Denied Remove/Change ISAF/SHA Infantry Regiment

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 19, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Revote back to how it was without Infantry Regiments.
At the moment I see it being too much stress for people and regiments and disadvantage to certain regiments such as RMP/KGB or SAS/AG, a lot of new players do a war and leave or they just join the first regiment they can which would be 17th/10thSD or JAF/ABT, I have also seen regiment that require PSC to enter give try-outs to PVTs so in all fairness, I think it should either be changed or removed because its just making it harder and people are starting to ignore it.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't think so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Becomes fair for all regiments
  • New players don't leave quick because they need to do a war or so
  • A lot less hassle

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Work to be done to remove it
  • Changes in rules

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think it should be accepted because it brings too much and is too much. I have explained it at the top and people are starting to ignore it so might as well remove it.
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Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Denied

Hi, Your suggestion has been denied.

We discussed this in the content team meeting last time and decided that the infantry update was a net positive for other regiments.

The issue with the Infantry Update is simply that it’s just… not explained enough. That’s no fault of players or anyone however it was an oversight when it was implemented.

Infantry begin in Shock Army/ISAF. They are IN the regiment it is simply that they are no longer forced to play consistently in that PVT-LCPL isn’t really monitored as well as the fact that their jobs are purposefully meant to be strong (so we don’t want CPL+ using them).

As for your comments about the other regiments, this is somewhat true, however it’s because they simply are better than other regiments at recruiting people, namely 10thSD and JAF. I don’t think people understand how dedicated people like Bobby and Tony are when it comes to getting people in and this is healthy from a server point of view because they also get some of the best retention for us.

Finally I’d just like to leave off with that there is absolutely 0 reason as to why a Private can’t join SAS/RMP on the same day that they join the server as officially they haven’t got a promotion timer upon joining - the same way as if you’re transferred into a regiment (excluding rank transfers), you also can be promoted on the same day. If you see someone doing a good job, you can promote them - EVEN if you’re not IN shock army.

The infantry update isn’t going anywhere until we see it actually being a bad thing however it’s working as intended it’s just not understood as well as it can be.

- Players can be promoted on the same day they join so there is no reason they can’t join Police and SF Regiments
- Players in default shock infantry are just a separate ‘detachment’ however ARE officially still in ISAF/SHA so we need more of an effort to include them even if it’s just a simple conversation
- 10thSD, AG and JAF all have people non stop dedicated to working to build their regiments. We see higher retention there than before the infantry update.

Again I’ll be releasing a full document but yeah, they’re not limited when they join its just we want people to go the extra step for police and special forces. If you see them as a good candidate, promote them and get them in!

Thank you for taking the time to make a suggestion​

Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
I’d also like to add on I’m planning to potentially add NPCs outside of each bunks explaining what they do and also potentially a spawnable entity at each bunks where (like supply depots) they can hover and see bunk locations so this should help with the regiments that are quite ‘out the way’ such as AG on Highlands and RMP.
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