Zen's Senior Moderator Resignation Appeal

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Name: Zen
Steam ID:
Previous Rank: Senior Moderator
Date of resignation?: Gave 7 days notice on 2024-10-06, left staff on ~2024-10-13
Why did you resign?:
I had been mainly playing the server and nothing else for months, so was getting burned out and wanted to do other stuff. I'd also just started back at university, so I didn't have the time for the other stuff I wanted to do and keeping up with staff reqs, so I resigned. I also felt that the sit reqs at the time (60/week) was somewhat unreasonable given the level of sits we usually had at the time, especially given my reduced ability to be on the server (the sits req has since been lowered to 40/week for TMod-SMod, along with a reduction of other ranks' sits reqs meaning more sits available for others).

Following my resignation, I reduced my time on the server a fair amount, and then later took a complete break for about a month as I had gotten tired of the server and wanted to take a break and possibly come back later. I have since returned and been active again.

Prior to this resignation, have you ever been demoted or resigned?: No. Following this resignation, I did however have a temporary staff blacklist due to not being able to complete my reqs for my final week (for the reasons described above).

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: No.
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I have become more interested in the server and have become active again both in Discord and on the server itself. I feel like I can likely meet the reqs with the amount of time I am currently able to be on the server. I want to return to helping out generally, and ideally want to rejoin Content Team when possible (depends on what rank I am returned as).
Aug 27, 2022
Hey @Zen,

Im going to be 100% honest towards you and keep in mind this is my opinion/perspective of you as a person.

First, you are a creative person. You come up with suggestions that are good and some that are not beneficial in the long run. Either way, you are a creative person and think about things before executing them.

But what I have seen is that you yourself can be a very Rude person,

You don't take feedback well, you go on a full-on discussion "rampage" time to time (not always) when something gets denied.

Coming back to being a rude person, especially towards the staff team, talking rudely about them in the mess hall, on discord etc.

i can legit list a full 3 page document of your trash talking staff only by looking up staff in Discord. But for the pleasure of the readers I will do all the ones within a 30 day period.


Alright so you called us Bozos and are actively shitting/ insulting staff this all within 2 week period. You can say you didnt read the context surrounding these messages but i did. it is your opinion with it fine but you do understand that if i say you are shit and you have a tumb in the ... for 0 reason i get in trouble for doing so?

We also have the long escalation discussion but for the sake of my senity if wont post that.
For now im - supporting your resignation you have shown a negligent towards the entire Staff team including SL and NL

You would be a great asset to the team ( content brain power), but your behavior is, in my eyes not acceptable and isn't fit for staff.

best of luck,


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