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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580742932

Discord name: Harvey9684

For how long have you played on MRP: 4 years

Are you a returning player?: Been back for around 3 weeks now

If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?:

NATO name (regiment and rank):Harvey ISAF SGM

USSR name (regiment and rank):London [Harvey] AG 1SGT

Civilian name: Harvey

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Quiet a few but not for around 3 and half years

Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?: I have a lot of experience I've been RC multiple times and have experienced every regiment also been in UHC in the past.

List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP: War criminal

What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?:SAS

What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?:2LT

What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment?: I have a lot of past experience especially in AG and SAS being a AG COL and SAS CPT. I am very good at running a regiment keeping it active and doing things like roster work etc that other people may not want to do.

List your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are that I am a very good leader when it comes to fighting in wars coming up with good strategy and tactics to win wars I also am very good in combat so I can teach other people combat in trainings etc. I am very active so I will be able to support low ranks and be able to rank them up giving them a good experience in the server. I take criticism well and like to know how to improve on something.

My weaknesses are that I am sometimes not strict enough on people when I need to be but I can easily work on that in the right situation

Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it: UHC MGEN, AG COL, SAS CPT, JAF CPT, 10th CPT, KGB SLT, multiple medals in the past and have a couple medals now.

What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?: Being a commissioned officer I will have to keep the roster up to date like sorting IDs out on the roster sorting promotions etc. Another is I will lead my regiment to try and get a win out of a bad situation. I will keep my regiment in check making sure people aren't messing around getting arrested making sure they are building FOBs in peacetime going on hacking missions, kidnapping missions and trainings.

What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?: Lack of COs to help the regiment stay strong. They need more skilled people with experience to help train people for example how to hack, getting better k/ds in wars.

Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?: I will be looking at future COs/SCOs in the regiment picking people out who I would think would be fit for the job. I will do training for people to improve kd, leadership skills and hacking skills

Thanks for taking the time reading my application.
Oct 18, 2023
- Harvey has had a lot of experience from being STS COL, and SAS CO. With this experience he can help get SAS into a better position.
- Currently SAS only have me and a 2LT, we are in need of more CO's especially with experience that can help out.
- Having spoken to Harvey I can say that he does have ideas for the regiment in the hopes of getting it into a position.
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