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  1. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [US] Recker's DoIA Application

    Best of luck to your Recker!
  2. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Director of Internal Affairs Application

    READ THIS FIRST!: The lore section is attributed to those specifically in IA who have made an impact on me, the first friends I have made in the server. You guys are awesome and while some of you aren't around anymore, know that I still appreciate what you've done for me and hope to see you...
  3. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    It is realistic to some degree though. But I am of the mindset that balance always outweighs realism, it's important for the game to be enjoyable more than feel real
  4. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Orca's DoM Application [USA]

    +Support Most Active Consultant Phenomenal medical lead Great RP scenarios The most appropriate pick for DoM at the moment. She's the most active and her contributions to medical department have been noticeable through the subordinate doctors and combat medics I have encountered. Every time...
  5. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] John "Survivor" Maverick's Site Advisor Application

    +Support Great E-11 COM More than fit for more Sr CL 4 I'd like to see Maverick move up in the chain and perform. He's lead E-11 in a great direction with little issues and with him in SA, he can push all other departments and regiments into a good direction.
  6. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Skyfire's 3rd Site Director Application

    +Support Has been SA ever since I started playing Fantastic job in all his roles Very Professional and collected I see no reason why Skyfire shouldn't get Director, when I think of SA as a whole, I think of Skyfire as he is in my mind, the figurehead of the department. His time in SA has...
  7. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Combat Medics - Elastic Restraints

    How is cuffing D-Class not a supportive role? And why is it such a big deal for them help fill in GSD shoes if understaffed? CM's on US can escort tests and do pretty much anything GSD can. They play an incredibly important role in healing and reviving fallen MTF during code 1's and 5's and GSD...
  8. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    Even though it's literally a real thing
  9. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Speed up chemical analysis

    +Support Helpful tip if you guys don't know: If you're ID'ing lets say 20 liters of potent for example, you can ID one flask, so it says 1000mL's of Potent, put a click worth in an empty flask from an unidentified flask of potent, and then put a click worth from the ID'd flask into the...
  10. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] GENSEC Captain

    +Support Would like to see Felix train the subordinate GSD personnel.
  11. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Giving IA more keycards

    It's true ?. I see agents and operatives run around with their card out and just enable the disguise in the middle of D-Block like... W H Y!!!!!!!????
  12. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Combat Medics - Elastic Restraints

    Combat medic is literally just Better GSD Officer at this point. Combat medics don't really do much outside of D-Block duties and Code 1 situations. It makes sense for them to get restraints. I don't know what UK IA is going on about zone restrictions or whatever, but it sounds kiiinda lame...
  13. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    As a member of Internal Affairs who doesn't go outside or touches grass, how can any of you confidently say you don't enjoy being one shotted by someone 200 yards away with no way to tell their location? No way to counter or avoid said event from transpiring? I say, cope. In all seriousness...
  14. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    If you don't know me than why even leave a comment? You're just regurgitating what people have previously stated with no actual context.
  15. Former Ambassador Sledge

    Denied Giving IA more keycards

    Here are some major issues with this 1. We don't need to have 3 more items in our inventory to scroll through 2. If you're being ID checked, you should show your actual ID anyway. 3. Getting 3-4 keycards won't actually help in disguising since they won't have the name of the job you're...
  16. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    Almost happened Pupper, just ask Walter, Marvin, Randal, or half of E-11.
  17. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    Fair enough Shark, Fair enough.
  18. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    I'm waiting for that one guy who always checks to see if the app was AI generated and posts a bunch of screenshots that say something like "This post was 50% likely to been generated by AI!!!"
  19. Former Ambassador Sledge

    [USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    I say the goofiest stuff on discord lmao. Plus I've already had these things addressed forever ago.