SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Aphex Triplet

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Jan 27, 2022
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Aphex Triplet

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:117243696

Discord Username: aphex_triplet.

Age: 17

What's your current playtime: My achievements show I have played on the server for a little under 12 million seconds, which is around 135 days.

Do you have a mic: Yes, and I am willing to use it during any interviews & events.

Your characters name: Cheting John (Civillian)
Aphex 'Witch'[IRU-JO/R&D] (CI)
Aphex Triplet (Foundation)
Aphex 'AFX' (GOC)

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: Note that I have recieved a few verbal warnings, however I have not been officially warned for a little more than a year. I have never been banned or kicked for breaking server rules.

Here are all of my warnings accurately listed in the /warnings tab, any spelling errors shown below are not mine:

Sat Jan 1 2022 "RDM"
Sun Jan 9 2022 "NRP"
Mon Jan 24 2022 "NLR"
Sun Feb 6 2022 "FearRP"
Sun Feb 27 2022 "Mixing"
Tue Jan 3 2023 "[Kick] (User requested - bugged)"
Thu Oct 19 2023 "RDM"
Mon Oct 23 2023 "ARDM / Entitie Abuse"
Tue Dec 12 2023 "FearRP x2 / RDM"
Fri Jan 12 2024 "FearRP"

How many hours can you be on everyday: I can, during workdays be consistently available between 17:00 - 23:00 (GMT +0), and am usually more active during the weekends.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
Yes, I was a Trial Game Master for this community for around 1 month before I resigned due to personal reasons.
During my time as a TGM, I ran few events, but mostly helped other members of the event team with their events.
When I was a staff member, even when I was a member of the Content Team, I did assist in multiple events.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I would like to become a Gamemaster for a couple of reasons, the main one being due to the lack of events I personally partake in myself (this is mainly due to me being a player that resides on surface & partake in CI raids very often). Another reason is that I want to explore interactions between anomalies and various other factors, such as chemicals, individuals, or even other anomalies.
I have been a big fan of the concept of the SCP Foundation even before I joined this server 3 years ago, so I wish to explore more SCPs listed on the SCP Wiki and see how they would react to the environment the server takes place in.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I have been a member of this community for a little over 3 years (as can be proved with my warnings), and I feel as if I have the experience and knowledge needed to run events efficiently and make them entertaining.
I have been a member of every regiment for at least a month, and am a former CI MCOM (during this time I was the highest ranking alongside one other), therefore I feel as if I can involve multiple sections of the playerbase within 1 event and make people feel less excluded.
I also have previous experience as a TGM, although it was short.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

SCP-5842 "Sentient Stalking Stop Sign":
This event would directly involve a small-medium (10-20) group of people (likely E-11 & Research), with one person within the Foundation randomly selected to be whoever SCP-5842 would "stalk".
The target would very clearly notice a stop sign following them around, past corners, and the target would feel as if they needed to follow the instructions of the stop sign.
SCP-5842 would be able to be contained, but only if something was actively looking at it (similar to SCP-173), or else it would vanish and wait until the target was alone and moving to show itself again.

Jovian Space Observation:
This event would directly involve a small-medium (10-20) amound of people (likely Exec Research, Nu-7, DEA & GOC if involved) tasked (by the Anomalous Entity Engagement Division, or AEED) to observe the space/area around SCP-2399, a massive mechanical structure inside of Jupiter's lower atmosphere, capable of causing a SK-Class "Barren Earth" End-of-the-World Event, but was damaged after crashing into the Jovian moon of Io.
The individuals involved would eventually discover that the repairs of the damaged megastructure have accelerated by a significant margin (around 1.4% annually), and is expected to be fully functional by the end of 2064.
What this means for anyone involved is unclear, but perhaps it can be explored in a future event (see map change event idea below).

Department of Mythology and Folkloristics (DMF):
This event would directly involve a medium (20-40) and would involve a visit by a few liasons of the DMF & MTF Gamma-4, tasked with confirming a sighting of SCP-6132 "The Eyes Beneath the Ice".
The DMF (consisting of 2 envoys), alongside the Research Deptartment, will be there to observe the effects of SCP-6132, a spectral entity resembling a female quasi-humanoid, that affects the minds of those who see it, compelling the viewer to approach it.
After viewing the anomaly, those who viewed it will suddenly become cold, with their bodies incapable of self regulating their internal temperature.
MTF Gamma-4 (consisting of around 4 event character resembling Nu-7), Nu-7 & the DEA will be tasked with creating a permimeter, and allowing testing conditions for D-Class to be established.
SCP-6132 cannot not be contained, and will subsequently vanish after targeting around 4-5 viewers.
The DMF & Research Department are expected to observe the effects, and tasked with possibly tracing other possible historical events similar to this in the surrounding area of Pinewood.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):

The 2nd Assemblance:

This event would involve all factions on the server, and perhaps including some setup with multiple minor and standard events beforehand, involving the Church of the Broken God (henceforth referred to as CotBG), and involve a proposal of SCP-001 (TwistedGears-Kaktus Proposal).
As some context to this event, this proposal of SCP-001 is a collection of anomalous items (including SCP-217, SCP-1139, SCP-882, & components of SCP-629) which was once a massive mechanical entity assembled by members of the Church of the Broken God in 1942 near La Paz, Mexico.
This entity was deemed by members of the CotBG to be an effort to restore their diety, but this attempt was thwarted. The consequence of this event named 001-Apotheosis resulted in the entire western side of Mexico to be eradicated during this "ascension".
SCP-2399 was one of the anomalies that fought against SCP-001 during the 001-Apotheosis event, but was damaged and flew back to Jupiter's lower atmosphere (on the wiki it states that this is inaccurate and unlikely, but I like to think it was somehow involved with the CotBG).

This event requires SCP-2399's repairs being finished, and whatever controlling it returning to Earth to combat the CotBG's 2nd attempt at reviving their diety. It will take place 30 km east of Seattle's city limits, near a CotGB staging ground that has been observed by the Foundation for weeks.
The SCP Foundation, will specifically attempt to delay/thwart the diety from ascending, and will attempt to establish communications with SCP-2399's "crew" or controller to determine its purpose or allegiences.
All of the MTFs will have different roles, E-11 will be replaced with Stigma-9.
Nu-7 will be establishing a permimeter around the area suspected to be where the diety will rise, defending any civillians or other persons that are curious about the area.
A-1 & O-1 will not be present, but those within these regiments will be reassigned to MTFs Stigma-9 (A-1+E-11), & Eta-77 (O-1)
Stigma-9 will be the main fighting force to combat the CotBG, & Eta-77 will be assisting the research department in contacting SCP-2399.
Those within the Chaos Insurgency will be replaced with CotBG missionaries & apostles, on the verge of making their god become whole once more.
The UNGOC will be as they are, and will attempt to assist the foundation in securing the perimeter & fighting the forces of the CotBG, but they will be more focused on making sure the outside world are unaware of the events happening, and bring in extra assets to assist in combating the CotBG.

During the event, multiple (about once or twice per 2 hours) anomalous mechanical entities will attempt to assail the FOBs that the UNGOC & Foundation established, each lasting around 15 minutes each, and will all show unique and different ways of combating them.

In the event of SCP-2399 being successfully contacted & conviced to assist the Foundation & GOC to destroy the compound, it will arrive above the central staging ground and fire dense anti-matter projectiles during the ascension. This will help the Foundation & UNGOC to defeat the CotBG & the diety they worship.

The event can end in multiple ways, some involving the SCP Foundation manage to contact SCP-2399 and manage to convice it to assist in destroying the new CotBG staging ground, or they could fail in contacting it.
The CotBG could successfully manage to revive their once broken god and get away with it, and consequences of that happening would certainly be dire for the SCP Foundation & UNGOC.

I imagine this event to last for around 6 hours, including briefings, introducing the new map (which would be a mountainous region, containing a central compound that the CotBG are staging up, a large FOB split up into 2 parts, 1 being Stigma-9 + Nu-7 + DEA, and the other being Eta-77 + Research + GSD / D-Class), surface combat between the various factions & anomalies patrolling the area, a final battle between the newly assembled diety and its apostles, and the Foundation + UNGOC combating them both.

Similar to the SCP-9000K map change event, the conclusion to this event will end in a new SCP being brought to Site-65, being somewhat involved with the Church of the Broken God, I am thinking either SCP-217, SCP-629, or perhaps a custom SCP.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):

O-1: "Mind Game"
MTF Omega-1 has been tasked by the Ethics Committee to find an individual on surface who has been tracked to Pinewood, described as a fit male in his early 50's. The target should be RTB'd alive, and unaware of its situation.
Something excluded in their briefing is that the target is a Type Yellow Polymorph, making it a very difficult to accurately identify.
The target can be identified by using the standard method of using a Kant Counter, and making it a very obvious find.
Once obtained, the target should be interrogated for all of its information on a drug it has been developing.
The drug itself is a long-term mind shielding Y-Blocker, making anyone who injests it immune to any cognitohazardous effects for 4 hours.
The drug is very difficult to make, and the only individual that knows how to make it is this polymorph.
Omega-1 must force the polymorph to tell them the ingredients needed, or it will forever spend its time locked in the SCP Foundation.

A-1: "The Oath"
O5-11 "The Oathkeeper" has a project he wishes to finish. He has been scouring many SCP Foundation sites for a particular individual fitting the following description:
"Female, pale white skin, approximately 24 years of age, long blonde hair & heterochromic, the left eye being a light blue, the right eye being a dark brown."
It is unknown what reason the Overseer needs this individual, but he says it's of vital importance, so A-1 has been tasked to escort him across Site-65 in multiple patrols looking for someone fitting the description of this individual.
Should anyone (this is up to any player who says their character fits this description) match this description, those who found them are to report it to O5-11, & escort the target head to floor 3 for questioning by O5-11.
Afterwards the target is to be followed in secret, any strange behavioral patterns are to be written down & reported to O5-11.
If no one is found fitting this description, O5-11 will leave & head for the next Foundation site.

Nu-7: "The Munchausen Advocates"
MTF Nu-7 (& DEA) have recieved reports of a new GoI spreading around North America that call themselves "The Munchausen Advocates" that specialize in anomalous & biohazardous phenomena, and could possibly introduce bio-weapons into the natural world.
Nu-7 have been tasked with locating this GoI that have taken residence in a small cottage in the forest surrounding the Pinewood Village.
Once the cottage has been located, Nu-7 will be dispatched to the location & raid it.
Inside the cottage are two notable objects that are on a table in the middle of the room, one is an empty syringe that contained of SCP-008 that was stolen from the Russian government months ago, & a notebook of whoever was studying the infection inside, with notes stating it was the perfect organism.
The last page states they must relocate due to the SCP Foundation taking an interest in their activites, but they wrote they would leave them a gift from "The Munchausen Advocates." If any Nu-7 pick up the notebook, they will notice attached to the back of the book is a string that connects to the underside of the table, which is a container for a nerve gas grenade.
If any Nu-7 search the exterior of the cottage, they will see large tire track leading deeper into the forest, and eventually they lead to the main road headed south of Pinewood, towards the US.

E-11: "Anomalous Reactor Error"
MTF E-11, after a routine patrol will discover that 1 of the reactors is faulty, and needs maintenance.
After countless attempts to repair the reactor, it is determined that the reactor is unable to be activated & needs to be replaced.
Then, a few moments later, the reactor goes live with 200% power output, making many of the lights onsite extremely bright.
It is determined that this reactor malfunction is anomalous in nature, and E-11 are assigned with guarding the reactors for the time that it is being researched & studied.
During this time, the reactor will experience multiple power surges, making the HCZ lights go on & off multiple times, and put SCPs in HCZ at risk of being breached.
To combat this, researchers have devised a method of safely replacing the reactor without causing another anomalous power surge. This method involves disabling the other 2 reactors and then leaving the other reactor to handle the sites power on its own for an indeterminate amount of time. Once it has used all of its energy, it will suddenly shut off, and then can be safely removed & replaced. The site will be left without power for approximately 1 hours before the other reactors can be re-enabled. The cause of the sudden reactor error is the only "reasonable" explanation, it became sentient.

CI: "The Operative"
The Chaos Insurgency have been informed of a former Chaos Insurgency MCOM being brainwashed by the SCP Foundation.
This MCOM has been turned into a Class-D prisoner, and the Chaos Insurgency have been tasked with retrieving this high value target, return him to base and giving him Class-X Amnestics to allow him to recall all of his memories before he was brainwashed.
After this process, the former CI MCOM will give the Chaos Insurgency information about an upcoming operation the Serpent's Hand are going to launch against the SCP Foundation, involving infiltrating & exfiltrating with important inanimate SCPs on Site-65.
He told them that the SCP Foundation know of these plans as he was interrogated and was actively investigating the Serpent's Hand and their involvement with the SCP Foundation.

UNGOC: "The Involuntary Massacre of a Family"
A small family of 4 has recently moved into Pinewood to start a new life in Canada and escape from their boring old life in the US.
Only one problem, one of the two children, a 7 year old girl who is a very powerful reality bender, although she doesn't know it herself, but the UNGOC, who monitor Kant reading around pinewood read a sudden spike in Hume readings around the new family.
They are dispatched to locate and question the family, and take blood tests of each family member.
Once the UNGOC discover the girl and her abilities, they should monitor her & her family for a few hours. After an accident involving the girl burning her hand occurs, she accidentally wipes both her parents & her younger brother from this reality. She is shocked by this occurance, and mentally breaks.
The UNGOC operatives witness this happen and then attempt to subdue the girl.
Whether or not they succeed with no casualties depends on their performance, but the result will always end with the girl passing out from the mental & physical trauma surrounding the events that just occured.
What happens to the girl afterwards is up to the UNGOC.

Foundation Staff: "Lost Reward"
The area of SCP-5543's effect has expanded to an unknown amount. An instance of SCP-5543-1 was reported by MTF Phi-20 ("Phi-do") in the area surrounding Pinewood.
Foundation Staff are told to report any instance of SCP-5543-1 posters that are located inside Site-65 and to subsequently tell the research deparment.
SCP-5543 is an anomalous phenomenon that involves a collection of lost pet fliers (SCP-5543-1), which all contain a picture of a pet, its current name, age, sex, coloration (if any), a date of when it went "missing",a random phone number to contact SCP-5543-2, and a money reward to any who manage to return said pet.
SCP-5543-2 is a humanoid entity, possibly a shapeshifter and capable dematerialization.
If SCP-5543-2 is contacted, it will arrange to meet the owner of the pet at their current location, even if said location should be unknown to SCP-5543-2.
After around 10 minutes, SCP-5543-2 will arrive to the location that was discussed, will initiate small talk with the owner of the pet, and will then trade the pet for a random amount of money, leave and dematerialize alongside the pet.
IF this happens, then around 20 minutes later, the monetary reward (which is too great for any individual to carry on their own) will transmute into biological mass equal to the money rewarded, and genetically similar to the pet that was given. It is unknown how this process happens, but it is confirmed that (similar to SCP-294) that it takes any similar biological matter and transports it to where the money was. If this is allowed to happen, any pets of the same species will dramatically drop in population within 80km of the biological mass.
The individual who "owns" the "reward" will consider this a form of currency for around 50 minutes, after which time the individual will return back to their normal state (although likely traumatised after the incident).
Thank you very much for taking the time for reading my application :)
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-This application is great. Only issue I really find with it is that some things could be elaborated on more OOC wise, and how they would be conducted as a GM, and the fact that the Map Change event doesn't have a new map linked to it, but other than that? This application is great. Outside the application, I can heavily vouch for Aphex as an individual. He has put lots of effort into CI R&D, and his RP capability and understanding is far above many others, and I feel as though he would be an amazing asset to the GM team.

Best of luck!

Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
Application is well-written,

While I haven't interacted with you recently, you've shown in the past a relative level of competency, you have previous experience as a TGM, which during the time, I can't remember any issues that arose, no complaints were present and you did decent events. I think if you were to be accepted, you'd be a solid addition to the team.

Good luck!

- Julien White
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