid but this needs skill and team work to raid
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Compared both positives and negatives I think this suggestion should be accepted because the bases right now it takes 10 - 20 minutes or even less for a base raid to be won because of how open the bases are. As well the bases have the same aspect in each map they need to have a little different aspect for some of them maps so it doesn't get boring and unpleasant to play during peacetime as well. This would help with base bombing and lets Heli take off without a problem and land down and gives more Strategy to Regiments like SAS/RMP or AG/KGB having to be more strategic on raiding bases for hacking missions or KGB/RMP to patrol bases and have more places to search and A lot more reason.