Zen's Permanent Staff Blacklist Appeal

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Name: Zen
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94216966
Previous Rank (convert if required): Senior Moderator
Who demoted you?: I haven't been told - possibly SSL?
Date of demotion?: Unknown - I was permanently blacklisted from staff and was only told of this when I tried to make a resignation appeal. I haven't been told when this occurred.
What server were you demoted from?: SCP UK
What is the case against you?:
According to @Sven Sky in Discord DMs:
Ah yes you have been permanently blacklisted due to your toxicity towards the Staff Team and the Server Content when something gets denied. As they put in a lot of work and discussion during meetings it disheartens them when someone insults them because of their joint decision. As of that NL had approved a Permanently blacklist from staff for your behaviour a few months ago. If you view your Appeal you can see Hollands message he sums the reason up pretty well there on why you have been blacklisted.

Is this true?: To a large extent, yes.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:
No. I wasn't demoted at all, I was blacklisted post resignation.
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: No.
What is your side of the story?:

I fully admit that I was rude a lot of the time when criticising staff/SL/Content Team decisions after resigning due to being unable to keep up activity requirements. While I feel like a lot of the criticism I gave was valid, I was needlessly rude and insulting a lot of the time when giving it, and sometimes was just outright insulting without actually giving any specific criticism. I have stopped doing altogether so after being insulted back by Yeke in a discussion about a recent change (regarding the removal of staff escalations).

In some instances, I was also needlessly argumentative with SL/CT regarding some decisions. Some of my criticisms were warranted and fair, but some were needlessly hostile and/or just extended past what was sensible (i.e. continuing to argue about it even once it becomes clear that SL/etc. are not going to change their minds and there isn't anything I can do about the decision).

Why should you return / what will you change?:
Regardless of whether I return, I intend to no longer be hostile or rude when attempting to provide criticism. It isn't necessary, it's rude, and it doesn't get me anywhere. I will still provide feedback/criticism/questions where I think it makes sense or I disagree with certain things, but I will no longer do so in the manner that I have done on various occasions over the past several months, and will not try to continue arguments and the like past when it becomes clear that it will not have any useful impact. I will also just generally try to not let things get to me like I have on some occasions - I might strongly disagree with SL/CT on some topics regarding the server, but at the end of the day, it's a Garry's Mod server, and it's unfortunately not a democracy, so there's nothing I can really do beyond provide my own viewpoints and suggestions and just let things go as they go.

I do wish to return to staff and Content Team in the future if possible - I had a lot of fun helping people out, dealing with people ruining things for others, and taking part in the Content Team discussions/decisions and the like, and I would like to do it again. I did have some issues with how certain things were done, though I believe a fair amount of them have since changed, and generally with some of the things that I have brought up in the past, I was just kind of being more dramatic than was necessary. If I do become staff again, I would also generally be more professional, as I had back when I was staff previously, on top of the changes I've already mentioned previously.

From our limited interactions, it appears you have formed a negative opinion of me without a clear reason, which is concerning given that I have made an effort to remain neutral and approachable with everyone. This is especially important to consider for someone aspiring to move beyond the role of Senior Moderator.

Your struggle with accepting criticism, along with a pattern of dismissing and insulting those around you, including the very group you are attempting to rejoin, raises serious concerns about your readiness for a staff position. At a time when the community needs strong and stable leadership, those stepping up must be capable of fostering collaboration and respect. Leadership is not about being right or wrong but about understanding that constructive criticism benefits everyone, not just one side.

As much as I would like to fully express my thoughts, I will maintain a professional approach and state that, at this time, I personally feel you are not yet prepared to take on a staff role.
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From our limited interactions, it appears you have formed a negative opinion of me without a clear reason, which is concerning given that I have made an effort to remain neutral and approachable with everyone. This is especially important to consider for someone aspiring to move beyond the role of Senior Moderator.

Your struggle with accepting criticism, along with a pattern of dismissing and insulting those around you, including the very group you are attempting to rejoin, raises serious concerns about your readiness for a staff position. At a time when the community needs strong and stable leadership, those stepping up must be capable of fostering collaboration and respect. Leadership is not about being right or wrong but about understanding that constructive criticism benefits everyone, not just one side.

As much as I would like to fully express my thoughts, I will maintain a professional approach and state that, at this time, I personally feel you are not yet prepared to take on a staff role.
My apologies, but I don't recognise who you are. Is there a different name I would have known you by?

EDIT: I believe you are .kore on Discord, and I have seen you talking at times, but I'm not sure I've ever interacted with you? I certainly don't have a negative opinion of you, I don't really know you at all.
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Aug 27, 2022
Same points as my last post,

You haven't improved 1.5 weeks ago you were still bashing the staff team, 2 weeks ago you were insulting the staff team.

if you had improved sure let the BL go away, and then the resignation appeal is a different discussion but these are the exact same points and the reason it was given.

Improve and show NL that you changed instead of shit talking and then 2 weeks later want to return to staff.
What are you going to do to prevent yourself to make rude/unnecessary comments again?
How can we trust that you are not going to leak or going around the backs of other staff members ( untrustworthy)?

- support, improve first, then take action. 1.5 weeks isn't enough time.

Best of luck
Same points as my last post,

You haven't improved 1.5 weeks ago you were still bashing the staff team, 2 weeks ago you were insulting the staff team.

if you had improved sure let the BL go away, and then the resignation appeal is a different discussion but these are the exact same points and the reason it was given.

Improve and show NL that you changed instead of shit talking and then 2 weeks later want to return to staff.
What are you going to do to prevent yourself to make rude/unnecessary comments again?
How can we trust that you are not going to leak or going around the backs of other staff members ( untrustworthy)?

- support, improve first, then take action. 1.5 weeks isn't enough time.

Best of luck
I have fully admitted to the rudeness in the OP and explained how I will change how I act. I don't think there's anything I can say beyond that. I can, however, understand if this would mean that I would need to wait a while longer before re-appealing, though that's up to whoever is deciding on this appeal.

Please, however, don't accuse me of leaking or anything of the sort. I have never done such a thing, and never will. There are various things that I know about from my time in Content Team that are still private and I have still not even hinted at them - and I never will. The entire issue here was purely me just being rude - being untrustworthy or leaking or anything of the sort is an entirely different issue that I don't believe I have given any reason to view me in such a way.
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
- support.
From what I am reading from not only members of our community, but member of the staff team I do not believe you should return. Hostility twords the staff team is never a good look. And then wanting to come back to the area of the server you have been criticizing. I see this as a major issues and possible future issues if you were to return. At this time, I don't think you should return. I think you should work on improving yourself as well as the community view you have placed on yourself.
- support.
From what I am reading from not only members of our community, but member of the staff team I do not believe you should return. Hostility twords the staff team is never a good look. And then wanting to come back to the area of the server you have been criticizing. I see this as a major issues and possible future issues if you were to return. At this time, I don't think you should return. I think you should work on improving yourself as well as the community view you have placed on yourself.
While I fully accept that I have been needlessly rude, giving criticism is an entirely valid thing to do. People don't give criticism to things because they hate them, they give criticism because they want it to change/improve. That's the point of being in Content Team - if I had no inputs or criticisms for anything, I wouldn't be a very good contributor to anything like that.
Aug 27, 2022
lease, however, don't accuse me of leaking or anything of the sort. I have never done such a thing, and never will. There are various things that I know about from my time in Content Team that are still private and I have still not even hinted at them - and I never will.
Where did i accuse you of leaking?

read the sentence

" How can we trust that you are not going to leak or going around the backs of other staff members ( untrustworthy)?"

do I say you did leak something no I'm just asking about how trustworthy you are and how we as a team can assure you wont leak or do something.

this is to prevent players for joining back with bad intentions etc.

didn't accuse you I ask a question

if I said how can we trust that you arent going to leak again that is an accusation.

being untrustworthy or leaking or anything of the sort is an entirely different issue that I don't believe I have given any reason to view me in such a way.

So you are saying that other issues that may arise aren't important for the outcome of your appeal. hmmp?

anyways I wont have a pointless discussion, this is what I meant with feedback or denial of stuff.

If you want to discuss this, feel free to reach out in dms in a friendly manner,

Where did i accuse you of leaking?

read the sentence

" How can we trust that you are not going to leak or going around the backs of other staff members ( untrustworthy)?"

do I say you did leak something no I'm just asking about how trustworthy you are and how we as a team can assure you wont leak or do something.

this is to prevent players for joining back with bad intentions etc.

didn't accuse you I ask a question

if I said how can we trust that you arent going to leak again that is an accusation.

So you are saying that other issues that may arise aren't important for the outcome of your appeal. hmmp?

anyways I wont have a pointless discussion, this is what I meant with feedback or denial of stuff.

If you want to discuss this, feel free to reach out in dms in a friendly manner,

My apologies if that wasn't what you meant, it just seemed like that was what you were accusing me of in your previous response.
- Support

One and a half week is not enough time to fix yourself. You need much more time before even being considered to return to a staff position. You are too hostile towards current staff, more specifically the content side. After I finished reading all your derogatory messages attached above, and from my own encounters, I wouldn't want to work alongside you.

- Support

One and a half week is not enough time to fix yourself. You need much more time before even being considered to return to a staff position. You are too hostile towards current staff, more specifically the content side. After I finished reading all your derogatory messages attached above, and from my own encounters, I wouldn't want to work alongside you.

If the problem is that it's not been long enough since these issues, I feel like keeping it at a permanent blacklist is maybe a bit much. I understand why it might be in place in the first place, but I feel like keeping it permanent is a bit excessive considering the scale of what I did in the first place, and that I have made effort to change that.

I'm also a bit confused as to what you mean by your own encounters, because I don't think I've spoken to you much since leaving staff. Looking at my messages that mention you, all I can see is some stuff about map bugs and some jokes about some in-game stuff.
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