Stop the chat spam and slight improvements to new player experience

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Improves the new player experience and also removes the constant chat spam

1: slows down the amount of random BS that is spammed in chat by the server like 'Hey wanna join the trainee programme!!' every 2 minutes along with the constant links to the discord / anything else that is constantly spammed into the chat (Or at least have an option to turn them off)

2: Add back the decals in base and around the training rooms linking people to the discord / ts (It is in some places on some maps but not all)

3: Add tips when people join for new players to be able to improve performance, the performance when the server is active and even sometimes when it isnt if you are in laggy areas such as base or a huge FOB is borderline unplayable at times, especially for people who dont have amazing PC's and optimised settings, adding a guide somewhere for new players to be taught things like /FPS and Chromium x64 to stop their game from crashing every hour would be a good start as many new players complain about their performance and game crashing constantly without knowing the problems. Again it doesnt FIX the issue however it provides an avenue for new players to understand that these issues can be somewhat addressed by them before they quit due to thinking the server is borderline unplayable for them.

In my case, when i first joined the sever it wasnt until i reached around MSGT, that i learnt i could fix the issue of my game crashing every 1-2 hours and assumed it was an unfixable issue for me before it was recommended to me to use chromium x64.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- less chat spam
- hopefully improved player retention and slightly better experience for them with minimal effort

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- none....

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
makes the server more friendly to new players and shows them that there are fixes for their issues instead of them having to ask for help or leaving thinking the server is unplayable for them
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