[UK] Sceptre's ECM Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196545607
Discord name: a1fyy
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have over 28d of in-game playtime just from kTime and I have played CN SCP-RP for over a year.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): 'Sceptre', 'Signalist', Siôn Llewellyn, Andrew Whitaker, Bartholomew O'Keefe
Civilian name: Alfred Seymour
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Omega-1 Captain (Holding)
Ethics Assistant (Holding)
DEA Special Agent (Holding)

MTF Omega-1 Captain (Held)
MTF Nu-7 Sergeant (Held)

This Month's Playtime

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Over my entire time of playing, I have received about 7 warnings, none of them are currently active. The most recent ones vary in reason, specifically NLR and FailRP. I take these warnings as an opportunity to reflect upon my behaviour, of which was inadequate at the time.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am currently seeking to apply to the position of Ethics Committee Member. There is currently one slot vacant and I would love to have the honour of filling it to promote a higher standard of Roleplay throughout the server in a Site Command Position and to lead by example - interacting with personnel and playing the role of an ECM. As a Gamemaster, I have taken numerous roles that I have worked on in-depth alongside the present Ethics Chairman, one of them being an event ECM named Andrew Whitaker and another ongoing character named Alexei Solokov (find out in-character who he is..). The dedication I have put into building these characters and creating a story for players to interact with displays that I have no interest in acting as some sort of arcade-game figure but rather a dedicated individual who wants to enhance the Roleplaying experience on the server.

As we all know, the server is currently in an unusual state where-in there is a lack of new players coming in, and generally long-term Roleplay is becoming burned out and stale. I aim to help combat this burnout alongside other members of Foundation Command, Faction Leads and Roleplay Leaders in order to provide an immersive and engaging Roleplay environment for players to participate in.

[Over the past year, I have come to understand the importance of the Ethics Committee - not only to the foundation in lore, but also the gameplay and roleplay loops that people participate in on the server and it is with my strong belief that I wish to contribute to this role. Many who apply for this role will say they can strongly contribute to the Committee's development but can not back this up. I affirmatively seek to rework the way the Ethics Committee Assistants work in relation to their authority on behalf of the Committee in order to allow them to equally create engaging Roleplay without the unnecessary requirement for bureaucratic out-of-character permission to conduct certain pieces of RP. As long as ECAs can understand the authority of the Committee and the idea of "the committee's interests", they should receive the freedom to be able to act on behalf of the Committee on a variety of manners, especially without worry of out-of-character consequences (within reason).]

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
There are a variety of reasons that I find myself to be a suitable candidate for the position of Ethics Committee Member:

Both within RP and out-of-RP I find that Leadership is such a fundamental skill that must be kept right to ensure that players are having fun and feel like they are welcomed in that environment. I believe I possess a balanced mind, being able to separate right from wrong and keeping things proportionate. There is a massive difference between being shouted at in-character in a justified manner, and taking it out-of-character just to be a dick. It is important to understand, while players want to have fun, they are held to a specific standard of Roleplay - and I personally believe Foundation Command should lead by example. Throughout my time on the server, I have always held myself to a higher standard and as a result, I have achieved big, being both an Omega-1 Commissioned Officer and an Ethics Assistant. With the correct encouragement and environment, all players on the server can do the exact same, which is something I aim to massively encourage as an ECM.

During my various roles on the server, both as Omega-1 and an Ethics Assistant, I aim to be as open as possible to players, allowing themselves to be involved in RP and also approach me to begin RP and it brings a massive smile to my face when people do so on their own will, trusting me with their ideas. I believe that, when conducting RP, as many parties as possible (within reason, of course) should be involved to give everybody the opportunity to participate. After all, what is the point in an RP server where all RP is locked behind a door that only few can access? Whilst I understand that many pieces of RP on the server should remain that way to a degree (i.e. Foundation Command interacting with each-other, not everybody can get involved as realistically it wouldn't make sense to), I aim to keep a balance of RP that I conduct, with there being proportionate levels of 'closed-off' RP and 'open' RP.

Commitment to Roleplay
I am heavily invested in quality Roleplay. I believe I possess the ability to sway RP in a way that makes it better for everybody, even if the RP that was engaged started off poor. This way, those who interact with the RP conducted on the server at the same time as me can reap the benefits and have fun whilst playing. Even in combative roles, the first thing I seek is roleplay, not an improvement to my K/D ratio. As an Ethics Member, I will sought to support Roleplay in several key areas where it lacks, namely beginning with D-Class. As evident in my D-Class Welfare Project (covered below), there are some fantastic opportunities to be had, it just needs that support to get it started and encourage others to participate. My main focus in this position would be to lead by example and teach others how to initiate and continue meaningful RP, even in ways that you might not imagine. Overall, this would better foster a positive Roleplaying environment for players to enjoy on the server.

I believe that I am valuable when it comes to both providing and taking feedback from others, and it is something I strive to do all the time - whether it is OOC or IC. I consistently aim to better myself and help others do the same by providing a neutral point of view on the matter and trying to view things from other people's perspectives, namely those who may be directly affected by my actions in RP. I possess the unique ability to be able to construct logical chains of reasoning which permit me to back my Roleplay up with genuine thought behind it rather than a quick, two-second decision.

Players currently need reliable figures to look up to and interact with to be able to understand the difference between good RP and bad RP. I try my absolute best in the positions I hold to promote this and push forward consistent passive RP without the need to have to be told to do it. With the correct guidance, many players in the server can benefit from this type of guidance and can help make the server a much more interactive space for RP.

Specific Applications of Roleplay
To briefly go over some of the RP I have initiated with others, I will sum them up in short sections:

During my time as an Omega-1 Captain, I led the Prosecutors team who prosecuted individuals on The Committee's behalf, taking time to conduct thought-out investigations alongside evidence, witnesses, interrogations and whatnot. By the end, I had directly Prosecuted in 7 different cases and won all 7, with guilty verdicts being found by the presiding judge. These are some of my proudest RP interactions as it involved many different members of the server taking varying roles, from witnesses to those being prosecuted.

I recently have, alongside the Ethics Chairman, spearheaded the D-Class Welfare Project for The Committee, taking lead in finding ways to improve D-Class' physical and mental health. Despite this project being ongoing, I have conducted this in a variety of ways, starting with involving the Medical Department to conduct D-Class Personnel Evaluations. More recently as a development in the project, we involved GSD, Alpha-1 and D-Class, taking a big step towards RP for D-Class by *entering* inner D-Block and forming what resembled an AA meeting, hosting a group discussion with D-Class on how to improve their quality of life, fitness and mental health.

I'd consider this to be a massive success based on the fact that myself, an O5 and the Ethics Chairman only had one frag grenade thrown at us throughout, showing D-Class engagement with this Roleplay.

In a highly classified operation issued to us by the Ethics Committee, I led teams of Omega-1 to partake in a lucrative and elaborate assassination against an MTF A-1 Captain whose life had been deemed to be ended after he admitted to concealing his knowledge of CL5 confidential information from Foundation Command.

In Omega-1, I presently lead 103.5 DAWN FM. I will refrain from going too far in-depth with what this pertains as it is ongoing Roleplay, although it involves many different players who are involved in elaborate plots and schemes of spying and reconnaissance.

My previous ECM Character known as Andrew Whitaker is a stuck-up, old-fashioned and hypocritical individual who was transferred onto Site-65 at the request of Chairman Remmy Marshall. Being the lead of the humanitarian sub-committee, his immediate focus was picking up on the D-Class Welfare project left behind by Sion Llewellyn, investigating why the D-Block housing standards were not being followed. Whitaker met with several key individuals, including members of Site Administration and the Security Department to investigate why this was the case, clearly displaying his cold and hypocritical attitude.

In an unlikely turn of events (that even I was not expecting), Whitaker found himself wound up in the mess of O5-10, investigating the disappearance of Assistant Julien White who was presumed to be murdered by Overseer 10. After kidnapping and killing a key individual involved with O5-10's regime, Whitaker found himself being stalked by 10's private squadron of Alpha-1 operatives, before being taken by them against his own will. There, he saw what he thought was the end of his life, being faced with the voice of Ten and a gunshot to the chest. Unknowingly, part of O5-10's team went rogue and saved him, and Andrew Whitaker currently resides in the Area-5 pocket dimension, stripped of his status as an Ethics Member.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
[The idea of what the SCP Foundation does is evil in some aspects. As much as lower-level personnel in the foundation want to believe what they do is fully right and is completely acceptable according to the propaganda that they are fed - it isn't, to an extent. The foundation commits countless atrocities in the name of the greater good and the mission statement. The Ethics Committee exists as a public body who openly acknowledge that the foundation is indeed evil - they exist to decide the path of lesser evil in order to protect greater humanity - even if some individuals have to suffer in the process. The Committee is very much self-regulating and do not kill for the sake of it; death occurs for the sake of understanding and trying to get the best possible outcome out of a dire situation.]

Other responsibility within RP include:

The Foundation Legal Codex
The FLC is at the centre of the Foundation, strictly determining what is allowed and what is not for the most part. This can range from small infractions such as being a public nuisance to outright Murder of personnel. The Ethics Committee is responsible for maintaining the FLC by modifying it, ensuring personnel are following it and also prosecuting personnel should they violate it, including within Tribunals in which Ethics Members can preside as a Judge in. [All FLC violations are categorised distinctly into Ethical violations and Conductual violations, with Ethics taking a primary interest into those violating the ethical violations. This does not, however, strictly prohibit them from actioning conduct violations. At the end of the day, the Committee is a Foundation Command body who equally take interest into those who may be jeopardising the mission statement.]

The Ethics Committee is responsible for the approval of testing of some of the SCPs on-site, specifically requiring approval from EC for testing to be conducted on the SCP, this includes SCP-008 tests and also SCP-914 tests that utilise biological matter. Furthermore, the approval of the Ethics Committee is also required for tests that may involve more than 3 D-Class Personnel. These are all done to ensure testing is conducted to an ethical, acceptable standard. A previous part of my ongoing Roleplay was investigating MTF Epsilon-11 after a Senior Researcher approached me for another SCP-008 test, whom admitted that 4/5 of his tests result in breaches as E-11 do not follow safety procedures.

Site Safety
As CL5 personnel, The Committee are responsible for maintaining Site Safety and utilising certain protocols if the site's safety is put into jeopardy. This involves utilisation of the Alpha Warhead if Roleplay has been impeded for too long as a result of a breach to initiate an 'RP Reset', only after the deployment of ERT has failed. Speaking of ERT, the EC is responsible for the deployment of ERT should it need to be called in the interest of rapid deployment to save the facility.

As well as these extreme measures, Ethics is also responsible for calling a Code Black in the event the site must be evacuated to save personnel, as well as authorising Mass Termination of D-Class Personnel should a line be crossed and need it to preserve security of the site.

Upholding the Agenda
The Committee's agenda can be seen as one of the most important in the foundation, outside of keeping the world safe from anomalies. They utilise MTF Omega-1, the "Law's Left Hand" which can be deployed if diplomatic means of reasoning fail in order to quietly cover things up to return to business-as-usual. [In some cases, this may include action against the O5 Council such as an assassination, recommended action or Primary Action. Primary Action is used when the Committee determines that the Council has consistently failed the foundation's interests and it is found that the O5 Council are no longer capable of acting in the foundation's best interests. In the event that the Committee agrees via majority vote, immediate preparations are taken to eliminate the Council; MTF Omega-1 are put on immediate alert, Ethics Members have new identities created and are relocated to safe locations in the event PA fails - utilising the wide, covert network of Omega-1 Operatives, Ethics' Artificially Intelligent Conscripts (notably Cairo.AIC) infiltrate the Council's networks and AICs to wipe any knowledge of Primary Action, and The Office of the Administrator is covertly informed by the Chairman in the event PA fails. It is in the OOTA's best interest to ensure that PA succeeds in order to protect the idea that the Ethics Committee are not powerful enough to overturn the Council, and will deploy Resh-1 "Seat of Consciousness" to clean up Omega-1's mess should they fail. It is important to note that Primary Action shouldn't be the immediate answer to any issue the Committee encounters with the Council. As noted in Tanhony's Proposal, the Council is requested (very notably, the Committee does not THREATEN the Council with any action) to cease misuse of SCP-001, in which they refuse.

"When the actions of an O5 Council become targeted towards their own well-being rather than that of the Foundation, it is the duty of the Ethics Committee to undertake the action assigned to it by the Administrator upon its formation. This is not the first time the Primary Action has been executed, nor is it expected to be the last."

- Chairman Odongo Tejani (Tanhony's Proposal)]

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

The Ethics Committee are responsible for reviewing applications for Ethics Assistant, Ethics Member and also the Department of Internal Security.

On another note, The Committee are responsible for fostering a positive Roleplaying environment and should be leading by example. They may need to commit to meetings with department leadership for performance reviews or to tackle any other issues in the interest of server health. They are extremely influential players who are responsible for helping Server Leadership maintain the server's RP Environment.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Greetings, I am Cairo.aic, a ver2.0 Artificially Intelligent Conscript used by the Ethics Committee for archival and communication purposes.
How can I help you today?​
> Access Clearance 5 Network​
Please keep in mind that the network is restricted to Ethics Committee Members only. If you don't fit this criteria, unfortunately I will have no option but to deploy Mobile Task Force Omega-1 ("Law's Left Hand"). Would you like to continue?
> Yes​
So be it. Do answer the following prompt: Red sun, setting low. A fire in the sky.
> The heavens paint themselves with flame.
Seems all fine.. biometrics match up. Good morning, Ethics Chairman Nakamura. What can I do for you?
> Provide me the incident report in relation to Whitaker's disappearance​
Standby . . . . . . displaying now.​
> EC:25-1053 - A.W. Incident Report (O5-10) <
. . .
. . .
. . .
> This file abruptly ends. Experience has taught me there is something more to this. Is there anything else relating to this?​
Chairman Remmy Marshall had a second file that was classified to only the Chairman. Do you want to see it?​
> Indeed.​
Displaying now . . .​
> EC:25-1053 - A.W. Incident Report (O5-10) - REVISION TWO <

> Have we received the voting results for the removal of Overseer 10?​
Yes, we have. Voting results are as follows:​
AYES: 26

> As expected. Place MTF Omega-1 on Grade I action-readiness and dispatch ███ to conduct the assassination. And, for the love of God, stress the urgency behind making sure it looks like an accident. That is all.​
Understood, Chairman.​
The lore written above has all occurred as a result of in-game RP, events and worldbuilding and is fully factual.​
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Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
Sceptre is an excellent candidate for ECM,

He is a competent and superb role-player and has proven himself on multiple occasions to fortify this statement, he also has 'event character' experience on the ECM job already, where he again, proved himself to be incredibly capable of upholding the standards of the role. I have no complaints if you were to be accepted. You are also an experienced ECA, which is a bonus.

Lore itself is fine, I cannot recall you ever minging or being a douche on the server.

Best of luck,

- Julien White
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Advanced Expert Civil Gamer
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 4, 2023
In most cases on this server, RP tends to be recycled over and over again from the past. Therefore, we're continually left with so few people who manage to create unique and interesting RP.

You happen to be one of them.


You've proven yourself well-deserving of this, your RP speaks to that.
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James Dingle

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jul 13, 2024

Sceptre has the ability to create meaningful and engaging roleplay, whether it be long term or short term.

I've had the pleasure of being involved in a lot of what he's been cooking up recently, and it's been an extremely enjoyable experience which is exactly what roleplay should be.

On top of that, he has an excellent understanding of what it takes to be an ECM with event character experience as well as ECA experience.

Sceptre would be a great asset, and is more than deserving of a shot at ECM in my opinion.

Best of luck in your application!
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Aug 13, 2023

Sceptre. You have done an amazing impact to Omega-1 and have surprised us with different things that you brought to the regiment by your own hand.

You have created and lead great Roleplay scenarios, and encouraged and sought that from each individual that you have interacted with.

You have had an event character working as an ECM and during your tenure with ethics, have seen and learned what it means to be an ECM. I mean you deserve a shot at ECM and I am sure you would make great use of that position with your ability to RP.

Go on
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