Accepted SIS/Raiding Party changes.

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
Jan 21, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is targeted towards SAS Raiding Party and AG SIS/SVR.

Currently the Jobs are extremely under used with people choosing Auto riflemen /Medic or any other job over it which makes it so people that aren't in SIS/Raiding Party are unable to play the jobs, because of SIS/Raiding party being on the job. And the job itself doesn't offer much for being something special, they get 0 Armor an Advanced Field Kit and a Gun that is not liked by both sides, with only the Squad Leads getting a breaching shield and a TE-5, So I'm suggesting the following.

SAS Raiding Party/SIS Commando's/Operative's should get a TE-5 to assist in hacking missions as it's one of our main gameplay loops, this will make the jobs more likely to be used while doing hacking missions and such, this would also still give the lead something special being the Breaching shield.

The AK-74U and The Sterling stats should be looked at and possibly changed as current they are unliked by both sides, it shoots fast, but it doesn't do well in wars and such, People prefer to use their Perma guns normally and changes will make the guns used more rather than using a Perma R5/LR300.

And lastly, I would like to suggest both Commando's and Squad Lead to get some amount of armor to be able to survive without getting one tapped in both missions and possibly war, something like 20 for commando's Matching the engineer and 30-35 for Squad Lead, keeping the auto riflemen still being the highest armor for both sides.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?


Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

More Spread between jobs on both SAS/AG Since people won't be fighting over auto riflemen and such.
Another goal for people to try to get in both SAS/AG.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Nothing that I think about other than config taking time, or possibly any complains about balance or such.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I generally think both the Jobs can create great roleplay if done right, and they just seem extremely under used other than the Squad leads, for something that is meant to hard to get and something only the special forces Regs have, it should have something special to it so people can use it as a goal to improve overall.
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