Content Suggestion Current state of SOP

Content Suggestions will be reviewed by Content Team weekly, please allow time as not everything can be reviewed at once.
This only depicts what i believe and countless other people believe is happening within the UK side of Nu7 and DEA.
If you have a different opinion on it let it be heard.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

The current (what i believe) mistreatment of the regiment Nu7 and empowerment of DEA in the content stand point.

A bit of back story. As some of you know Department of external affairs released merging MTF B1 and Intelligence department together due to correlating problems within tasks and other issues within. When DEA released it was mentioned that this was supposed to be a RP AND Combative department where they would interact with other GOIs and the Nu7 regiment would help out with these tasks as a combative unit for the protection of the site and surface.
Back then I expected them to have a good amount of equipment since it was a newly released department and it needed the attention yada yada yada.

Coming back to the present day the DEA have flopped a bit since its initial release and yet the department still receives even through its countless equipment more and more "buffs" to their loadouts meanwhile the Nu-7 Regiment received almost no POSITIVE change since 2021, the m14 and a field kit for the officer and a smoke + a Scranton for our specialist, meanwhile things just kept on breaking removal of our GRY SBR was a warranted change due to a sound bug but we were given a much weaker weapon just like that. The vehicle repair tool is still broken to this day and others i will say soon.

Meanwhile DEA received double loadouts which they can use to change between supportive role and combat role giving the newly recruited agents and operatives instant access to smoke grenades, flashbangs and 2 weapons to choose from, disguise kit, metal AND elastic handcuffs, weapon checker and a clipboard -- Meanwhile the Nu7 operatives get a CL3 keycard and a gun.

Lets move up a bit. Senior agent which can be obtained pretty easily gets a mk8 and a deployable shield with the standard "DEA kit" which contains [Weapon checker, Interrogate tool, elastic restraints, Metal handcuffs, clipboard], or he can get a ID card, access to drones AND a sticky grenade. Comparing this loadout to the Nu7 PVT - CPL is laughable since operative is a terrible role, medic is a very good role but just like the operative he has a gun, keycard but this time he has defibs and a med kit which somewhat balances this out and the Nu7 Specialist has a a lot improvements mainly he actually gets cuffs, weapon checker and interrogation tool and FINALLY access to flashbangs and smokes. But comparing this to the fact that you could have gotten the exact copy of this loadout as a DEA agent/operative is just sad.

Moving more up to the Field agent/Special agent... The field agent is a direct copy of Nu7 Marksman with a diffrent weapon (they also get a clipboard) and they have exact same access as a special agent but with a cl3 keycard. Meanwhile Special agent a CL4 gets the "DEA kit" a drone idcard, doorcharge and a fieldkit. While this could be comparable to the Nu7 officer right? NO! Why does he get a door charge id card and a drone and his own private job with a sniper rifle?

Moving up to DEA Manager... its literally the special agent so within DEA you have 10 CL4 jobs (excluding Director) compare this to the 4 slot nu7 officer job.

Moving even more up the DEA director and the Nu7 commander the jobs are pretty compareable considering its own specialties yes the Director has an extra doorcharge for no apparent reason but what can you do, the nu7 Commander atleast gets a shield (Even tho DEA have 5 shield slots).

Some extra points to take into consideration:
DEA agent with 5 slots gets a sticky grenade a advanced armory weapon that can kill BTRs/LAVs I do not believe any loudout equipment should do that as all 3 factions have limited recources on that account while a few silly DEA agents with a few grenades can take them out in a heartbeat.

I have not included the nu7 Autorifleman due to it being the less superior version of senior agent combative loudout.

For some reason the Nu7 operatives are lower in the hierarchy for some reason...

And we cannot forget the fact that getting these jobs within nu7 and other regiments is significantly harder and more time consuming than getting a permanent tryout at some random special agent the minimum time required to even see a smoke grenade within nu7 is 9 days and even worse for the CO jobs/ranks

(09/03/2025 04:00 Edit)
Why do you do this to me
sooo dea special agents also get even more advanced armory on spawn, dea manager aswell....
The manager gets a sniperrifle and the director gets a sniperrifle aswell... making the point about the nu7 commander and director obsolete. nice

Forgot to add the fact that they nerfed the only piece of nu7 equipment that helped with dealing with c1 holds...

This is mainly a wakeup call for content team to see that empowering a department is not a good balancing idea.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion :
The integrity of Departmental/Regimental standing and communication would improve
Jobs would get split equally instead of DEA being a "One for all" department

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The current DEA "Mains" would get angry over their loadouts being weaker

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I will write my conclusion here.

DEA and Nu7 have been fighting over control for a while now even before DEA was established back then Nu7 had control over surface negotiations, RP and weapons. After the disestablishment of B1 and Intel department DEA got the job of RP within other GOIs and nu7 have fallen short constantly being neglected while DEA, CI and GOC received buffs and updates. Ending this up with DEA gaining much of weaponry and equipment even though its proclaimed a RP department for negotiations and surface operations. Meanwhile Nu7 drew the short end of the stick and ended up slowly loosing specialized equipment and loosing its purpose where members leave to other regiments / departments due to them being simply able to join DEA and feeling like they haven't left anything, still being part of SOP and gaining even stronger weaponry.

Personal notes:
Yes harry and skinner this is me coping.
Max I'm excluding the jug problem for a different time.
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Jul 10, 2023
I don’t disagree at all with the notion that Nu-7 has been neglected by the content team, however I don’t think it’s fair to look at DEA and blame them for the content state of Nu-7.

Content team have had many different options to make Nu-7 feel good to play, yet they refuse to do anything. These changes wouldn’t be particularly hard either, I can list some now.

- Give Nu-7 a tank spawn on a longer cooldown than the LAV. Tank stats could be tweaked, but even suggesting that this would be OP is laughable as CI can get matadors or a BTR to combat it, and it’s purely equipment for surface.

- Nu-7 should have their own juggernaut role really. The constant reason given by content team that they don’t is that “Foundation have numbers” which is quite honestly a lie most of the time. Nu-7’s juggernaut wouldn’t need to be on the same level as CI’s, they just need something for raiding CI.

- I see no issue with giving Nu-7 access to smoke airstrikes and care packages. Some people may say this detracts from GOC, but GOC’s uniqueness does not come from having airstrikes, and they would retain the offensive airstrikes anyway.

Overall, I don’t believe that this issue stems from DEA getting more toys to play with. Content team just need to stop making up excuses to deny Nu-7 anything unique.

There is clearly growing animosity from Nu-7 towards content team, so I believe it’s probably time to talk to them and figure out why they’re so neglected.
Apr 6, 2023
GOC = Air Superiority/Power-Projection

CI = Guerrilla Warfare/Strike-Tactics

SOP = Armoured Warfare/Defence in Depth

This is how Surface should be balanced. Instead? It is like this.

GOC = Air Superiority/Armoured-Warfare

CI = Mass-Assault/Strike-Tactics

SOP = Guerrilla Warfare/Defence in Depth

I would propose solutions but I am really fucking tired. For a later date.
GOC = Air Superiority/Power-Projection

CI = Guerrilla Warfare/Strike-Tactics

SOP = Armoured Warfare/Defence in Depth

This is how Surface should be balanced. Instead? It is like this.

GOC = Air Superiority/Armoured-Warfare

CI = Mass-Assault/Strike-Tactics

SOP = Guerrilla Warfare/Defence in Depth

I would propose solutions but I am really fucking tired. For a later date.
this ^^^
Jul 30, 2022
Can you clarify what exactly you want? I can't tell what you are even suggesting. Do you want Nu-7 buffed? DEA nerfed? I only get that you dislike how much attention DEA is getting (which is fair), but then you say:
The current DEA "Mains" would get angry over their loadouts being weaker

Where in your post are you suggesting nerfs? All you seem to be doing is that you're pointing out that DEA is A LOT better equipped than Nu-7 (Which again, is fair), but no specifics to what you want done. Please tell us exactly what you'd like, if possible.
Jan 16, 2022
As was pointed out above, there are no actual changes proposed here, except for "nerf DEA and make NU7 better", which I also believe is a bad suggestion.
On a typical day, (At least on UK, where you play), NU7 outnumbers DEA by a fairly good margin. It is very clear that despite NU7 being so underpowered, as you say, you still receive higher numbers of people, so clearly there is some naturally higher interest in NU7 than DEA. This doesn't mean you don't deserve a buff, but also doesn't mean DEA needs a nerf (and it's a counterargument to your whole post basically).
Now for more nitpicky stuff!
(These will go in somewhat order of your points)
- Due to the difference in how DEA nad NU7 operate, senior agents are the equivalent to a NCO/SNCO role, fitting in with your job id auto rifleman.
- DEA received a field agent job because of two reasons; to allow higher ranking dea to be on a lower ranking job, and thus it being less bad to be on surface (kidnaps and all), but also to limit the amount of snipers. DEA used to have the dsr within a secondary loadout on SPA, but that was removed, and chances of it coming back are slim.
- Door charges *should* be available to jobs unlocked lower than SPA, if you need them you could always go on that job (unless I'm misremembering and there isn't a job like that). I would say that, with how little we can track regular agents, door charges can't be given to them or stuff will happen that shouldn't. Further, DEA is meant to ensure infobreaches don't occur, thus the need for a door charge.
- DEA CL4 have more slots due to how we operate, and how everything works. If you're NU7 LT, and go on any job at all, you retain your rank and authority . This does not happen with DEA, and so the jobs shouldn't be comparable; you retain your status whilst having a different loadout.

(I'd like to quickly interject that this suggestion seems really hostile for a reason, which doesn't really make it better)

- Reffer to points above for door charge related issues
- Reffer to point one for the issues of small differences
- Some things may require DEA to have a higher superiority that MTF's, we are somewhat of a investigative department, similar to ISD, but operate in different areas which sometimes is within site
- Again, issue of MTF Vs departmental jobs, it's faster to get to spa than CO, but that's because DEA has 2 ranks in between, and MTF's have 6. Issue of how the jobs work, sorry 🤷‍♂️
- Today's edit of 09/03 I do not understand, please do elaborate
- You are also calling a bug fix, designed to stop people from BREAKING RULES, an NU7 nerf. I'm sorry but this is just insane.
Yeah the more I read into this I've realised that this is just a hostile suggestion post, you've rambled on and on about things and then wrote
The current DEA "Mains" would get angry over their loadouts being weaker
This is not only a horrendous way to phrase it, but you also appear to not care about any other negatives.
I kind of now regret spending time on explaining this on not the suggestion, itself being okay, people have the right to express how they feel about this, but it's formatting and wording. I'd expect better.

- support for the above reasons.
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2022

With all respect, what you typed here isn't a suggestion it is a collective opinion and complaint towards the content team and the "disbalance" of Nu-7 and DEA.

I suggest making either a server Content complaint for the balance of Nu7 or a complaint towards the whole of content team / leads

Also suggest Buffs / nerfs, as right now, it is just a post with complaints and an explanation behind it.

Forgot to add the fact that they nerfed the only piece of nu7 equipment that helped with dealing with c1 holds...

Additionally the shield was changed to nerf juggernaut and other high HP classes primarily. While it is an indirect nerf to autorifleman. It is a larger indirect nerf to CI.

Best regards,
Content member,

mmmmhmm go make a suggestion for guns that you seem fitting for nu7 and talk with the CO team about changes, maybe they will be accepted.
i dont think a minor gun change / addition would be a valuable fix it would just be a bandaid for the lack of control nu7 have over any of their turf due to DEA being the new wonderchild which has taken stuff both RP and content stuffs from nu7 this needs to be handled from both sides
Right to clear alot of confusion up ill go 1 by 1 and answer most of these concerns/questions.
"The current DEA "Mains" would get angry over their loadouts being weaker"

Where in your post are you suggesting nerfs? All you seem to be doing is that you're pointing out that DEA is A LOT better equipped than Nu-7 (Which again, is fair), but no specifics to what you want done. Please tell us exactly what you'd like, if possible.

"The current DEA "Mains" would get angry over their loadouts being weaker"

This is not only a horrendous way to phrase it, but you also appear to not care about any other negatives.
I kind of now regret spending time on explaining this on not the suggestion, itself being okay, people have the right to express how they feel about this, but it's formatting and wording. I'd expect better.
To clarify why i said that DEA loadouts would be weaker i would mean the fact that IF nu7 were to receive a substantial update the DEA would have a weaker loadout than nu7 and its safe to say DEA would also demand more afterwards.

Note for welper please list other negatives, i had a hard time finding them.
make a suggestion to buff Nu-7 and nerf DEA and be specific, and give reasons for each change.

I mean, DEA made a suggestion and got a buff, why can't you do it?
Can you clarify what exactly you want? I can't tell what you are even suggesting. Do you want Nu-7 buffed? DEA nerfed? I only get that you dislike how much attention DEA is getting

With all respect, what you typed here isn't a suggestion it is a collective opinion and complaint towards the content team and the "disbalance" of Nu-7 and DEA.

I suggest making either a server Content complaint for the balance of Nu7 or a complaint towards the whole of content team / leads

While I agree with Holland that I should have made this into a complaint instead of a suggestion at the same time I do not believe it should be a complaint against the content team / leads, after all we are all human and since technically the content team are volunteers i do not believe they are at fault for not realizing this before. That's why this was posted in the suggestion section to suggest the content team to overview their current look over the SOP and actually get their content together.

To answer Niox on the "I mean, DEA made a suggestion and got a buff, why can't you do it?", There were countless suggestions regarding Nu7 buffs, ill list some here and explain their denial.

Nu-7 Juggernaut - "Foundation has numbers"
Nu-7 access to the tactical tablet - "Takes away from GOC, the current state of nu7 is fine"
Nu-7 Anti-TB/TG job - "Nu7 Are currently in a fine state"
Nu-7 TB - The person withdrew the suggestion after getting hateful comments
Nu-7 Tank - "Already have the LAV and would be too OP for the current surface"
Nu-7 Jobs getting elastic restraints - "Takes away from DEA + you can dispense them"

I believe these examples are sufficient enough as why more suggestions weren't made. Every single Nu7 positive change got denied.
- You are also calling a bug fix, designed to stop people from BREAKING RULES, an NU7 nerf. I'm sorry but this is just insane.

Additionally the shield was changed to nerf juggernaut and other high HP classes primarily. While it is an indirect nerf to autorifleman. It is a larger indirect nerf to CI.​

To elaborate on the shield "Bug fix". When it comes to head glitching it was never the issue of the shield and always the issue of the head while looking left with a gun sticking out to the right not being able to be seen. The only thing this change changed was a stationary open shields being lower thus allowing easier shots on the upper body and as to why this would not affect High HP classes is due to them being able to be constantly healed and not prone to being 1shot by a guy with a machine gun while being behind the shield.
Heres an example on GM construct :
What the camera sees :
What I see :

The Z axis with the shield was never the issue to begin with.

Moving to the Ron questions:

As was pointed out above, there are no actual changes proposed here, except for "nerf DEA and make NU7 better", which I also believe is a bad suggestion.
On a typical day, (At least on UK, where you play), NU7 outnumbers DEA by a fairly good margin. It is very clear that despite NU7 being so underpowered, as you say, you still receive higher numbers of people, so clearly there is some naturally higher interest in NU7 than DEA. This doesn't mean you don't deserve a buff, but also doesn't mean DEA needs a nerf (and it's a counterargument to your whole post basically).
I never stated that DEA should be nerfed, instead I stated that DEA keep on getting buffs while Nu-7 tag along with 2021 loudouts with minor changes. At the same time just like you said this shouldn't be as a factor that "Nu-7 are doing good they don't need changes" but "DEA have low numbers lets buff them to gather attention" should also not be a norm where a department/regiment does good = bye bye updates and Department/regiment is doing bad = buff buff buff.

- Door charges *should* be available to jobs unlocked lower than SPA, if you need them you could always go on that job (unless I'm misremembering and there isn't a job like that). I would say that, with how little we can track regular agents, door charges can't be given to them or stuff will happen that shouldn't. Further, DEA is meant to ensure infobreaches don't occur, thus the need for a door charge.

- Reffer to points above for door charge related issues
I agree that DEA should have door charges yes however that doesn't mean every single job should have it just like we have it only on specialist , dea instead have it on almost every cl4 job and (to my knowledge) 1 CL 3 job
- Reffer to point one for the issues of small differences
Small differences don't matter too much but considering the fact that DEA have access to double the utilities of a MTF that supposed to be mostly combative against both SCPs and people on surface is crazy to me, Have your drones for recon spy cards for disguises even door charges for getting into houses but tell me why do you have a Sticky grenade that's literally considered advanced armory (Now on 3 spawn jobs). Meanwhile Nu-7 and other MTF regiments have 0 utility to do their job other than... gun.
- Again, issue of MTF Vs departmental jobs, it's faster to get to spa than CO, but that's because DEA has 2 ranks in between, and MTF's have 6. Issue of how the jobs work, sorry 🤷‍♂️
I get that getting a MTF rank is harder than departmental jobs, however do you not agree that people that spend more time within a community should be rewarded more than some guy that played for 3 days got senior agent and never logged on again?
- Today's edit of 09/03 I do not understand, please do elaborate
I was writing this suggestion prior to the 09/03 DEA buff and that was my reaction my previous point of DEA Director being somewhat balanced out regarding equipment with the Nu-7 Commander got thrown away due to the fact that the job got a free sniper rifle that others have to buy from the gun dealer. and 2 jobs received once again Sticky Grenades on respawn that are part of advanced armory + that weapon which i believe it is a sniper rifle.

mmmmhmm go make a suggestion for guns that you seem fitting for nu7 and talk with the CO team about changes, maybe they will be accepted.
Changing weapons again and again every time there's new regimental / departmental command is stupid and shouldn't be endorsed
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I can only speak for the US server as someone who has played a lot of surface and DEA

NU7 is and will always be stronger than dea thats how it works, they lose their identity otherwise. DEA was underpowered recently imo and now after much disccusion and begging with SL now has dea gotten some much needed changes. This dosent suddenly make nu7 weak. Nu7 is the main fighting force that repels CI and GOC while dea has a weaker loadout which focuses on RP and negotations. Nu7 have tanks, their own medics, generally more players on due to being a MTF. I think this suggestion is wrong only on the fact that you dont seem to understand the roles of NU7 and DEA.

also in general I believe that most of the problems Nu7 have can be fixed ic with cooperation from the whole of surface. I also believe that surface needs a rework but i doubt that will happen anytime soon